Does Anyone Really Care About Kayaa's Decision?

Had the great Cane, Ken Dorsey, played behind the offensive lines that Brad Kaaya has played behind chances are almost 100% he would barely be remembered, and then, only as a run of the mill signal caller. Further, had Ken endured a small fraction of the hits that Brad has taken, with confidence, he wouldn’t have ever played a full season.

Brad Kaaya is a warrior and leader who is one of toughest Canes to ever wear a “U” on the side of their helmets. His leadership/actions inspires the whole team.

Brad can accurately make all the throws (when given time) and much like Ken Dorsey he is an articulate student of the game. He not only understands where to distribute the ball, but understands the reasons why to do so.

Sadly and much to the detriment to the program, a goodly percentage of the Canes fan base has dissolved into a mob. A mob that does nothing but look for reasons to belittle and attack every facet of the program. Ultimately, this development has the potential to further erode the program, especially when our new next door neighbors, Kiffin, Strong and Davis, tells recruits and current players all the love and respect they’ll get by joining them.

Should Brad Kaaya opt for the NFL it will be a significant hit to next year’s team…and based on the fact that the mob now regularly attacks Brad I suspect this will be a major factor in his decision to stay or go. Had this same mob existed back in the day I doubt very seriously that the old school Canes would have anywhere near the loyalty for the program they currently exude, which does not bode well for Canes players of this era and beyond.

Wow....just wow. Lots of work put into that troll piece, I'll give you that.
So now the narrative is that people wanted Dorsey to go so we could move into the Berlin era? Huh? The following is the truth, not some revisionist bull**** to for an agenda.

Berlin, when the rumors started, he was seen as a Gator. We know our history there, it wasn't pure excitement with most saying we don't need their castoffs. It's pretty much the same reaction people have nowadays with regards to players who can't crack the depth chart elsewhere.

Once it became official though, people came around in that they looked at his prep accomplishments and dropped the entire cast off of UF line.

Dorsey was absolutely loved here. Some still to this day feel that When he got his bell ring Crudup should've gotten his shot. Nobody was saying start him over Dorsey, not one.

So with Berlin came optimism, not the sense he would completely replace Dorsey, but his accolades had to mean something.....right? We were college football's death star, nobody saw us slipping.

I think soccer mom started drinking early at the PTA social because this makes no sense. What, do you think the coaches will purposely play the wrong player? "You know, Allison is playing way better than Kaaya but let's keep benching him because I want to spite some message board pseudo fan."

For a Senior QB with 38 starts and program records under his belt to get benched, he would have to get outplayed in practice by an astronomical amount to lose his job to a freshman who's never played a down. And that's with the backup QB getting far fewer reps.

Barring injuries or a complete mental meltdown, it wouldn't happen.

So a coach, who's job is to win games, is going to purposely put himself and his team at a disadvantage? Seems to me that you play the best QB you have. Not the guy who's been there the longest. If the other guys are so much better and Kaaya is soooo terrible, he'll lose the starting position to a vastly superior underclassman.

Where did I say Kaaya was terrible?

When have you seen a three-year starter at QB who played well lose his job to a freshman in practice?
Kayaa's experience makes this a better team next year if he stays. Moreover, while I think he himself would concede he has not achieved everything he had hoped to accomplish this year, he is OUR QB and a Hurricane. Therefore, I hope he stays unless he and his family believe that leaving is better for him.

We all have a right to an opinion but, respectfully, posts like the OP's do not ingratiate our fan base with recruits or their families.

Go Canes!
It is much better that Brad come back. He might be the only player who did not benefit from getting rid of Golden. Our defense got simpler and therefore faster. Mark's like have Brad make extra read for the run/pass option slowed him down. Maybe that hurt.
False... there was a sizable minority on Canes message boards in 2002 as it became apparent that the team was not playing up to its perceived capabilities that were excited about the notion of moving on from Dorsey. In fact, he received a fair amount of criticism locally because he didn't play perfectly in the eyes of the fans, not only on message boards but on talk radio and even some national press.
So now the narrative is that people wanted Dorsey to go so we could move into the Berlin era? Huh? The following is the truth, not some revisionist bull**** to for an agenda.

Berlin, when the rumors started, he was seen as a Gator. We know our history there, it wasn't pure excitement with most saying we don't need their castoffs. It's pretty much the same reaction people have nowadays with regards to players who can't crack the depth chart elsewhere.

Once it became official though, people came around in that they looked at his prep accomplishments and dropped the entire cast off of UF line.

Dorsey was absolutely loved here. Some still to this day feel that When he got his bell ring Crudup should've gotten his shot. Nobody was saying start him over Dorsey, not one.

So with Berlin came optimism, not the sense he would completely replace Dorsey, but his accolades had to mean something.....right? We were college football's death star, nobody saw us slipping.

I think soccer mom started drinking early at the PTA social because this makes no sense.

I'll simplify it for you since you apparently need it done.

Dorsey was beloved.

NOBODY (I'm not going to count the certifiably insane here) thought he should be benched in favor of someone else.

Fiesta, some will always wonder if he should've come back in at the end, backup maybe should've stayed in.

Berlin was a Gate, we don't want their castoffs.

Berlin says he's coming, narratives change from that Gate trash to look at all his high school hype.

Dorsey leaves, everyone thinks we'll keep it moving with Berlin since nobody at that time could fathom otherwise. We're the U, we don't rebuild, we reload.

Now debate that moron.
I didn't read the 8 pages but yes, I care about his decision.

Kaaya isn't a transcendent player but I think he gives us the best chance to win at least 10 games and get to the ACCCG. If we play anyone else at QB, it will be another "rebuilding" year.
I didn't read the 8 pages but yes, I care about his decision.

Kaaya isn't a transcendent player but I think he gives us the best chance to win at least 10 games and get to the ACCCG. If we play anyone else at QB, it will be another "rebuilding" year.

This guy gets it.
I didn't read the 8 pages but yes, I care about his decision.

Kaaya isn't a transcendent player but I think he gives us the best chance to win at least 10 games and get to the ACCCG. If we play anyone else at QB, it will be another "rebuilding" year.

This guy gets it.

It's not rocket science. For once, it would be nice to be excited about an upcoming season rather than hoping for it to be over so that we can get to the next season with the "real savages" quicker. Isn't everyone tired of our teams always being "young"? If you want the younger guys to get some burn, why don't we root them to play like the old days and kick *** in the first half so that they can play in the 3rd and 4th quarter. Then we can actually be excited about them becoming starters since they've actually taken more than three meaningful snaps before being handed a starting role.

But half our fanbase rather get our *** kicked for another season so that we can grow those players under the bus and wait for those 2021 croots.
You always want what's going to help you win. Kaaya with another year and better Oline play can lead us to an ACC championship and maybe a shot at the playoffs
The question is do you want to break in a new qb in 2017 or 2018? Some of you say Kaaya gets us to 10 wins and an ACC Championship game [loss] next year. Does anyone dispute that is probably his ceiling? You know what you are going to get. We haven't seen Allison, maybe he is the next Gino Toretta. On the other hand, maybe he sucks. If that is the case, wouldn't you rather know that going into 2018 so that we can address the position and make what I think will be our first legitimate run at another title? Even if Allison starts, I think the team surrounding him is good enough to win the Coastal. Again, I don't want Kaaya to leave, but it's not the end of our hopes next year if he enters the draft.
Lol at this thread... if he leaves I look forward to bumping this after next year so we can neg you Faqqots into oblivion
I'd rather go 8-5 with Jack Allison or N'Kosi Perry than with Brad Kaaya for the 4th year In a row.
The question is do you want to break in a new qb in 2017 or 2018? Some of you say Kaaya gets us to 10 wins and an ACC Championship game [loss] next year. Does anyone dispute that is probably his ceiling? You know what you are going to get. We haven't seen Allison, maybe he is the next Gino Toretta. On the other hand, maybe he sucks. If that is the case, wouldn't you rather know that going into 2018 so that we can address the position and make what I think will be our first legitimate run at another title? Even if Allison starts, I think the team surrounding him is good enough to win the Coastal. Again, I don't want Kaaya to leave, but it's not the end of our hopes next year if he enters the draft.

Giving Allison and Perry another year to bulk up (both were/are sticks coming in) and learn the playbook means that they're more likely to be successful in 2018 than in 2017, IMO. Unless someone thinks that Rosier is better than Kaaya straight up, it'd make sense to maximize his time here.
The question is do you want to break in a new qb in 2017 or 2018? Some of you say Kaaya gets us to 10 wins and an ACC Championship game [loss] next year. Does anyone dispute that is probably his ceiling? You know what you are going to get. We haven't seen Allison, maybe he is the next Gino Toretta. On the other hand, maybe he sucks. If that is the case, wouldn't you rather know that going into 2018 so that we can address the position and make what I think will be our first legitimate run at another title? Even if Allison starts, I think the team surrounding him is good enough to win the Coastal. Again, I don't want Kaaya to leave, but it's not the end of our hopes next year if he enters the draft.

No i'd rather go into the season with all the experience and talent necessary to win the coastal rather than "planning" for some hypothetical title run. Same dumb **** we heard about 2013 and 2009.

Regardless of what happens with Kaaya, we better be in the acc title game next year. I can't think of a national title winning coach recently who didnt have his program churning by the second year.