Not shocking that people can't have a reasoned conversation about this, and the way the NC law was passed did not help in the least. But why you can't advocate for transgender rights while simultaneously acknowledging that creeps take advantage of clauses that allow them to use the bathroom of their choice also inhibits the discussion. Because 10-20 years ago the average pervert knew if he dressed like a woman and went into a woman's bathroom he'd be kicked out and likely arrested. Now he knows that people have to think about being labeled a bigot before they say anything.

You can believe the vast majority of trans people are decent, safe citizens who just want to **** and crap in peace, regardless of how you view their lifestyle. And at the same time you can say letting anyone -- including trans people -- pick the bathroom they're most comfortable in opens the door for a lot of vile predators to exploit it. Both can be true without losing your precious ideological moorings. But few people want to do that. It's much easier to lazily smear the other side and call them dangerous. So the right course of action remains woefully dark and undiscovered.

So just the play game in a nice warm spot. Like ****, or Gainesville. Basically the same place, right?
+1 for Jacksonville

When the nba address the discrimination against white people in the league then I will look the other way when they feel it's okay to let a man with a dingaling go to,the bathroom with my 7 year old daughter.
I think perfectly fine discriminating against these acts. When were put on this earth, we know the difference between right and wrong. Forget all this dam political correctness. People should not be able to do whatever the **** they please. I cant jay walk in the street, but i can chop my balls off and go see little girls in their bathrooms. **** outta here. Its sick and it needs to be outlawed. Why would you want your kids growing up seeing this stuff spread? Its going to get to a point where its going to be the regular. **** a girl one day, a guy the next. Do you guys really want that to be your grandson? Its crazy that just in the last few years its considered crazy and old fashion to think this way.


Even if you believe all of that (and I'm sure you do), is it really necessary to pass an entire law? I wasn't aware of this epidemic of people using the wrong bathrooms. I'd love for you to point out ANY specific incidents. I hate political correctness, but this is a dumb law rooted in "what-ifs" as opposed to facts (much like the Voter ID movement). Any real conservative can see that (Trump himself even said it was dumb when it first started being talked about). It's based on a phantom boogeyman just-in-case argument that never actually happens in reality, and if it did happen, it could, y'know easily be resolved without the need for a law.

HB2 is deeper than just the bathroom issue, that's just the topic that has become a hot button issue with this law. Essentially, the law makes it legal to discriminate against people due to sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, etc. It's a terrible piece of legislation and just shows how bigoted the GOP is as they'd rather cut off their own nose to spite their face and lose millions in business/revenue than to pass equality laws.

Well said.

Mississippi has one of the worst state economies, if not the worst, in the country and yet seemed more interested in matters of sexual orientation and gender identity.
I think perfectly fine discriminating against these acts. When were put on this earth, we know the difference between right and wrong. Forget all this dam political correctness. People should not be able to do whatever the **** they please. I cant jay walk in the street, but i can chop my balls off and go see little girls in their bathrooms. **** outta here. Its sick and it needs to be outlawed. Why would you want your kids growing up seeing this stuff spread? Its going to get to a point where its going to be the regular. **** a girl one day, a guy the next. Do you guys really want that to be your grandson? Its crazy that just in the last few years its considered crazy and old fashion to think this way.

I think we should ban you from all bathrooms if you think you're supposed to use them to see little kids.
Dam this country is going to ****. Dam democrats man smh.

An opportunity to embrace a difference: I'm a democrat and agree that democrats take a more liberal approach to certain agendas... but don't think for one second that there are not LGBT Republicans supporters. I tread carefully, and may need some more education but I feel that that agenda is more of a Sexual Right versus a Civil Right... Do I think the LGBT community should be discriminated against... **** no... Do I think they are discriminated against... **** yes... But that is a thin line and we all need to be sensitive to others right but not at the expense of our own beliefs... very thin line

It seems to me LGBT should have every right others have. It's always funny because Republicans are supposed to be all for small government, yet always seem to be all for restricting certain peoples rights. Why should the government care what people do with their bodies? Being *** isn't harming anyone else any more than becoming an atheist is, and we have religious freedoms...As far as the bathroom thing is concerned I'm not seeing how it's a big deal if a boy who identifies as a girl uses the woman's restroom. They have stalls, it's not like their toilets are just out in the open. Its also not like the men's bathroom where half the time there is no wall between urinals.
Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.
Same application in Raleigh,,,It's a republican, shove it down your throat congress, that has seen this state go up in flames..Over 100 top businesses have forbid employees from traveling to NC,, tourism is down 50%, Gov of New York has forbidden any NY business or travel to NC., 50 % of conventions and hotel reservations are gone due to this bill. NBA All Star game gone and this mornings Raleigh News and Observer has front page news that ACC is looking to take League Champ game away and out of Charlotte,---same applies to men's and women's basketball tournament and future NCAA basketball brackets that might be played in NC.. Bill is not only a joke but unconstituional, with taxpayers picking up the bill for lawsuits..

Can look up the top 20 crime per capita cities and tell me which party does the mayors of come from? And how long that particular party has been in control there? My guess is that it is heavy in Domicrats.
Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.
Same application in Raleigh,,,It's a republican, shove it down your throat congress, that has seen this state go up in flames..Over 100 top businesses have forbid employees from traveling to NC,, tourism is down 50%, Gov of New York has forbidden any NY business or travel to NC., 50 % of conventions and hotel reservations are gone due to this bill. NBA All Star game gone and this mornings Raleigh News and Observer has front page news that ACC is looking to take League Champ game away and out of Charlotte,---same applies to men's and women's basketball tournament and future NCAA basketball brackets that might be played in NC.. Bill is not only a joke but unconstituional, with taxpayers picking up the bill for lawsuits..

Can look up the top 20 crime per capita cities and tell me which party does the mayors of come from? And how long that particular party has been in control there? My guess is that it is heavy in Domicrats.

Lol. NC has three of the top 30 counties for murder in the nation. 2 of them are in the Top 10!

This is North Carolina we're talking about now. Not New York, or California, or Illionois. North Carolina.
Also...if funny that the NBA is so happy to expand to China and play pre-season games there. Do you really think the HB2 law in Charlotte is worse than China???? The NBA commish has no problems playing there.

ACC title game in Jacksonville has been a disaster in the past. Tampa only slightly better.

Jax averaged 62,937 attendance over 3 years, Tampa averaged 49,412 in their 2 games. The most successful games in the past had FSU and Clemson because it's the quality of the games that drive attendance, not the location. Jacksonville is a much better college football town than Tampa IMO.

Ticket sales and actual attendance were further apart thsn Michael Strahans teeth.

There were Maybe MAYBE 8,000 butts in seats for the 2006 game.

"Following the 2007 game the Gator Bowl Committee—organizers of the ACC Football Championship game in Jacksonville—announced they would not seek another contract extension due to falling attendance. "
Should have never moved from Tampa. Orlando wouldn't be a bad choice.

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All of this because people believe some girl ate a forbidden apple off of a tree after a snake convinced her too. Christians really need to get over their body shame it's effecting reasonable people.

Do u have children? How would you feel if they decided to become *** or transgender?
ACC title game in Jacksonville has been a disaster in the past. Tampa only slightly better.

Jax averaged 62,937 attendance over 3 years, Tampa averaged 49,412 in their 2 games. The most successful games in the past had FSU and Clemson because it's the quality of the games that drive attendance, not the location. Jacksonville is a much better college football town than Tampa IMO.

Ticket sales and actual attendance were further apart thsn Michael Strahans teeth.

There were Maybe MAYBE 8,000 butts in seats for the 2006 game.

"Following the 2007 game the Gator Bowl Committee—organizers of the ACC Football Championship game in Jacksonville—announced they would not seek another contract extension due to falling attendance. "

How does that differ from Tampa?
Debate about validity of motivation aside, I wholeheartedly endorse ANYTHING that starts to minimize the influence the Carolinas have on the ACC as a whole. Nothing against those states or the people in them as a whole but the more we become the conference of the ENTIRE east coast and not one associated so much with the Tobacco Road area schools the better. Dook and Carolina types have wielded wayyyyy too much power in what is now a football conference first.
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