Does Anyone Really Care About Kayaa's Decision?

An earlier poster said it best already. Next season, Perry, Rosier and Allison will be here. If one of them is actually better, they'll beat Kaaya for the job.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to actually post a 10-win season next year and actually start stacking recruits again, but hey....let's go 7-5 with a new QB. Maybe 2020 will be the year we can post double digit wins and make the ACC Champioship.....

This makes two assumptions that may or may not be true:

1. Kaaya will improve if he comes back. He made negligible improvement this year. His feet are still bad. His accuracy falls off a cliff when his footwork is rushed. He locks onto his first read. His eyes drop when he sees the rush. He very well could get better in these areas, but he hasn't done it yet.

2. Jack/N'Kosi would cost us games. The nature of college football is that players are constantly replaced. The next could be worse, just as good, or even better. For example, we lost Clive Walford and replaced him with a first-round talent at TE. In this day and age of college football, we see redshirt freshmen QBs have success all the time. ****, Bama is probably about to win a national championship with a true freshman QB.

If Kaaya returns, fine. If he doesn't, I don't think we should go into panic mode. If Jack/N'Kosi are crummy QBs, an extra year of riding the pine won't make much difference. Look at Max Browne at USC. He waited his turn and sucked. The redshirt freshman QB came in and completely turned that team around.

Bama is loaded and miami is not. We dont have the roster to support a young qb. Usc is also further along talent wise.
Not really no. If he's dumb enough to think he's NFL ready & throw away a shot at a great season then **** em. Just add to his legacy of failure.

I agree with your premise. But if he gets drafted in the first 2 rounds, i think he will have made the best "business decision" for himself.

But I also think him leaving implies he's doesn't think his QB coaching is all that strong. Because, IMO, I think it would be pretty easy for Kaaya to jump the board as the top QB in the 2018 draft with improved play for Miami.

If Kaaya is the QB leading Miami to the ACC title, and a New Year's 6 Bowl, you can't tell me he wouldn't go 1st round next year.

If I'm Richt, that's what I'm selling Kaaya, And if he doesn't stay, it means he doesn't like the staff, IMO.

Possibly, but it could also be his lack of confidence in the OL.

Or maybe he doesn't wanna risk having a crappy senior season and torpedoing his stock.
By having him back it's a win win. Kids behind him can develop and he can get another year under Cmr
Bama is loaded and miami is not. We dont have the roster to support a young qb. Usc is also further along talent wise.

We were top 20 in defense, and the entire two-deep in the front 7 returns. We have some questions to answer in the secondary, but we should have a great defense next year. The OL stands to improve as well. I'm also excited to see Homer get into the RB rotation. We're obviously not loaded like Bama, but a strong defense, and a good running game, and a superstar at WR can take you far.

As for USC, they had the same talent when Browne was starting, and they would've struggled to be bowl-eligible if he'd stayed in the lineup.
Allison was not even productive in high school but I am sure we win't miss a beat with him!

I'd rather Jack/N'Kosi take their lumps next year than in 2018 when we'll be completely loaded everywhere.

Not going to be loaded when we go 6-6. This 2018 class is loaded and need a good year on the field to bring the program back.

Man you took the words right out of my mouth!!! Yeah let's take our lumps in 2017 and watch all the big time 2018 recruits bounce. Great plan

Top notch OL with Walton+McFarland+Homer, best front 7 on defense in the ACC, along with Herndon, AR82, Cager, Mullins, and maybe Harley catching the rock mean a frosh qb should be able to win the coastal next year. If Allison or Perry only win 6 games it is a colossal failure on the part of the coaching staff and I'd say Richts seat should deservedly get warm. Yes, we'll be better with Kaaya I'm 2017 but the question is whether you think he can lead us to the playoffs (I'd say that was a successful year even if he doesn't win a ring while at Miami). I am not sure he can, so I am 49% in favor of him staying, 51% in favor of getting the next championship qb some burn in 2017.
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I agree. I think we win if he is here no doubt, but I also think people are sleeping on Jack. I think he is going to be real good, and we would do fine with him leading us. At the end of the day there are enough weapons on this team to win. It all comes down to the OL and them keeping the QB, whoever it is, upright.
Backup quarterback is the most popular player on the team. This year's team wins 4 games, tops with Rosier or Allison at QB. An earlier poster said it best already. Next season, Perry, Rosier and Allison will be here. If one of them is actually better, they'll beat Kaaya for the job.

With Richt, I dont believe we will ever again be in a situation where we do not have a quality backup QB.

Where we stand today, Kaaya is our best option, which means we have failed recruiting QBs for the past 3 years.
An earlier poster said it best already. Next season, Perry, Rosier and Allison will be here. If one of them is actually better, they'll beat Kaaya for the job.

258633 What, do you think the coaches will purposely play the wrong player? "You know, Allison is playing way better than Kaaya but let's keep benching him because I want to spite some message board pseudo fan." What, do you think the coaches will purposely play the wrong player? "You know, Allison is playing way better than Kaaya but let's keep benching him because I want to spite some message board pseudo fan."

For a Senior QB with 38 starts and program records under his belt to get benched, he would have to get outplayed in practice by an astronomical amount to lose his job to a freshman who's never played a down. And that's with the backup QB getting far fewer reps.

Barring injuries or a complete mental meltdown, it wouldn't happen.
If Kaaya returns it would be the absolute best thing that could happen to the program in a while.

1. We have a team that will be ready to win next season

2. It gives Allison another year to develop in the system, and it allows us to RS Perry and Weldon so they can develop and get stronger in the weight room.

A lot rides on Kaaya's return

If Kaaya leaves we need to get a green QB ready, and I don't think we'll be able to RS Perry. I think you'll need to have a package for him every game

Mark Richt was the best thing to happen to this programme in a while.
An earlier poster said it best already. Next season, Perry, Rosier and Allison will be here. If one of them is actually better, they'll beat Kaaya for the job.


I do wonder if that's one of the reasons he's thinking of leaving.

Allison et al are Richt's boys. He's likely to sit Kaaya for them if they show anything like in spring and fall practice.
Hmm would i rather have a guy we know is good and a potential 1st round pick return for his senior season, or start someone who has never started before such as allison or perry or weldon? is that even a question?
And if you think we are winning more with rosier or sherriffs youre stupid
I would like to see him move on so the better talent will grow with a gritty QB that has more all around skills, more intensity/passion and can rally the troops. Kaaya lacks everything I want in a QB/football player. I've never seen him gather the offense on the sidelines and motivating them play harder. Guy has some sugar characteristics about him, IMO.
Kaaya is the Tony's Romo of college. He has somehow tricked everyone into believing he is really good without ever winning an important game. He puts up a lot of stats but never wins the big ones. Kaaya=Romo.


Terrible Analogy.

Romo was the only thing making the Cowboys relevant for almost a decade and has more fourth quarter comebacks than prob any qb over the last 10 years.

To even compare Kaaya to him is just blasphemous; and im a Tennessee Titans fan.
Of course.

Kid has been a model ambassador for the university from the time he was being recruited.

As much as everyone here ****es and moans about kids playing games and making us look bad in recruiting, he has always been a standup kid. He never wavered. Never got into trouble. Never showed anything but class.

That's all cool but when does winning games mean more?
You have the mentality of a child. I don't need to waste time trying to explain things to you.
We are going to struggle a bit next year if he leaves. Part of me wants him to leave (and hopefully be successful in the NFL) so we can get the young guys ready to go for 2018 and be ready to face LSU instead of a first time starter looking like a deer in headlights.

I am not sold on Rosier and would like to see a battle between Allison, Perry and Weldon. Any of those 3 would be just fine.

No fear sir, LSU doesn't score on our defense in 2018 regardless of our qb

You forget who they just hired as OC? His offense with that talent down there will be fun to watch. It will be a slugfest between the offense and our defense for sure. I'm just saying, would be nice to have. Qb with some experience heading into that game.

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