Cowherd calls out admin

No, I get what you are saying but you keep thinking this has something to do with rich people and their money. It doesn't. At least not entirely.

And yes, he is talking about USC and how they benefit and contribute to the economy. In fact, that's his entire point. If you miss that or don't understand that then you will never understand what he is trying to say.

USC is part of the CA rich community so of course they benefit and contribute. This is the part I don't think you are getting. USC being part of the rich economy is his entire point.
You watched a different video than what’s in this thread. Size of the state economy has no bearing on how much you spend on a coaching staff if that economy isn’t paying for it.
Who cares why Joy can't find a man? I'm just looking to smash, single me would have no problem being part of her "Vitamin D" rotation. We don't have to talk, socialize or even know anything about each other. As long as I'm glazing said rack like a jelly donut on a regular basis, so be it....
Yeah. She can get it. I may even let her blather on about Western PA high school girls sports after too.

He is correct in saying Miami doesn’t want to spend the money to compete at a high level. We’ve been posting the same for months, years even. Some say Miami doesn’t have the money, but all programs, public and private, rely on private donations to fund much of their expenditures. That, and conference revenue from television and other revenue streams.

USC does want to win, they pride themselves on their athletic history. Some say they have an over-inflated opinion of themselves. They just can‘t make the right decisions on hiring ADs and HCs. Similar to us, they regurgitate ‘SC guys. Their new-ish AD is the first hire from outside the program in forever, so that’s in their favor. They were fortunate with Pete Carroll, an outsider, and maybe their AD will make a good hire. But F-USC. Who cares?

Miami does not care to win, at least not enough to be elite. There may be BOT members and boosters who do, but they either haven’t the power or exercised the power for change. Hopefully this may be resolved sooner than later, if what some say has merit.

Zo basically said the same on one or both his recent podcast appearances. Alabama, UGA, Ohio State, Clemson, and others at the top of the CFB food chain want it more than the rest of the CFB.
You mean the same Cowherd that didn't even realize that Miami was a small private school until he came to campus in 2010? That Cowherd? If merely throwing money around is the true sign of caring about your program, then Miami will never, ever care. Amazing how easily led our fans are and how many poorly researched, ignorant options are given currency by those that should know better. Then again, I'm not shocked, a lot of people in our fanbase have little if any knowledge of how the University is managed, and are easy marks for mope ****.

I know it's shocking, but Miami will never spend like Alabama or even USC. That said, Miami can and should get far more bang for their buck than they currently are. That's the problem. The problem is that Miami doesn't have the athletic department leadership in place needed to maximize the revenue that is available. A forward thinking AD wouldn't hire Manny Diaz in the first place, much less pay Temple to do it. A competent AD would have had an interview process and not let the candidate's father sway him into making an egregious hire. That's the problem. For what Miami is paying Manny, they could have had someone like Bill Clark or a multitude of other, superior options. Miami didn't do that, they just made the easy, politically expedient hire, and it's come back to bite them in the ***.

Overspending for Mario Cristobal(Which is what idiots like Cowherd want, they need narratives to push, and I wouldn't be shocked if Colin spoke to someone near Mario and is trying to get this hype train going), doesn't mean Miami cares, it means that the people around the program are too gutless to do what needs to be done and just want to shut the fans and media up. That's an awful way to manage any organization. Miami can and should be able to land a good coach at a sensible salary, which then allows the University to spend to build a world class organization around said coach. Smart organizations MAXIMIZE what they have available, they don't just blow money for the sake of appearances.
Sounds great…. This BOT and administration don’t care about football and winning as much as USC and LSU. Cowherd is 100% correct.
No other school in the nation would keep allowing this. We have the worst possible AD, president and B.O.T
**** shame Kirk and Colin, TWO GUYS WITH NO TIES TO THE U.... has more love and wants the U to win more than our own **** administration.
That's the part that grinds my gears.

The U is ratings and they know it, that’s what they care about
This admin has made the easiest school to win at become the hardest school to do it at.
preach GIF
This admin has made the easiest school to win at become the hardest school to do it at.
The fact that our fans think that Miami is the easiest school to win at is hilarious and shows how out of touch our fans are. Even in the glory years, Miami competed at a disadvantage compared to the huge factory.schools. Schools like Alabama, Texas, UF and others can provide a ton of resources that allow any decent coach to be in the race. Think about this: Ed Orgeron has a national title as a HC, same with Gene Chizik. Those coaches wouldn't smell a title coaching at Miami, unless they lucked into a Coker situation.

It's not an accident that if you succeed at Miami, you end up in the NFL. Why? Because Miami is a pro job masquerading as a college job. That's not what most college coaches want. They want to be in a collegiate environment where you have a deep donor pool, unlimited budget, easily obtainable talent and limited media exposure. Miami only provides the talent and even then, you have to compete against schools that can and will buy your talent from under you. Never mind the fact that the typical local kid is a mercenary and have no loyalty to the hometown school.
The fact that our fans think that Miami is the easiest school to win at is hilarious and shows how out of touch our fans are. Even in the glory years, Miami competed at a disadvantage compared to the huge factory.schools. Schools like Alabama, Texas, UF and others can provide a ton of resources that allow any decent coach to be in the race. Think about this: Ed Orgeron has a national title as a HC, same with Gene Chizik. Those coaches wouldn't smell a title coaching at Miami, unless they lucked into a Coker situation.

It's not an accident that if you succeed at Miami, you end up in the NFL. Why? Because Miami is a pro job masquerading as a college job. That's not what most college coaches want. They want to be in a collegiate environment where you have a deep donor pool, unlimited budget, easily obtainable talent and limited media exposure. Miami only provides the talent and even then, you have to compete against schools that can and will buy your talent from under you. Never mind the fact that the typical local kid is a mercenary and have no loyalty to the hometown school.
I stand by my statement. It’s the easiest place to win at.
Love the fact that the national media is continuing to call out the bs. I gotta wonder if someone behind the scenes is pulling string with some of these talk heads. I don’t remember them giving af when last coaching staffs were inept and failing.
I'm sure there's some campaigning going on behind the scenes to let these guys know it's in our best interest to move on from this leadership.
You watched a different video than what’s in this thread. Size of the state economy has no bearing on how much you spend on a coaching staff if that economy isn’t paying for it.
Nope, same video. You just have to understand how an economy works to understand his point. If you don't understand how USC contributes and benefits then you will never understand his point. If you don't understand the oportunities in a rich economy vs a poor economy then you will never understand.