Bracketology (updated 2/29)

NE loss killed us.

Even though we lost on a buzzer beater when they hit 12 3's (55%) on the day after Thanksgiving.

How exactly did it kill us? We are 22-5, 2nd place in the conference and most likely a 2nd or 3rd seed.

KuntCane furthering his reputation as a potato who blows Shalala and Golden.

Are you so dense that you don't understand that he is merely stating that the loss hurts our ranking? Surely you understand sarcasm?
NE loss killed us.

Even though we lost on a buzzer beater when they hit 12 3's (55%) on the day after Thanksgiving.

How exactly did it kill us? We are 22-5, 2nd place in the conference and most likely a 2nd or 3rd seed.

KuntCane furthering his reputation as a potato who blows Shalala and Golden.

Are you so dense that you don't understand that he is merely stating that the loss hurts our ranking? Surely you understand sarcasm?

WTF is your problem *****? I should report you for verbal abuse
NE loss killed us.

Even though we lost on a buzzer beater when they hit 12 3's (55%) on the day after Thanksgiving.

How exactly did it kill us? We are 22-5, 2nd place in the conference and most likely a 2nd or 3rd seed.

KuntCane furthering his reputation as a potato who blows Shalala and Golden.

Are you so dense that you don't understand that he is merely stating that the loss hurts our ranking? Surely you understand sarcasm?

WTF is your problem *****? I should report you for verbal abuse

Oh no. Don't report me for verbal abuse. Go tell, do what you do best. Tow the company line.

Your post sucked because you incapable of understanding sarcasm. In addition, he is merely pointing out that the loss hurts the overall ranking (as in it is our worst loss so it stands out). So instead of attacking the post, you go full potato and deliver a tangent.
You seem to have forgotten that a fan does not need to be a retarded homer.

The thing that I find a little shady is that the only time that you make comments are when the rankings and standings come up in conversation. Nothing from you is ever positive. It is all about how you want to devalue what this program has become and stifle the excitement that it has created. If people are being homers and are what? For the first time in a long time, this program is receiving national recognition year after year and they are now even being talked about as legit Final 4 contenders. God are being fans. I seriously believe that if UM did make the would argue how they had the easiest path and how teams from the Big East or American Athletic Conference deserved more respect.

***rain on parade***

I make these comments because every week some of our fans show their odd victim complex and complain about where we are ranked as if we are getting hated on because we are Miami even though if you take off the homer glasses for a second its pretty easy to see that the rankings do make sense. Checking other peoples over homer posts is not hating on Miami. Its simply pointing out the stupidity of other posters like the tard earlier this week who was trying to argue Xavier as a 3 seed. Just because im a Miami fan doesnt mean I have to go full ****** in support of my team.

Have you listened to Len Elmore call any UM games on the 4 letter network this season? Or have you heard any studio guy's, like Jay Williams, comments after big wins by this program. There obviously is hatred for the UM program by some in the media. That cannot be refuted. How many times have you heard Coach L say that he was told by coach after coach and person after person not to take the UM job because " can't win there..."? I watched the clip of Coach L on PTI where Tony Kornheiser basically said as much. He said that he thought that Coach L was cashing in on the big payday and taking the "golden parachute". That is what is going on in the medias' minds regarding UM basketball.

But I think that the biggest problem with the rankings is that the numbers are undervaluing the ACC and overvaluing other leagues like the Big East, AAC, and even the Big 12. I heard some so-called expert say on Mad Dog Radio the other day that the Big 12 is the best conference in the country and that he could make the case for 8 teams from that conference in the tournament...including K-State. Please. I'm sure that he has a vote in the polls. The Big East is getting all sorts of undeserved credit also. Xavier is a very good team but just one look up and down their schedule....once they got into league play, it is average to say the least. Neither Xavier nor Villanova face anything like UNC, Virginia, L'ville, and Notre Dame all in a row any point. Those conferences are just not as good as the ACC.

Edit... That "expert" on Mad Dog Radio was Steve Lappas.

So basically you are crying because the media is starting to drop some of the ACC is the best conference in the nation bias. Every team worth talking about across the nation has just as much negative media about them as we do. This is literally the only board I post on with such a victim complex about it though.

Who is crying? You said that you are sick of hearing about a bias and I gave you specific examples of bias that exists. Because someone refutes something you say...they are crying?

And yes...the ACC is the best conference in the country this year. The Big East does not even come close.
We should shoot up the rankings next week with our wins over UVA and Lousiville this week. Should be looking like a very firm 2 seed right now and we are with in range of getting to a 1 seed.
We should shoot up the rankings next week with our wins over UVA and Lousiville this week. Should be looking like a very firm 2 seed right now and we are with in range of getting to a 1 seed.

What did you do with CaneScott? Bring him back
You guys think we get a #1 seed if we win out and win the championship even with the horrible loss to UNC
I make the following disclaimer because there is a known potato who will surely go on some tangent rant. There should be a major shake up this week, not really in bracketology, but in the overall top 10 rankings. This doesn't mean that a bunch of teams should shuffle in and be ranked, it just means there should be a major shake-up. This is really a post for the ACC to get some more respect.

When the following teams lose: (there is no 4th ranked team)

#1 Nova (Lost to #5 Xavier)
#3 UVA
#3 OU (Lost to #25 UT and 2nd loss in 3 games)
#7 UNC (Lost to #3 UVA)
#8 Iowa (Lost to unranked Wisconsin)
#9 Zona (Lost to unranked Colorado and #22 Utah)
#1 0 Maryland (Lost to #20 Purdue, 3rd loss in 4 games)

[This is all before #5 Xavier plays at Seton Hall tomorrow]

Perhaps a shuffle is necessary.

Again, I am not saying you need to remove all the top 7-10 teams. I am saying there should be a shake-up at some point. The ACC should have 4 teams in the top 10. 3 of them should be in the top 6.
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