Cowherd calls out admin

Love the fact that the national media is continuing to call out the bs. I gotta wonder if someone behind the scenes is pulling string with some of these talk heads. I don’t remember them giving af when last coaching staffs were inept and failing.
The admin was given the benefit of the doubt for a coach or two. Now it just feels like a carousel of coaches and continuous mediocrity. Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention is looking above the coaching position to the admin at this point.
He's right we don't care about football, our admin is nice and comfortable collecting acc checks while being a 6-6 team. A knock against USC though is the cost of living in that area. A 5 million dollar salary in lsu makes you a king, in LA that makes you an somewhat wealthy guy but not a king with a ton of luxuries.
yes. the seeds were planted before the season and hit the fan after the msu game. communications picked up with herbstreit to convince him to speak up. he finally agreed and the floodgates opened. some of these guys like Colin are just piling on to get clicks and views. Barry is willing to divulge more on CIS one day.
Barry as in Jackson has more details he will release?

Also Colin makes a good point about USC. They do not need to do much to get back on that stage. California pumps out Football players at a good clip and if USC is winning, they likely clean house in recruiting over there. You come East, you have Bama, LSU, UGA, Clemson all within the same geographical footprint largely fighting for the same kids.

Florida always has the "big 3 battles" how many times have we seen recruits say they are staying in Florida and limit it to those 3. Aside from USC in Cali, who else are they competing with? UCLA once in a blue moon? Maybe Cal get a player here and there? Oregon for the northern part? Washington? idk maybe those names hold more weight out west but it just seems like USC could be scary good with the right people and clean up due to simple lack of competition.
You mean the same Cowherd that didn't even realize that Miami was a small private school until he came to campus in 2010? That Cowherd? If merely throwing money around is the true sign of caring about your program, then Miami will never, ever care. Amazing how easily led our fans are and how many poorly researched, ignorant options are given currency by those that should know better. Then again, I'm not shocked, a lot of people in our fanbase have little if any knowledge of how the University is managed, and are easy marks for mope ****.

I know it's shocking, but Miami will never spend like Alabama or even USC. That said, Miami can and should get far more bang for their buck than they currently are. That's the problem. The problem is that Miami doesn't have the athletic department leadership in place needed to maximize the revenue that is available. A forward thinking AD wouldn't hire Manny Diaz in the first place, much less pay Temple to do it. A competent AD would have had an interview process and not let the candidate's father sway him into making an egregious hire. That's the problem. For what Miami is paying Manny, they could have had someone like Bill Clark or a multitude of other, superior options. Miami didn't do that, they just made the easy, politically expedient hire, and it's come back to bite them in the ***.

Overspending for Mario Cristobal(Which is what idiots like Cowherd want, they need narratives to push, and I wouldn't be shocked if Colin spoke to someone near Mario and is trying to get this hype train going), doesn't mean Miami cares, it means that the people around the program are too gutless to do what needs to be done and just want to shut the fans and media up. That's an awful way to manage any organization. Miami can and should be able to land a good coach at a sensible salary, which then allows the University to spend to build a world class organization around said coach. Smart organizations MAXIMIZE what they have available, they don't just blow money for the sake of appearances.
No offense but I think you just used a whole lot of words to say the same things that us ignorant fans are saying.
Big nothing burger here. Cowturds main story line is the USC vs LSU HC jobs. A one sentence jab at Miami won’t amount to a hill of beans. I seriously doubt any BOT members listen to him or even know who the **** he is.

We’re all creatures of habit and the habit of Miami’s BOT and admin over the last 15 years or so is business as usual. Unless a few get a wild hair up their ***, I would expect much of the same.
Anytime someone from the mouse network speaks they are only espousing the views approved by the mouse. What he's really saying here is that ESPN needs college football to stay as the dominant sport. My guess is they're seeing the willingness of Americans to walk away from pro sports for doing their woke bullschidt but they have not walked away from college football. The Big 12 is essentially gone. The ACC and Pac 12 are relegating themselves into group of five status. So ESPN is trying to ****-shame USC and UM into caring about football.
You know Snake James was thinking this would all go away with a win and he'd sacrifice Manny with a loss.

Kudos to the sports media for keeping it in focus.

BJ will be longing for the days of the banner plane... his seat must be burning through his butt feathers....
The admin, in all their wisdom, has lost themselves millions and millions of dollars by letting the program become mediocre. They would be swimming in cash if they weren't so cheap and arrogant post Coker.
I mean it’s like economics 101. You pay for what you get. Gotta spend money to make money and right now our ROI looks exactly how it should for what we invest
Our admin is not only cheap, incompetent, and disinterested….they are also corrupt.

In true South Florida fashion.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why the unqualified son of the former mayor became the head football coach and the unqualified son of Miami’s biggest booster became the head baseball manager.

Miami doesn’t make decisions with performance in mind… decisions are made by greasing palms and with shady backroom deals. That’s why I have zero confidence anything will be fixed.

University of Miami takes after the city it lives in…. it’s run by third-world corrupt and dirty people who do absolutely nothing for the little guy.
Anytime someone from the mouse network speaks they are only espousing the views approved by the mouse. What he's really saying here is that ESPN needs college football to stay as the dominant sport. My guess is they're seeing the willingness of Americans to walk away from pro sports for doing their woke bullschidt but they have not walked away from college football. The Big 12 is essentially gone. The ACC and Pac 12 are relegating themselves into group of five status. So ESPN is trying to ****-shame USC and UM into caring about football.
I get the bigger picture of what you’re saying, but Colin works for Fox, despises ESPN, and basically creates his own talk tracks.

He has as much freedom as anyone in the business and has cited part of that went into his reasoning for leaving ESPN.
You mean the same Cowherd that didn't even realize that Miami was a small private school until he came to campus in 2010? That Cowherd? If merely throwing money around is the true sign of caring about your program, then Miami will never, ever care. Amazing how easily led our fans are and how many poorly researched, ignorant options are given currency by those that should know better. Then again, I'm not shocked, a lot of people in our fanbase have little if any knowledge of how the University is managed, and are easy marks for mope ****.

I know it's shocking, but Miami will never spend like Alabama or even USC. That said, Miami can and should get far more bang for their buck than they currently are. That's the problem. The problem is that Miami doesn't have the athletic department leadership in place needed to maximize the revenue that is available. A forward thinking AD wouldn't hire Manny Diaz in the first place, much less pay Temple to do it. A competent AD would have had an interview process and not let the candidate's father sway him into making an egregious hire. That's the problem. For what Miami is paying Manny, they could have had someone like Bill Clark or a multitude of other, superior options. Miami didn't do that, they just made the easy, politically expedient hire, and it's come back to bite them in the ***.

Overspending for Mario Cristobal(Which is what idiots like Cowherd want, they need narratives to push, and I wouldn't be shocked if Colin spoke to someone near Mario and is trying to get this hype train going), doesn't mean Miami cares, it means that the people around the program are too gutless to do what needs to be done and just want to shut the fans and media up. That's an awful way to manage any organization. Miami can and should be able to land a good coach at a sensible salary, which then allows the University to spend to build a world class organization around said coach. Smart organizations MAXIMIZE what they have available, they don't just blow money for the sake of appearances.
I agree with a lot of this and while yes, we will never spend like Alabama or even USC. And yes just spending alone doesn't reflect your actual commitment to the establishing success. Spending does still play a HUGE role in the national landscape as there's definitely a correlation between spending and success. Until recently, we weren't spending enough to even come close to competing with the top tier programs. You don't need to spend like them but you do need to at least try to level the playing field.

I do think we're now at the point where we're comfortable with spending but IMO I still don't think we're comfortable spending Cristobal type money though. The dumbest thing we could do is drop all this money on Cristobal and then short change him on the rest of his staff. If that's the case though I imagine MC wouldn't even entertain a convo.

Smartest thing we can do is exactly like you said, maximize what we have available. There are some decent coaching options out there that are very affordable. Hire these guys and drop the bags on elite OC, elite DC, ace recruiters, and strong support staff and consistent 10 win seasons are more than doable with the resources we have.