Cowherd calls out admin

Movement insiders report in!!! Where we at with the moves being made???
I’ve called BS on all of it.
No disrespect to all the insiders. But maybe these moves have been an over exaggeration. You have 2 storied programs that dealt with a serious issue the way professional organizations do while we’re here playing one win at a time against sht competition.
The worst passive aggressive leadership I’ve seen and our program gets weaker and weaker by the minute with the bs secrecy infighting and indecisiveness.
Comedy Central Lol GIF by Awkwafina is Nora from Queens
You mean the same Cowherd that didn't even realize that Miami was a small private school until he came to campus in 2010? That Cowherd? If merely throwing money around is the true sign of caring about your program, then Miami will never, ever care. Amazing how easily led our fans are and how many poorly researched, ignorant options are given currency by those that should know better. Then again, I'm not shocked, a lot of people in our fanbase have little if any knowledge of how the University is managed, and are easy marks for mope ****.

I know it's shocking, but Miami will never spend like Alabama or even USC. That said, Miami can and should get far more bang for their buck than they currently are. That's the problem. The problem is that Miami doesn't have the athletic department leadership in place needed to maximize the revenue that is available. A forward thinking AD wouldn't hire Manny Diaz in the first place, much less pay Temple to do it. A competent AD would have had an interview process and not let the candidate's father sway him into making an egregious hire. That's the problem. For what Miami is paying Manny, they could have had someone like Bill Clark or a multitude of other, superior options. Miami didn't do that, they just made the easy, politically expedient hire, and it's come back to bite them in the ***.

Overspending for Mario Cristobal(Which is what idiots like Cowherd want, they need narratives to push, and I wouldn't be shocked if Colin spoke to someone near Mario and is trying to get this hype train going), doesn't mean Miami cares, it means that the people around the program are too gutless to do what needs to be done and just want to shut the fans and media up. That's an awful way to manage any organization. Miami can and should be able to land a good coach at a sensible salary, which then allows the University to spend to build a world class organization around said coach. Smart organizations MAXIMIZE what they have available, they don't just blow money for the sake of appearances.
Not that you’re wrong but I don’t think that’s the point any of us care about

The point is that the more public this gets the better chance we have at some actual changes

Doesn’t matter if Cowherd even knows where Miami is on a map. He has media clout and that’s what helps us right now
To be 35, successful and look that good and you can’t keep or find a man? Yeah there is definitely something wrong with her. Dudes are snatching the sports media chicks in a heartbeat. All of the bad ones are married or spoken for except her.
Facts; but to get credit, she admits she’s difficult. But there’s level of difficulty & she can’t stay married or in a relationship to save her life.
Facts; but to get credit, she admits she’s difficult. But there’s level of difficulty & she can’t stay married or in a relationship to save her life.
Yeah when the engagement to Earl Watson was broken off I knew something was up. Hes a big time christian dude and you would think thats right up her alley. I thought wrong. lol
Facts; but to get credit, she admits she’s difficult. But there’s level of difficulty & she can’t stay married or in a relationship to save her life.
I think she has a complex regarding her looks. She wants to be super hot and carries on as if she is; she’s not. That complex gets worse as women age and remain single.
He knows USC is private, he states as much in the video.

He is not saying there is any kind of direct revenue from the state to the school. He is saying that USC benefits from being in a large and rich economy. Both USC and Miami benefit and contribute to very large economies and yet both are trying to be as cheap as possible.
Merely being in a large and rich area doesn't mean that money is filtering down to you. It's a flawed premise. Then again, it's obvious that Colin doesn't understand WHY USC has failed with most of their hires in the last 3 decades, outside of Carroll. He also doesn't understand how and why Miami has failed in regards to their hires for the last two decades as well.

USC, for DECADES have relied on ex letterwinners with no managerial experience to run their athletic department and you've seen the results. Their searches are usually extremely political and "Trojan Family" inspired. That's why Sark and Kiffin got hired with minimal searches, and they just promoted an interim in Helton. This is the problem. SC, despite having a very healthy budget and outstanding alumni support has been poorly managed by people that probably shouldn't be allowed to run an athletic department. Bohn is the first PROFESSIONAL AD they've had in decades. Don't be shocked to see that their search process is a lot better managed than under guys like Garrett, Haden or even Swann.

Miami on the other hand has failed because 1)This program has been poorly managed for years 2) Bad Luck with some of the rational hires that were made and 3) A smaller margin for error, due to budgetary restrictions. Unlike SC, Miami has hired some professional ADs in Hocutt and Eichorst. That said, Hocutt left pretty early on(He's found some success at TTU and is highly respected) and Eichorst refused to adjust to what the Miami job required(He then went to Nebraska and flamed out spectacularly). James received the job because it was obvious that he wasn't a climber and he was going to stay long term. That was a stupid rationale for hiring him and you see why he isn't going anywhere unless frog marched out at the point of a bayonet: He isn't leaving because he isn't any good. Miami has made multiple hires, only two could be considered rational. That limits your success probability right there. Diaz, Coker and Shannon were hires that were unlikely to succeed. You can't hire first time HCs at a unique job like Miami and expect success. There's a reason why Butch is the only coach to be even decent in the role, without previous HC experience and they had to go pretty deep into the well before he was even a legitimate candidate.

When you make 5 hires, and only two should have even been considered for the job in the first place, that's not good. No one bats 100% on these things, because most hires are somewhat of a crapshoot, unless you go out and overpay for someone that is as close to a sure thing as you can get(Nick Saban/Urban Meyer), you want to give yourself a good shot.

Both USC and Miami have the same problem, they haven't made strong AD hires in a long time. Miami should have gone after a good AD after Eichorst, but the powers that be sat on their *** and made a politically expedient hire. That's a theme throughout the athletic department, making hires not because the person is qualified, or even good, but because doing a legitimate search takes time and effort. Far too often, people are moved up into roles they aren't qualified for, just because they were there to begin with. Not an accident that our athletic department directory is full of people that are glorified interns, instead of experienced, talented people. The BOT has failed to oversee the department, and as talented people have moved on to better jobs, they've allowed Blake to put a bunch of yes people around him.
Ayyye, Joy used to be my crush, but heard she’s hella difficult in relationships. Like hella petty, and bratty spoiled.

With that being said; I’m motor boating that rack & not looking back.
You should be looking up, not back, fam
Yeah when the engagement to Earl Watson was broken off I knew something was up. Hes a big time christian dude and you would think thats right up her alley. I thought wrong. lol
Who cares why Joy can't find a man? I'm just looking to smash, single me would have no problem being part of her "Vitamin D" rotation. We don't have to talk, socialize or even know anything about each other. As long as I'm glazing said rack like a jelly donut on a regular basis, so be it....
He knows USC is private, he states as much in the video.

He is not saying there is any kind of direct revenue from the state to the school. He is saying that USC benefits from being in a large and rich economy. Both USC and Miami benefit and contribute to very large economies and yet both are trying to be as cheap as possible.
He mentioned huge tech companies that have no connection to USC. And again LSU sells out all the time and as he states, they’re poor. There’s no correlation to his point.
With replacing James (when that time comes), I'd be careful who you select because I'd bet there are MANY prospective replacement ADs who would push a very hard truth. That is, that UM ought to try to emulate Duke, meaning deemphasize football, and go "all in" on basketball. That recipe fits the relatively weak UM resource posture best these days, and into the future.
The only difference between Miami and schools like LSU, USC, Texas, Ga, OU, OSU, is that when they make a coaching change they expect instant results and want to win now. Miami is on a 20 year plan of mediocrity.
Well good news is the next coach is taking us to the NC then cause we’re on year 16/17 now…
Merely being in a large and rich area doesn't mean that money is filtering down to you. It's a flawed premise. Then again, it's obvious that Colin doesn't understand WHY USC has failed with most of their hires in the last 3 decades, outside of Carroll. He also doesn't understand how and why Miami has failed in regards to their hires for the last two decades as well.
You may be right here. But "Filtering Down" is not Colin’s point nor what he was talking about.

I can see now how so many people are misunderstanding his comments.

I also have no issues with the rest of your comments though Colin has made very similar comments in the past if anyone cares to listen. He has said a lot of what you are saying here. In fact, you two do not seem very part apart in your comments. People can like him or hate him; I don’t care either way. But we should not take his comments here as the breadth of his knowledge.

Over the years he has made a lot of comments regarding Miami and USC and Colin likes to really go out on a limb sometimes. People may not agree with all his opinions but it is clear he has a clear understanding of the issues.
With replacing James (when that time comes), I'd be careful who you select because I'd bet there are MANY prospective replacement ADs who would push a very hard truth. That is, that UM ought to try to emulate Duke, meaning deemphasize football, and go "all in" on basketball. That recipe fits the relatively weak UM resource posture best these days, and into the future.
The problem is that Miami can't go the Duke model and succeed, football is huge in this area, basketball will always be an afterthought. Miami can and should make a legit effort in all three revenue sports, but has to approach it differently than the factory schools. Look at Miami football right now, it's a 10 win program with a merely competent coach. You don't need a superstar coach to have a compelling product at Miami, you need a competent coach that can build the proper culture and develop the talent that will come here. Duke is screwed because they don't have the same kind of local talent base, and no tradition whatsoever.

Miami should be a solid top 10-15 school in football year in and year out, with some occasional CFP appearances. If you hit on a coach, they should be able to push that expectation to a solid Top 5-10 school with proper recruiting and development.
I often wonder if Miami would be more liable to dedicate the money to make better hires if they weren’t taking home those ACC checks…if they were made to because they needed the ticket sales,money from apparel sales,donations etc that a successful program brings such as the case was when we were in the Big East…..
Now they sit back and can go cheap after cheap knowing those big checks will show up to help pay the bills….