Dam this country is going to ****. Dam democrats man smh.

An opportunity to embrace a difference: I'm a democrat and agree that democrats take a more liberal approach to certain agendas... but don't think for one second that there are not LGBT Republicans supporters. I tread carefully, and may need some more education but I feel that that agenda is more of a Sexual Right versus a Civil Right... Do I think the LGBT community should be discriminated against... **** no... Do I think they are discriminated against... **** yes... But that is a thin line and we all need to be sensitive to others right but not at the expense of our own beliefs... very thin line

Very well stated!

I don't want this thread to go political as we have the WEZ for that.

But . . . I agree there is a thin thin line. On the one hand, I don't want my little girls being subjected to the ***** in their rest room. On the other hand, if a biological male that is a female goes into the women's rest room he has to use a stall unless females are having urinals installed. If a biological female that is a male goes into the men's rest room, she has to use a stall unless she knows how to use a urinal.

So imo it is nothing more than rhetoric on both sides.

If as a male, I identified as a female, like Bruce Jenner does, surely there is still the fact that kids are potentially in a rest room. I am conflicted honestly because logically there won't be any conflicts in the RR, atleast not any that couldn't happen now. But the idea of different genders mixing in a rest room doesn't seem right.

The terms "biological male" and "biological female" are considered offensive to the trains community. And that sort of speaks to where we are -- it is a movement that most of us don't really understand.
The only logical place is ORLANDO aka Mickey Town USA.

Tampa nor Jacksonville can touch Orlando when it comes to hospitality and putting on events.

Here is the one issue, that same week is the FHSAA State Finals for 4a to 1a, so the games would have to be moved to Friday and Thursday.


Bringing the game to central Florida allows for the most exposure to florida recruits and their families.

Go Canes

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All of this because people believe some girl ate a forbidden apple off of a tree after a snake convinced her too. Christians really need to get over their body shame it's effecting reasonable people.

Do u have children? How would you feel if they decided to become *** or transgender?

I would feel bad knowing they had at least 160 million enemies in america because of ignorance. Let people live their lives and **** what they want. If anything people should be encouraging relationships that aren't capable of procreation.
Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.
Same application in Raleigh,,,It's a republican, shove it down your throat congress, that has seen this state go up in flames..Over 100 top businesses have forbid employees from traveling to NC,, tourism is down 50%, Gov of New York has forbidden any NY business or travel to NC., 50 % of conventions and hotel reservations are gone due to this bill. NBA All Star game gone and this mornings Raleigh News and Observer has front page news that ACC is looking to take League Champ game away and out of Charlotte,---same applies to men's and women's basketball tournament and future NCAA basketball brackets that might be played in NC.. Bill is not only a joke but unconstituional, with taxpayers picking up the bill for lawsuits..

Can look up the top 20 crime per capita cities and tell me which party does the mayors of come from? And how long that particular party has been in control there? My guess is that it is heavy in Domicrats.

Lol. NC has three of the top 30 counties for murder in the nation. 2 of them are in the Top 10!

This is North Carolina we're talking about now. Not New York, or California, or Illionois. North Carolina.

Liberals are more concerned with letting dudes **** in bathrooms with little girls than they are with crime, especially crime in the black community. They spend most of their time telling everybody that they are victims and it's OK to live their lives as such. That's why these cities that have been run by liberals for so long are typically the ones with the highest crime rates.
Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.
Same application in Raleigh,,,It's a republican, shove it down your throat congress, that has seen this state go up in flames..Over 100 top businesses have forbid employees from traveling to NC,, tourism is down 50%, Gov of New York has forbidden any NY business or travel to NC., 50 % of conventions and hotel reservations are gone due to this bill. NBA All Star game gone and this mornings Raleigh News and Observer has front page news that ACC is looking to take League Champ game away and out of Charlotte,---same applies to men's and women's basketball tournament and future NCAA basketball brackets that might be played in NC.. Bill is not only a joke but unconstituional, with taxpayers picking up the bill for lawsuits..

Can look up the top 20 crime per capita cities and tell me which party does the mayors of come from? And how long that particular party has been in control there? My guess is that it is heavy in Domicrats.

Lol. NC has three of the top 30 counties for murder in the nation. 2 of them are in the Top 10!

This is North Carolina we're talking about now. Not New York, or California, or Illionois. North Carolina.

Liberals are more concerned with letting dudes **** in bathrooms with little girls than they are with crime, especially crime in the black community. They spend most of their time telling everybody that they are victims and it's OK to live their lives as such. That's why these cities that have been run by liberals for so long are typically the ones with the highest crime rates.

I think the biggest problem with the bathroom situation is gender fluidity. You won't have to dress like a girl to use the girls restroom and just because you feel like a girl today doesn't mean you will tomorrow. That creates an environment very easily taken advantage of.

But more important matters...Jacksonville would be great. The ACC was dogtrash when it was in Jacksonville last time. The ACC champions weren't even in the championship picture and had VT and BC playing. Clemson, FSU, and Miami would be a big draw.
Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.
Same application in Raleigh,,,It's a republican, shove it down your throat congress, that has seen this state go up in flames..Over 100 top businesses have forbid employees from traveling to NC,, tourism is down 50%, Gov of New York has forbidden any NY business or travel to NC., 50 % of conventions and hotel reservations are gone due to this bill. NBA All Star game gone and this mornings Raleigh News and Observer has front page news that ACC is looking to take League Champ game away and out of Charlotte,---same applies to men's and women's basketball tournament and future NCAA basketball brackets that might be played in NC.. Bill is not only a joke but unconstituional, with taxpayers picking up the bill for lawsuits..

Can look up the top 20 crime per capita cities and tell me which party does the mayors of come from? And how long that particular party has been in control there? My guess is that it is heavy in Domicrats.

Lol. NC has three of the top 30 counties for murder in the nation. 2 of them are in the Top 10!

This is North Carolina we're talking about now. Not New York, or California, or Illionois. North Carolina.

Liberals are more concerned with letting dudes **** in bathrooms with little girls than they are with crime, especially crime in the black community. They spend most of their time telling everybody that they are victims and it's OK to live their lives as such. That's why these cities that have been run by liberals for so long are typically the ones with the highest crime rates.

*Never mind

You win, bro. Bravo.
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I think the biggest problem with the bathroom situation is gender fluidity. You won't have to dress like a girl to use the girls restroom and just because you feel like a girl today doesn't mean you will tomorrow. That creates an environment very easily taken advantage of.

But more important matters...Jacksonville would be great. The ACC was dogtrash when it was in Jacksonville last time. The ACC champions weren't even in the championship picture and had VT and BC playing. Clemson, FSU, and Miami would be a big draw.

Yep...Jax was cursed with WF or BC representing the Atlantic 75% of the time the game was played there. Their small fan bases doesn't travel well and those teams just aren't appealing to locals in any city.

FSU or Clemson would've been bigger draws but only played in the game a combined one time those 4 years that the game was played in Jax.

On the flipside, Charlotte has had the luxury of having either of those 2 teams (FSU or Clemson) representing the Atlantic all 6 years...
F democrats
F republicans

If a man that is wearing a dress walks in a bathroom while my daughter is in there, ima put him in da figure-fo...
Dam this country is going to ****. Dam democrats man smh.

An opportunity to embrace a difference: I'm a democrat and agree that democrats take a more liberal approach to certain agendas... but don't think for one second that there are not LGBT Republicans supporters. I tread carefully, and may need some more education but I feel that that agenda is more of a Sexual Right versus a Civil Right... Do I think the LGBT community should be discriminated against... **** no... Do I think they are discriminated against... **** yes... But that is a thin line and we all need to be sensitive to others right but not at the expense of our own beliefs... very thin line

All because they feel shamed at going into a bathroom that isn't what they're emotionally feeling like? This safe space BS has just about sent me over the edge. Pretty simple... If you hit a **** you go in the men's bathroom. If you don't, then you go in the women's bathroom. Just dumb!
The people pushing these bathroom laws would never allow their young daughter to be alone with a strange man in a restroom. Also, King Obama would never allow a stanger with a ***** alone with his daughters in a bathroom or a school shower. But for his subjects and the unwashed we all need to deal with it.
There is one exception to the if you gotz a **** rule. If you gotz to go real bad, you go wherever you can as long as no one else is in there.
I live in nc. Born and raised. You guys know nothing about HB2. It never would have been a problem if charlottes dumbass mayor hadnt tried to force PRIVATE businesses to allow transgenders to **** wherever they want to. Whether right or wrong the govenor had to put a stop to it. Most in NC didnt agree with the mayor of charlotte. Before the mayor tried to do that we had no problem and it wasnt even a issue.

Like most liberals she abused her power and the govenor had to intervene.

I dont have kids but i am married and i be damned if i want a mentally ill man dressed like a woman in the bathroom with my wife.
Dam this country is going to ****. Dam democrats man smh.

An opportunity to embrace a difference: I'm a democrat and agree that democrats take a more liberal approach to certain agendas... but don't think for one second that there are not LGBT Republicans supporters. I tread carefully, and may need some more education but I feel that that agenda is more of a Sexual Right versus a Civil Right... Do I think the LGBT community should be discriminated against... **** no... Do I think they are discriminated against... **** yes... But that is a thin line and we all need to be sensitive to others right but not at the expense of our own beliefs... very thin line

Very well stated!

I don't want this thread to go political as we have the WEZ for that.

But . . . I agree there is a thin thin line. On the one hand, I don't want my little girls being subjected to the ***** in their rest room. On the other hand, if a biological male that is a female goes into the women's rest room he has to use a stall unless females are having urinals installed. If a biological female that is a male goes into the men's rest room, she has to use a stall unless she knows how to use a urinal.

So imo it is nothing more than rhetoric on both sides.

If as a male, I identified as a female, like Bruce Jenner does, surely there is still the fact that kids are potentially in a rest room. I am conflicted honestly because logically there won't be any conflicts in the RR, atleast not any that couldn't happen now. But the idea of different genders mixing in a rest room doesn't seem right.

I suppose looking like Caitlin Jenner and strolling into the mens' room at the OB, having to wait for a stall, or worse, hiking up your dress at a urinal may not be the 'safest' circumstance. I suppose this is squarely where the debate rests from one point of view. I can say this about women's restrooms, they only have stalls and if people close the door you don't know what they have. I'm sure many trans people already use the opposite restroom without the public knowing, but this law makes that illegal.

So people who may currently be passing for the opposite ***, without incident, may now face prosecution for continuing to use the opposite restroom. So the choice becomes a concern for personal safety in the cis restroom, or concern for prosecution in the trans restroom. Tough call but NC should be allowed to make their own laws and have to deal with the consequences. The media will do what they do and businesses will react in whatever way maintains the bottom line, but I wouldn't blow this out of proportion and turn it into a civil rights debate.
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The people pushing these bathroom laws would never allow their young daughter to be alone with a strange man in a restroom. Also, King Obama would never allow a stanger with a ***** alone with his daughters in a bathroom or a school shower. But for his subjects and the unwashed we all need to deal with it.

define "strange man". This is where the LGBTQ community would take exception. I suppose you mean a man, period. Or maybe you think trans people are strange (a personal problem, but you can think what you want). This language is where the debate comes off the rails and we enter that place where we're talking about everything but the real issue.. Keep it at safety for children and don't get into the value assessments of how people choose to express themselves.
F democrats
F republicans

If a man that is wearing a dress walks in a bathroom while my daughter is in there, ima put him in da figure-fo...

or depending on the transgendered person you may smile sheepishly and look for a chance to hollar at her on the way out. You think all transgendered men look like men? Some of them look better than a lot of women. Apple surgery and all.
Better location would be Jacksonville or Miami anyway. More people will come, just because of the location.

As far far as the bathroom thing, go in the one you look like, where you blend. People are too busy asserting their individual rights over the rights of everyone else, and someone who is obviously a man in a girl's bathroom makes everyone uncomfortable.
Here in Ohio, at a walmart store, a 9 year old girl was in the bathroom and a male was in there jacking off by the sink. They just need to have family restrooms everywhere, and they can use those.