Tell me why Wisconsin, Michigan, and UNC...

I expect improvement, but this team is also dangerously thin at some key spots. Ten wins should be a sensible expectation, but I'm not going to start a website if Miami wins nine and plays for the ACC title. Winning the division is my bottom line this season, 9-11 wins will do that, I think 10 will be the number Miami ends up with, providing the injury bug doesn't bite overly hard.
Miami 35 - App St. 7. This is the game when people will say, "oh ****".
Nobody will care if we blow out App State. That's why it's terrible scheduling. Nothing for winning but if you struggle then you look stupid

I'll care. this team has not come in first or second place only 4 times since 1989 in their division (a division that has Ga. Southern who got Muffcramp fired a few years ago from UF). They won consecutive NCAA Division 1 championships 3 years in a row from 05-07. We ain't exactly been killing it when we lose to Cincinatti you know. If we blow them out at their stadium, I'll have higher hopes. I don't care what nobody says. This ain't Miami from 2001 no matter how bad you want them to be.
Let's get everyone on record.
Someone start the game/season prediction thread.
Miami 35 - App St. 7. This is the game when people will say, "oh ****".
Nobody will care if we blow out App State. That's why it's terrible scheduling. Nothing for winning but if you struggle then you look stupid
It's awesome scheduling. We have a new offense and defense being implemented and many freshman playing. We're given three warm up games to get better before conference play

On top of that, hopefully, we can get our suspensions out of the way before we have to play anyone with a pulse. With Richt's penchant for suspensions, I'm hoping we open every season with a couple cupcakes.
I expect improvement, but this team is also dangerously thin at some key spots. Ten wins should be a sensible expectation, but I'm not going to start a website if Miami wins nine and plays for the ACC title. Winning the division is my bottom line this season, 9-11 wins will do that, I think 10 will be the number Miami ends up with, providing the injury bug doesn't bite overly hard.

If we lose to FSU, UNC and VT with 9 wins we will not win the Coastal.
...Winning the division is my bottom line this season, 9-11 wins will do that...

Miami must run the ACCCD table if they want to guarantee an ACCCG appearance. Lose a single ACCCD contest, and they have to rely on help beyond their control to make it.

Win every snap of every game in the ACCCD.

Go Canes.
This thread is 1 to 2 years to early.

In a couple of years CMR will have solid backups at every position including the most important one on the field (QB) -Plenty of DBs and plenty of everything else. We aint there yet. This team was lucky to win 8 last year (miracle in Doook--OT vs Neb). I remember the days when I had no doubt we would win every week,we dont have that type of team yet-85 players strong.

Hoping for 12-0 but regardless of what happens this year the future is bright.
The only reason Miami does not win 10 games is an early season-ending injury to Kaaya. Loss of a potential first round pick at QB is a rough blow for all but a few elite teams.

FSU and UNC are home games, in a packed newly-renovated NFL stadium.

VaTech is on the road, but even Al Golden won at Blacksburg. New Hokies HC Fuente is a wildcard - will VT make a quick rebound from their performance of the past few seasons under Beamer? They may improve but do not have the same level talent on the field or on the sideline. The quick 5-day turnaround after the home game against UNC make the game a little tougher in terms of preparation.

Notre Dame on the road is a tough game. The Irish lost some talent but Kelly is a very good coach.

The Cloud has lifted.

No more quitters.

No more excuses.
This thread is 1 to 2 years to early.

In a couple of years CMR will have solid backups at every position including the most important one on the field (QB) -Plenty of DBs and plenty of everything else. We aint there yet. This team was lucky to win 8 last year (miracle in Doook--OT vs Neb). I remember the days when I had no doubt we would win every week,we dont have that type of team yet-85 players strong.

Hoping for 12-0 but regardless of what happens this year the future is bright.

We were lucky to beat Duke? Negged.
Why did we even hire Richt and fire Golden if we don't expect Richt is going to do any better (and some of you mouth breathers are even predicting a worse season)

It will all come down to mental toughness for this team.

Physically, we have the specimens to compete (and win) against anyone on our schedule and beyond.

But will the wide-open receiver drop the wide open pass (ex: Phillip Dorsett toasting the ND Corner on our first offensive play last time we played them -- and then dropping a wide open pass; Scott WSU Bowl game)? Will we continue to be plagued by dumb false starts and unsportsmanlike penalties?

I think that will either make or break this team and is what separates the good from the elite.
I just proved with that 3 team list that you don't have to be "elite" to win 10 games. We don't have to be perfect or he the mentally toughest team in football. We just have to improve some.

No disrespect, but those teams were light years ahead of us when it came to mental tougheness. We literally aren't even on the same page as them when it comes to penalties. Of the Top 20 most penalized teams in College (we were second), only 1 won more than 10 games.

Wisconsin was especially sound.

Still, no one our team (not counting Coley's HB pass in the bowl game) came close to the Michigan punters eff up.

How do you know how mentally tough Wisconsin and NC were?

against unc we weren't... but this new regime I believe will have them mentally tough and ready. When we play unc, fsu, & nd, we are beating the first 2 for sure...I BELIEVE, AND nd... I feel a shocker sorry, my glasses are way ON!!! Let the Games Begin... we are loaded in key positions let alone a QB who's ready for prime time with his new Coach at his disposal, Big Things about to Happen,,,We Back!!
I expect improvement, but this team is also dangerously thin at some key spots. Ten wins should be a sensible expectation, but I'm not going to start a website if Miami wins nine and plays for the ACC title. Winning the division is my bottom line this season, 9-11 wins will do that, I think 10 will be the number Miami ends up with, providing the injury bug doesn't bite overly hard.

If we lose to FSU, UNC and VT with 9 wins we will not win the Coastal.

You're making the assumption that Miami loses to all three. FSU and UNC are home games, and Miami has been on a roll against VTech recently. Miami has a better chance of winning all three of those games, than losing all three. Miami will most likely go 2-1 in that stretch, with the VT game being the one loss. Remember, UNC also has FSU as one of their crossover games, which takes away the one advantage they had last season(They had a weak as **** crossover schedule). Miami, if they can hold serve at home, and beat the teams on the road they are supposed to, will be in good position to win the division. Virginia Tech has Syracuse and BC as crossovers, but they aren't nearly as talented as UNC. VT is relying on a Juco QB, and while there are weapons, there's going to be some major changes in regards to the system.
Miami 35 - App St. 7. This is the game when people will say, "oh ****".
Nobody will care if we blow out App State. That's why it's terrible scheduling. Nothing for winning but if you struggle then you look stupid

I'll care. this team has not come in first or second place only 4 times since 1989 in their division (a division that has Ga. Southern who got Muffcramp fired a few years ago from UF). They won consecutive NCAA Division 1 championships 3 years in a row from 05-07. We ain't exactly been killing it when we lose to Cincinatti you know. If we blow them out at their stadium, I'll have higher hopes. I don't care what nobody says. This ain't Miami from 2001 no matter how bad you want them to be.

That second sentence is false. App St never finished second in 1-AA (FCS), and only won it those 3 times you mentioned.
Why did we even hire Richt and fire Golden if we don't expect Richt is going to do any better (and some of you mouth breathers are even predicting a worse season)

...can win 10+ games last year but we can't expect 10 here.

Wisconsin was on its 3rd HC in 4 years. First year HC. No QB. Zero passing threat. P5 conference. 10 wins.

New HC at Michigan. Bad QB that Iowa dumped. Coming off a 5 win season. They won 10.

UNC was engulfed in NCAA ****. Coming off a 7 or 8 win season. Embattled HC. They win 11.

Poor mouthers, tell me why UM can't expect to do at least as well as sorry *** Wisconsin.

I believe we can win 10 with a veteran coach and the talent we have. only issue is the linebackers, but they have been here in January, plus for them. They are close and are warriors.

We have some issues for sure. Do you think Wisconsin, Michigan and UNC were issue-free going into last season?

Michigan for all their hype has a huge gaping hole at QB. Gimme Kaaya, the skill guys around him, our Dline and that ACC schedule. I think we go Bo Derek(10 wins)
Miami 35 - App St. 7. This is the game when people will say, "oh ****".
Nobody will care if we blow out App State. That's why it's terrible scheduling. Nothing for winning but if you struggle then you look stupid

I'll care. this team has not come in first or second place only 4 times since 1989 in their division (a division that has Ga. Southern who got Muffcramp fired a few years ago from UF). They won consecutive NCAA Division 1 championships 3 years in a row from 05-07. We ain't exactly been killing it when we lose to Cincinatti you know. If we blow them out at their stadium, I'll have higher hopes. I don't care what nobody says. This ain't Miami from 2001 no matter how bad you want them to be.

You're exactly right. Just because people on this forum fail to realize that App State is much more respected in the CFB community, doesn't mean that it's so. App State was ranked higher than Cincy last year and has preseason votes coming into this season. That is a sign of respect from the CFB community. Beating them means something. Ga Tech, Va Tech, Duke, NC State, and Virginia are all conference opponents that haven't garnered the same type of respect that App State has coming into 2016. Lucky for us, they're playing Tennessee to start out the season so we'll have a good idea of what they'll be coming at us with.
I have been saying for months now that if a team like UNC was a couple bounces of the football away from a playoff, why not Miami this year???

People here love to say that the ACC sucks (especially the coastal) and that Golden was the worst coach ever.

Well, the ACC still sucks and we have a good coach now.
We also have one of the best returning QBs in the country and play makers on both side of the ball.
We all should expect this team to turn it around immediately. 10 wins are there and it is up to the Canes to take them.
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I really don't understand reporters picking us at 8 wins. We lost Scott, Burns and Bush. That's it. We won 4 games last year with a TE coach and they see no improvement? Sure they say we'll be better and then still pick 8 games. Looking at you Porter.

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Makes no sense to me how anyone who calls himself a football fan or reporter could go into this season expecting us to have the same record we had last year.

Not only were we coachless for half the season, but the toxicity surrounding the program was unprecedented in history. The players were completely beat down and unmotivated by the circus that UM had allowed to continue.

We have one of the best QBs in college football, yet no one wants to account for that huge advantage.

Yup UNC has a former walkon STARTER at WLB went to New Smyrna no offers. Great tough kid from a great tough family but 6-1 depth. I told his dad to watch old youtubes of FSU from late 90s to get a feel for what's coming his boys way.. Cole Holcomb