Bracketology (updated 2/29)


I could not agree more, '85. However, just look at the way Duke's 1-point home win over UVa was portrayed in the media, compared to our 3-point home win over UVa. I know Allen's non-called travel generated a lot of attention, but Duke also was lavished praise, while our win was characterized as a "good bounce-back win" after our "thrashing" on Saturday.

The real joke to me is to put Xavier above any of the Top 3 ACC teams (us, UNC, UVa), or even the top Big10 teams (MD and Michigan State). Yes, they have only lost three games, but they are essentially the beneficiary of playing in a name conference, and being the clear second place team. But, look at who they've beaten. Their top win is [URL=]#1 9[/URL] RPI Dayton (back in November), followed by USC and Alabama (also in Nov., and all on neutral courts). X has had a solid season and haven't had any bad losses, but you can't just reward teams that pad their record because the bulk of their conference is VERY average.

Lol hard to argue the OOC [URL=][URL=][URL=]#2 [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] RPI team is just being rewarded for padding their schedule with a weak in conference schedule. But please continue.

I'm pretty sure I just argued that. Moreover, last I saw Xavier had the [URL=]#6 [/URL] OOC RPI, not [URL=][URL=]#2 [/URL] [/URL] . (Ours was [URL=]#1 2[/URL] if I recall, but we aren't using our OOC RPI to justify our seed the way you claim Xavier should with respect to their OOC RPI.) But I'll reiterate my argument for your benefit:

In my opinion, these stats don't support Xavier as a #1 seed:

-- 1-1 record against Top 25 RPI opponents (with the only win back in November against #1 9 Dayton, and the loss by 31 points);

-- Top 50 neutral court wins against #41 Alabama and [URL=]#3 0[/URL] USC (these are solid, but certainly not terribly noteworthy -- for comparison purposes, our wins against #9 Utah and [URL=]#6 [/URL] 1 Butler are comparable, but far from what is the highlight of our resume);

-- Top 50 home wins against #43 Seton Hall and [URL=]#3 7[/URL] Providence (comparable to our home wins against [URL=]#3 5[/URL] Pitt and #40 Princeton)

-- A single Top 50 road win against [URL=]#3 7[/URL] Providence (OK, this is a nice win and I wish the Canes had one as well, but I would argue that a home win against [URL=]#5 [/URL] UVa or [URL=]#1 2[/URL] Duke is far stronger than this)

-- No bad losses

That's the resume of a solid team (perhaps as high as a #3 seed in the NCAA tourney, if they can pick up a quality win down the stretch). That should not be the resume of any #1 seed -- and is certainly far less impressive that what other teams in the ACC and Big10 have done this year.
Xavier is [URL=]#2 [/URL] we are number #18 in OOC D1 RPI... At least fact check your **** self instead of being a lazy ****. Im sorry that you are to blinded by homerism to realize that Xavier has one of the top Resumes in the nation right now.

Interesting attempt to correct your errors -- but it didn't go unnoticed. You initially stated that Xavier was the "OOC #2 RPI team". Of course at the time that was not accurate -- they were, as I previously stated, #6 , a fact that you could have easily checked on (They are #5 as of today, if haven't bothered to check.)

Having realized your mistake, you are now stating that Xavier has the #2 "OOC D1 RPI", since that is the alternative formulation that Jerry Palm uses. (There are differences in the two formulations, if you haven't noticed.) You also have attempted to change the conversation and are now claiming that Xavier has one of the top "Resumes" in the nation. You will note that I never disputed that fact, but instead questioned (and continue to question) Xavier being seeded ahead of the Top ACC and Big 10 teams.

I would have been much more impressed if you had owned up to your mistakes, or if you had attempted to respond to my points above as to why I believe Xavier does not deserve the lofty ranking it currently holds. Based on your recent responses to others, I am not surprised that weren't able or willing put together a thoughtful response.

This leads to my second point -- why are you here? You don't seem to be interested in learning what others have to say, from what I've seen you don't seem capable of sharing any thoughtful insight into our Canes, and you aren't respected by the rest of of the community. I enjoy a thoughtful conversation and debate among folks with different opinions, but you seem to be out of your league. Perhaps others on this site can suggest alternative site where your level of discourse would be better suited.

Go Canes!
I think it will be interesting to see what happens IF we beat #11 UL on Saturday.

Two top 11 wins in 1 week.

I agree. I am particularly interested in how things play out if we win and UNC beats UVa in Charlottesville. LOTS of purported experts have been jumping on the UVa bandwagon lately, claiming they are the best team in the ACC. I think they have been able to explain the Miami loss as a typical, difficult ACC road game -- but what do they say if UVa loses a close one to UNC? Does UVa then fall behind Miami in NCAA seedings?

At the end of day, it doesn't matter how a team looks if they can't get earn the W. Moreover, Miami's loss to UNC, while certainly ugly, counts as a single loss on the road to a ranked team -- just like UVa's loss to us on Monday.

Of course, we need to take care of business on Saturday, or else this speculation is moot.
I think it will be interesting to see what happens IF we beat #11 UL on Saturday.

Two top 11 wins in 1 week.

I agree. I am particularly interested in how things play out if we win and UNC beats UVa in Charlottesville. LOTS of purported experts have been jumping on the UVa bandwagon lately, claiming they are the best team in the ACC. I think they have been able to explain the Miami loss as a typical, difficult ACC road game -- but what do they say if UVa loses a close one to UNC? Does UVa then fall behind Miami in NCAA seedings?

At the end of day, it doesn't matter how a team looks if they can't get earn the W. Moreover, Miami's loss to UNC, while certainly ugly, counts as a single loss on the road to a ranked team -- just like UVa's loss to us on Monday.

Of course, we need to take care of business on Saturday, or else this speculation is moot.

If UVA does lose to UNC and MIA beats LOU, then I see no reason why Miami would be the lower seed in any bracketology from the experts. Canes would have four wins over the top-15 compared to three for UVA.

But you never really know what the guidelines are. Miami's loss to Northeastern at home could be huge in some pundits minds. (Hard not to blame them). Let's take care of Saturday. We also should probably pull for UVA for ACC implications...
It's fun watching "top 10" teams lose to unranked opponents.

#9 Zona lost to UNR Colorado
#8 Iowa lost to UNR Wisc

That would be the second straight loss both to unranked teams for Iowa. They will probably be a 1 seed tomorrow.
It's a joke that Miami is #12 and a #3 seed with the resume we have. 22-5, 11-4, second place in the ACC, #7 RPI, #3 4 SOS, etc.
No, you are the joke.

Just admit it, you're not a Miami fan
You seem to have forgotten that a fan does not need to be a retarded homer.

The thing that I find a little shady is that the only time that you make comments are when the rankings and standings come up in conversation. Nothing from you is ever positive. It is all about how you want to devalue what this program has become and stifle the excitement that it has created. If people are being homers and are what? For the first time in a long time, this program is receiving national recognition year after year and they are now even being talked about as legit Final 4 contenders. God are being fans. I seriously believe that if UM did make the would argue how they had the easiest path and how teams from the Big East or American Athletic Conference deserved more respect.

***rain on parade***
Should UVA be ranked ahead of The U. According to the stats it should be, quality wins, RPI etc. And conference standings are unimportant.

The U has the better record in the ACC than Virginia. UVA has lost to VT,GT,FSU and Duke. The U has beaten every one of those teams and Free Shoes U twice. The U lost to NCst, Clemson UVa won both. That's it. So the U is 5-2 against teams both lost too and UVA is 2-4 against the same teams.

Head to Head The U has a better record in the ACC. UVa is the 4th best team in the ACC according to their record. More emphasis should be placed on the ACC standings even with the unbalanced schedule which is not that unbalance between UVa and UM. UVA plays Clemson and Louisville twice , UM gets FSU and ND twice.
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Lunardi finally moved Miami up to a No. 2 seed

It's hard to dispute the actual facts.

A lot of things can be changing this week and it will be interesting to see what happens if we beat UL this Saturday. That will be two top 11 wins in one week.

In addition, the following happened:

#8 Iowa lost to UNR Wisconsin
#9 Zona lost to UNR Colorado

Don't be shocked if 2-3 more top 11 teams lose this week.

#10 Maryland plays at #20 Purdue
#7 UNC plays at #3 UVA
#3 OU plays at #25 Texas
#9 Zona plays at #22 Utah
#5 Xavier plays at UNR Seton Hall
#8 Iowa plays at UNR OSU

There is a lot of basketball left and we have two quality opponents left (before the ACCT). Plenty of time to move up.
Should UVA be ranked ahead of The U. According to the stats it should be, quality wins, RPI etc. And conference standings are unimportant.

The U has the better record in the ACC than Virginia. UVA has lost to VT,GT,FSU and Duke. The U has beaten every one of those teams and Free Shoes U twice. The U lost to NCst, Clemson UVa won both. That's it. So the U is 5-2 against teams both lost too and UVA is 2-4 against the same teams.

Head to Head The U has a better record in the ACC. UVa is the 4th best team in the ACC according to their record. More emphasis should be placed on the ACC standings even with the unbalanced schedule which is not that unbalance between UVa and UM. UVA plays Clemson and Louisville twice , UM gets FSU and ND twice.

As of today...

NCAA College Basketball RPI Team Comparison -

UVA should be ranked ahead of us IMO but only slightly. They have the edge in RPI and SOS. We have the edge in total wins and conference wins. If either team wins the conference, I would give them the edge.
It's a joke that Miami is #12 and a #3 seed with the resume we have. 22-5, 11-4, second place in the ACC, #7 RPI, #3 4 SOS, etc.
No, you are the joke.

Just admit it, you're not a Miami fan
You seem to have forgotten that a fan does not need to be a retarded homer.

The thing that I find a little shady is that the only time that you make comments are when the rankings and standings come up in conversation. Nothing from you is ever positive. It is all about how you want to devalue what this program has become and stifle the excitement that it has created. If people are being homers and are what? For the first time in a long time, this program is receiving national recognition year after year and they are now even being talked about as legit Final 4 contenders. God are being fans. I seriously believe that if UM did make the would argue how they had the easiest path and how teams from the Big East or American Athletic Conference deserved more respect.

***rain on parade***

I make these comments because every week some of our fans show their odd victim complex and complain about where we are ranked as if we are getting hated on because we are Miami even though if you take off the homer glasses for a second its pretty easy to see that the rankings do make sense. Checking other peoples over homer posts is not hating on Miami. Its simply pointing out the stupidity of other posters like the tard earlier this week who was trying to argue Xavier as a 3 seed. Just because im a Miami fan doesnt mean I have to go full ****** in support of my team.
No, you are the joke.

Just admit it, you're not a Miami fan
You seem to have forgotten that a fan does not need to be a retarded homer.

The thing that I find a little shady is that the only time that you make comments are when the rankings and standings come up in conversation. Nothing from you is ever positive. It is all about how you want to devalue what this program has become and stifle the excitement that it has created. If people are being homers and are what? For the first time in a long time, this program is receiving national recognition year after year and they are now even being talked about as legit Final 4 contenders. God are being fans. I seriously believe that if UM did make the would argue how they had the easiest path and how teams from the Big East or American Athletic Conference deserved more respect.

***rain on parade***

I make these comments because every week some of our fans show their odd victim complex and complain about where we are ranked as if we are getting hated on because we are Miami even though if you take off the homer glasses for a second its pretty easy to see that the rankings do make sense. Checking other peoples over homer posts is not hating on Miami. Its simply pointing out the stupidity of other posters like the tard earlier this week who was trying to argue Xavier as a 3 seed. Just because im a Miami fan doesnt mean I have to go full ****** in support of my team.

Homer posts?

We have possibly our best (certainly 2nd best) team in the program's history. Every single bracketologist has us as a 2 seed right now. We have wins over at least 7 NCAA teams (likely more), and yet all you do is ***** and complain that this team isn't any good.

Why even post here? You clearly have some weird hate for Miami.
No, you are the joke.

Just admit it, you're not a Miami fan
You seem to have forgotten that a fan does not need to be a retarded homer.

The thing that I find a little shady is that the only time that you make comments are when the rankings and standings come up in conversation. Nothing from you is ever positive. It is all about how you want to devalue what this program has become and stifle the excitement that it has created. If people are being homers and are what? For the first time in a long time, this program is receiving national recognition year after year and they are now even being talked about as legit Final 4 contenders. God are being fans. I seriously believe that if UM did make the would argue how they had the easiest path and how teams from the Big East or American Athletic Conference deserved more respect.

***rain on parade***

I make these comments because every week some of our fans show their odd victim complex and complain about where we are ranked as if we are getting hated on because we are Miami even though if you take off the homer glasses for a second its pretty easy to see that the rankings do make sense. Checking other peoples over homer posts is not hating on Miami. Its simply pointing out the stupidity of other posters like the tard earlier this week who was trying to argue Xavier as a 3 seed. Just because im a Miami fan doesnt mean I have to go full ****** in support of my team.

Have you listened to Len Elmore call any UM games on the 4 letter network this season? Or have you heard any studio guy's, like Jay Williams, comments after big wins by this program. There obviously is hatred for the UM program by some in the media. That cannot be refuted. How many times have you heard Coach L say that he was told by coach after coach and person after person not to take the UM job because " can't win there..."? I watched the clip of Coach L on PTI where Tony Kornheiser basically said as much. He said that he thought that Coach L was cashing in on the big payday and taking the "golden parachute". That is what is going on in the medias' minds regarding UM basketball.

But I think that the biggest problem with the rankings is that the numbers are undervaluing the ACC and overvaluing other leagues like the Big East, AAC, and even the Big 12. I heard some so-called expert say on Mad Dog Radio the other day that the Big 12 is the best conference in the country and that he could make the case for 8 teams from that conference in the tournament...including K-State. Please. I'm sure that he has a vote in the polls. The Big East is getting all sorts of undeserved credit also. Xavier is a very good team but just one look up and down their schedule....once they got into league play, it is average to say the least. Neither Xavier nor Villanova face anything like UNC, Virginia, L'ville, and Notre Dame all in a row any point. Those conferences are just not as good as the ACC.

Edit... That "expert" on Mad Dog Radio was Steve Lappas.
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NE loss killed us.

Even though we lost on a buzzer beater when they hit 12 3's (55%) on the day after Thanksgiving.
******' BC

Drain the ACC in every sport. Their baseball field is an average down south HS field.
NE loss killed us.

Even though we lost on a buzzer beater when they hit 12 3's (55%) on the day after Thanksgiving.

nah, its our only really bad loss, won't be a factor. L would say it was the best thing that happened to us, our 3 pt defense improved greatly after that loss.
Just admit it, you're not a Miami fan
You seem to have forgotten that a fan does not need to be a retarded homer.

The thing that I find a little shady is that the only time that you make comments are when the rankings and standings come up in conversation. Nothing from you is ever positive. It is all about how you want to devalue what this program has become and stifle the excitement that it has created. If people are being homers and are what? For the first time in a long time, this program is receiving national recognition year after year and they are now even being talked about as legit Final 4 contenders. God are being fans. I seriously believe that if UM did make the would argue how they had the easiest path and how teams from the Big East or American Athletic Conference deserved more respect.

***rain on parade***

I make these comments because every week some of our fans show their odd victim complex and complain about where we are ranked as if we are getting hated on because we are Miami even though if you take off the homer glasses for a second its pretty easy to see that the rankings do make sense. Checking other peoples over homer posts is not hating on Miami. Its simply pointing out the stupidity of other posters like the tard earlier this week who was trying to argue Xavier as a 3 seed. Just because im a Miami fan doesnt mean I have to go full ****** in support of my team.

Have you listened to Len Elmore call any UM games on the 4 letter network this season? Or have you heard any studio guy's, like Jay Williams, comments after big wins by this program. There obviously is hatred for the UM program by some in the media. That cannot be refuted. How many times have you heard Coach L say that he was told by coach after coach and person after person not to take the UM job because " can't win there..."? I watched the clip of Coach L on PTI where Tony Kornheiser basically said as much. He said that he thought that Coach L was cashing in on the big payday and taking the "golden parachute". That is what is going on in the medias' minds regarding UM basketball.

But I think that the biggest problem with the rankings is that the numbers are undervaluing the ACC and overvaluing other leagues like the Big East, AAC, and even the Big 12. I heard some so-called expert say on Mad Dog Radio the other day that the Big 12 is the best conference in the country and that he could make the case for 8 teams from that conference in the tournament...including K-State. Please. I'm sure that he has a vote in the polls. The Big East is getting all sorts of undeserved credit also. Xavier is a very good team but just one look up and down their schedule....once they got into league play, it is average to say the least. Neither Xavier nor Villanova face anything like UNC, Virginia, L'ville, and Notre Dame all in a row any point. Those conferences are just not as good as the ACC.

Edit... That "expert" on Mad Dog Radio was Steve Lappas.

So basically you are crying because the media is starting to drop some of the ACC is the best conference in the nation bias. Every team worth talking about across the nation has just as much negative media about them as we do. This is literally the only board I post on with such a victim complex about it though.
Just admit it, you're not a Miami fan
You seem to have forgotten that a fan does not need to be a retarded homer.

The thing that I find a little shady is that the only time that you make comments are when the rankings and standings come up in conversation. Nothing from you is ever positive. It is all about how you want to devalue what this program has become and stifle the excitement that it has created. If people are being homers and are what? For the first time in a long time, this program is receiving national recognition year after year and they are now even being talked about as legit Final 4 contenders. God are being fans. I seriously believe that if UM did make the would argue how they had the easiest path and how teams from the Big East or American Athletic Conference deserved more respect.

***rain on parade***

I make these comments because every week some of our fans show their odd victim complex and complain about where we are ranked as if we are getting hated on because we are Miami even though if you take off the homer glasses for a second its pretty easy to see that the rankings do make sense. Checking other peoples over homer posts is not hating on Miami. Its simply pointing out the stupidity of other posters like the tard earlier this week who was trying to argue Xavier as a 3 seed. Just because im a Miami fan doesnt mean I have to go full ****** in support of my team.

Homer posts?

We have possibly our best (certainly 2nd best) team in the program's history. Every single bracketologist has us as a 2 seed right now. We have wins over at least 7 NCAA teams (likely more), and yet all you do is ***** and complain that this team isn't any good.

Why even post here? You clearly have some weird hate for Miami.
Please show me one post where I complained this team isnt any good. Please... im waiting. Correcting others whining about ranking when just about every week we have been within at most 2 spots of where we deserve to be is certainly not saying the team isnt any good.

I can fully enjoy how great this team is playing with out having to turn in to a moron homer who doesnt understand that NCAA basketball doesnt revolve around Miami.

As you said every single bracketologist has us a 2 seed right now but you idiots will still complain that we get no respect...
NE loss killed us.

Even though we lost on a buzzer beater when they hit 12 3's (55%) on the day after Thanksgiving.

How exactly did it kill us? We are 22-5, 2nd place in the conference and most likely a 2nd or 3rd seed.