Does Anyone Really Care About Kayaa's Decision?

Same people who want Kaaya out are the same morons who couldn't wait for Berlin to take over for Dorsey. Then, we proceeded to waste one of the best defensive seasons in UM history while Berlin threw the ball to the wrong team. He cost us a NC that year.

We won't win a NC with Kaaya. But we can **** well contend for the ACC title with this defense coming back.
Advertisement What, do you think the coaches will purposely play the wrong player? "You know, Allison is playing way better than Kaaya but let's keep benching him because I want to spite some message board pseudo fan."

For a Senior QB with 38 starts and program records under his belt to get benched, he would have to get outplayed in practice by an astronomical amount to lose his job to a freshman who's never played a down. And that's with the backup QB getting far fewer reps.

Barring injuries or a complete mental meltdown, it wouldn't happen.

So a coach, who's job is to win games, is going to purposely put himself and his team at a disadvantage? Seems to me that you play the best QB you have. Not the guy who's been there the longest. If the other guys are so much better and Kaaya is soooo terrible, he'll lose the starting position to a vastly superior underclassman.
Can't wait until next season when these same idiots are berating Perry, Allison, or whomever else because they suck at QB or aren't as good as Kaaya
"Allison is holding the fcking ball too long!!!"

"Why is Perry taking so many sacks? He's a great runner!"
"Allison needs another 2 seasons to learn the playbook."

"I thought Perry was a dual threat."

"Perry is so inaccurate."
I'm okay either way. BK isn't irreplaceable and what we lose or gain, only those who are inside the program would know.
Same people who want Kaaya out are the same morons who couldn't wait for Berlin to take over for Dorsey. Then, we proceeded to waste one of the best defensive seasons in UM history while Berlin threw the ball to the wrong team. He cost us a NC that year.

We won't win a NC with Kaaya. But we can **** well contend for the ACC title with this defense coming back.

Same guys crowning Berlin now are the ones who wanted him benched for Crudup.
Same people who want Kaaya out are the same morons who couldn't wait for Berlin to take over for Dorsey. Then, we proceeded to waste one of the best defensive seasons in UM history while Berlin threw the ball to the wrong team. He cost us a NC that year.

We won't win a NC with Kaaya. But we can **** well contend for the ACC title with this defense coming back.

Dorsey's 2002 season says hello.
Same people who want Kaaya out are the same morons who couldn't wait for Berlin to take over for Dorsey. Then, we proceeded to waste one of the best defensive seasons in UM history while Berlin threw the ball to the wrong team. He cost us a NC that year.

We won't win a NC with Kaaya. But we can **** well contend for the ACC title with this defense coming back.

Same guys crowning Berlin now are the ones who wanted him benched for Crudup.

It really is unbelievable. Has Kaaya lived up to all the expectations? No. Has he been frustrating at times? Yes. Could his limitations keep us from winning a game or games we shouldn't? Possibly. But the idea that we are better off as a team without him, given the fact that the only experience we have at QB is in one start by Malik Rosier and one start by Vincent Testaverde, and the other highly recruited QBs we have are, once again, the next great Miami QB, is just laughable. People are actually suggesting that Rosier's one good start gives them comfort that he's an upgrade. People are speaking confidently that Allison, Perry or Weldon are just going to come in and replace Kaaya like it's a sure thing.

It's hard to believe that the "Berlin is going to be an upgrade over Dorsey because his arm is so much stronger and he was a 5 star" "Kyle Wright could be the best Miami QB ever so thank goodness he's replacing Berlin," "Kirby was really highly rated and can't be worse than KW," "Robert Marve threw for more yards than Tebow and will make us forget KW and KF," "Jacory Harris is a local hero and champion and is going to lead us to a title, unlike Marve," and "Stephen Morris can really throw the ball and Fisch loves him" hasn't taught our fans something, but obviously that hasn't happened, because now it's "Kaaya can GTFO because he can't move and just put up empty stats."

Kaaya certainly is not perfect, and he has not won nearly as much as we all would like. But, this is a team returning a ton of talent on both sides of the ball. With a 4th year starter at QB, a guy who is a legit pro prospect and who would be the highest drafted Miami QB in 20+ years even if he is drafted in the 3rd round, we have a legitimate chance to have a great year. To feel confident that a first time starter is just going to come in and hit the ground running, without risking the potential of a special year, is once again putting hype in players that haven't earned that yet.
Had the great Cane, Ken Dorsey, played behind the offensive lines that Brad Kaaya has played behind chances are almost 100% he would barely be remembered, and then, only as a run of the mill signal caller. Further, had Ken endured a small fraction of the hits that Brad has taken, with confidence, he wouldn’t have ever played a full season.

Brad Kaaya is a warrior and leader who is one of toughest Canes to ever wear a “U” on the side of their helmets. His leadership/actions inspires the whole team.

Brad can accurately make all the throws (when given time) and much like Ken Dorsey he is an articulate student of the game. He not only understands where to distribute the ball, but understands the reasons why to do so.

Sadly and much to the detriment to the program, a goodly percentage of the Canes fan base has dissolved into a mob. A mob that does nothing but look for reasons to belittle and attack every facet of the program. Ultimately, this development has the potential to further erode the program, especially when our new next door neighbors, Kiffin, Strong and Davis, tells recruits and current players all the love and respect they’ll get by joining them.

Should Brad Kaaya opt for the NFL it will be a significant hit to next year’s team…and based on the fact that the mob now regularly attacks Brad I suspect this will be a major factor in his decision to stay or go. Had this same mob existed back in the day I doubt very seriously that the old school Canes would have anywhere near the loyalty for the program they currently exude, which does not bode well for Canes players of this era and beyond.
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Yes. I think Kaaya won't be really appreciated until after he leaves. That's just do to the ignorance of the fans thinking that be it a freshman QB or one of the current backups will step in and have better success than Kaaya from day one. Unfortunately this will be one those, "I told you so" moments and what's even worse is that I have to sit through these "growing pains" with U! SMH

How do we know someone won't step up and be better next year? Room was superior to Dak until injury. Bledsoe was better than Brady. Winston won a championship as a true freshmen as soon as he got a chance. Nobody knows what we have behind Kaaya until we get a chance to see.

Now list all of the backups who were worse than the starter. We will give you a week or two to compile that list.

Thanks for using the 2 exceptions in the history of the world to provide your point because there a 1000 examples of teams that are worse when they lose a senior QB with Kaaya skills level and experience. Anyone who thinks we are better off without Kaaya next year is a moron. Yes, there is a super small chance you get lucky and find a better option but not worth risking with the horses we have coming back .
Same people who want Kaaya out are the same morons who couldn't wait for Berlin to take over for Dorsey. Then, we proceeded to waste one of the best defensive seasons in UM history while Berlin threw the ball to the wrong team. He cost us a NC that year.

We won't win a NC with Kaaya. But we can **** well contend for the ACC title with this defense coming back.

Same guys crowning Berlin now are the ones who wanted him benched for Crudup.

Yes. But I question if most of these guys even know who Berlin is. All they've seen is YouTube highlights of the UF comeback (that was only necessary because he was awful early in the game).
Same people who want Kaaya out are the same morons who couldn't wait for Berlin to take over for Dorsey. Then, we proceeded to waste one of the best defensive seasons in UM history while Berlin threw the ball to the wrong team. He cost us a NC that year.

We won't win a NC with Kaaya. But we can **** well contend for the ACC title with this defense coming back.

Same guys crowning Berlin now are the ones who wanted him benched for Crudup.

Yes. But I question if most of these guys even know who Berlin is. All they've seen is YouTube highlights of the UF comeback (that was only necessary because he was awful early in the game).

5-0 against Florida and FSU.
Who will score 13 points against UNC if he leaves? How do we fill that role?

Or throw a pick when driving to stomp on the throat of FsU? Or throw a pick 6 to open up against ND?

This little win streak we're on has made people forget how bad this guy was most of the season

I saw all kinds of plays where a high school qb makes the throw vs kayaa sailing it 10 yards over waltons head on a 3 yard out route on 3rd and 2

Go kayaa, i can deal with one more bad season before we become great again
Same people who want Kaaya out are the same morons who couldn't wait for Berlin to take over for Dorsey. Then, we proceeded to waste one of the best defensive seasons in UM history while Berlin threw the ball to the wrong team. He cost us a NC that year.

We won't win a NC with Kaaya. But we can **** well contend for the ACC title with this defense coming back.

So now the narrative is that people wanted Dorsey to go so we could move into the Berlin era? Huh? The following is the truth, not some revisionist bull**** to for an agenda.

Berlin, when the rumors started, he was seen as a Gator. We know our history there, it wasn't pure excitement with most saying we don't need their castoffs. It's pretty much the same reaction people have nowadays with regards to players who can't crack the depth chart elsewhere.

Once it became official though, people came around in that they looked at his prep accomplishments and dropped the entire cast off of UF line.

Dorsey was absolutely loved here. Some still to this day feel that When he got his bell ring Crudup should've gotten his shot. Nobody was saying start him over Dorsey, not one.

So with Berlin came optimism, not the sense he would completely replace Dorsey, but his accolades had to mean something.....right? We were college football's death star, nobody saw us slipping.
I think he's very overrated but I still hope he stays.

A second year in Richt's system will hopefully make him better.