Cowherd calls out admin

He makes a lot of good points but he doesn’t make the point he thinks he is. State economy has no impact on a football program when its private. You can say investing in the team and winning brings more money, but just saying California has so many rich people and no support for USC doesn’t add up. If those rich people don’t care about USC football, it doesn’t matter. You have to call out the rich alumni that support the program too little or not at all.

But his point about Miami is correct. The problem here is the admin and the donors.
You mean the same Cowherd that didn't even realize that Miami was a small private school until he came to campus in 2010? That Cowherd? If merely throwing money around is the true sign of caring about your program, then Miami will never, ever care. Amazing how easily led our fans are and how many poorly researched, ignorant options are given currency by those that should know better. Then again, I'm not shocked, a lot of people in our fanbase have little if any knowledge of how the University is managed, and are easy marks for mope ****.

I know it's shocking, but Miami will never spend like Alabama or even USC. That said, Miami can and should get far more bang for their buck than they currently are. That's the problem. The problem is that Miami doesn't have the athletic department leadership in place needed to maximize the revenue that is available. A forward thinking AD wouldn't hire Manny Diaz in the first place, much less pay Temple to do it. A competent AD would have had an interview process and not let the candidate's father sway him into making an egregious hire. That's the problem. For what Miami is paying Manny, they could have had someone like Bill Clark or a multitude of other, superior options. Miami didn't do that, they just made the easy, politically expedient hire, and it's come back to bite them in the ***.

Overspending for Mario Cristobal(Which is what idiots like Cowherd want, they need narratives to push, and I wouldn't be shocked if Colin spoke to someone near Mario and is trying to get this hype train going), doesn't mean Miami cares, it means that the people around the program are too gutless to do what needs to be done and just want to shut the fans and media up. That's an awful way to manage any organization. Miami can and should be able to land a good coach at a sensible salary, which then allows the University to spend to build a world class organization around said coach. Smart organizations MAXIMIZE what they have available, they don't just blow money for the sake of appearances.
Tampa Bay Rays.
Anytime someone from the mouse network speaks they are only espousing the views approved by the mouse. What he's really saying here is that ESPN needs college football to stay as the dominant sport. My guess is they're seeing the willingness of Americans to walk away from pro sports for doing their woke bullschidt but they have not walked away from college football. The Big 12 is essentially gone. The ACC and Pac 12 are relegating themselves into group of five status. So ESPN is trying to ****-shame USC and UM into caring about football.
Why would he care that ESPN needs college football when he works at Fox Sports?
War makes strange bedfellows.
The admin, in all their wisdom, has lost themselves millions and millions of dollars by letting the program become mediocre. They would be swimming in cash if they weren't so cheap and arrogant post Coker.
Right or wrong, probably more than a few BoTrs hold a different view.
Cowherd reaches a correct conclusion here via flawed facts (idiocy like citing corporations headquartered in California, etc) but I'm also pumping the brakes on LSU getting some homerun hire despite the aggressiveness of their AD.

We hear the same shtick every time Texas has an opening. And LSU may spend more than USC but people also forget that LSU couldn't fire Les Miles when they actually wanted to because he had a $15 mil buyout at the time and that state is actually so poor that they ran into opposition from the governor.
I agree with the gist of what Cowherd is saying, but the details he's using are flimsy. Basing how much a school can spend on football because of the state's economy is not a fair assessment. To me, it has more to do with alumni count and the brand of the school itself. Yes, California has a bigger economy than Louisiana, but does USC or Miami get all of the state revenues that state colleges receive?

As far as alumni size goes, LSU has 35,000 in undergrad enrollment vs. 20,000 for USC vs. 12,000 for Miami. Compound that every 4 years and there is a huge difference in fundraising bases. Finally, state schools have much broader brand appeal as flagship schools for the state than regionalized or city-based schools. How many Trojan fans are in San Francisco or Miami fans in Pensacola? Can you go anywhere in Louisiana where LSU is not THE #1 college football brand? Even in New Orleans, LSU has more fans than Tulane.

Finally, LSU or Alabama have the entire state behind them if they go bankrupt. Look at LSU, they **** well near went bankrupt.

Cowherd is right LSU really did "want it more", but at the same time the school itself can't pay its own bills? It's just not right.
He makes a lot of good points but he doesn’t make the point he thinks he is. State economy has no impact on a football program when its private. You can say investing in the team and winning brings more money, but just saying California has so many rich people and no support for USC doesn’t add up. If those rich people don’t care about USC football, it doesn’t matter. You have to call out the rich alumni that support the program too little or not at all.

But his point about Miami is correct. The problem here is the admin and the donors.
He knows USC is private, he states as much in the video.

He is not saying there is any kind of direct revenue from the state to the school. He is saying that USC benefits from being in a large and rich economy. Both USC and Miami benefit and contribute to very large economies and yet both are trying to be as cheap as possible.
Ayyye, Joy used to be my crush, but heard she’s hella difficult in relationships. Like hella petty, and bratty spoiled.

With that being said; I’m motor boating that rack & not looking back.
To be 35, successful and look that good and you can’t keep or find a man? Yeah there is definitely something wrong with her. Dudes are snatching the sports media chicks in a heartbeat. All of the bad ones are married or spoken for except her.