Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.

You have been reported for re-education.
Pretty simple and clear cut-if you have a ***** then stay out of the womens restroom whether you are wearing a dress or not.Neg away.

It is only sick minds that think that men (no matter their proclivities) should have a right to use the women's restrooms.
I suppose the next item on the (di)progressives agenda is make beastiality legal, and if you don't agree you'll be labeled a hater and a bigot.
"We do not believe we can successfully host our All-Star festivities in Charlotte in the climate created by HB2,”

"climate" These fkin scum.. China is fine though right.
It's ironic how intolerant the LGBT community is.
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Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.

Amen. I'm supposed to be OK with my 11-yr-old daughter having to share a bathroom with some 38-yr-old man just because he likes to wear a dress?
Dam this country is going to ****. Dam democrats man smh.

An opportunity to embrace a difference: I'm a democrat and agree that democrats take a more liberal approach to certain agendas... but don't think for one second that there are not LGBT Republicans supporters. I tread carefully, and may need some more education but I feel that that agenda is more of a Sexual Right versus a Civil Right... Do I think the LGBT community should be discriminated against... **** no... Do I think they are discriminated against... **** yes... But that is a thin line and we all need to be sensitive to others right but not at the expense of our own beliefs... very thin line

Very well stated!

I don't want this thread to go political as we have the WEZ for that.

But . . . I agree there is a thin thin line. On the one hand, I don't want my little girls being subjected to the ***** in their rest room. On the other hand, if a biological male that is a female goes into the women's rest room he has to use a stall unless females are having urinals installed. If a biological female that is a male goes into the men's rest room, she has to use a stall unless she knows how to use a urinal.

So imo it is nothing more than rhetoric on both sides.

If as a male, I identified as a female, like Bruce Jenner does, surely there is still the fact that kids are potentially in a rest room. I am conflicted honestly because logically there won't be any conflicts in the RR, atleast not any that couldn't happen now. But the idea of different genders mixing in a rest room doesn't seem right.
Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.

Amen. I'm supposed to be OK with my 11-yr-old daughter having to share a bathroom with some 38-yr-old man just because he likes to wear a dress?

Hey,don't discriminate against The Franchise.Just to be clear....
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You're daughter's aren't going to be assaulted by a transgender woman. Its another Heterosexual Male just like yourselves that you need to worry about. ****, a transgender woman is most in danger in a men's room because tons of straight men much like most of us are pieces of ****. That's why they want to use the bathroom associated with their gender identity.

And I call bull**** on Mr. Charlotte's story.
very interested to see how sports and political & social issues intersect in the next decade or so with the current political climate. If sports leagues and the NCAA start this trend, they will need to continue. Otherwise they look like hypocrites when they don't act which is a tough situation to be in. Can't just cherrypick certain issues. Also kind of surprised this lgbt civil rights issues is the first in decades to really effectuate change. Feel like there are others that hit closer to home for sports fans and athletes.
The way I look at this bathroom law is simple: I don't have to wait to take a **** if the alternative bathroom is open.
Sorry...I live in Charlotte and have 3 young daughters. We already had a situation at the movies while they were using the bathroom and a adult males goes in and uses the stall next them. Imagine my reaction when I had to explain why a man was peeing with the door open next to where they were.
Same application in Raleigh,,,It's a republican, shove it down your throat congress, that has seen this state go up in flames..Over 100 top businesses have forbid employees from traveling to NC,, tourism is down 50%, Gov of New York has forbidden any NY business or travel to NC., 50 % of conventions and hotel reservations are gone due to this bill. NBA All Star game gone and this mornings Raleigh News and Observer has front page news that ACC is looking to take League Champ game away and out of Charlotte,---same applies to men's and women's basketball tournament and future NCAA basketball brackets that might be played in NC.. Bill is not only a joke but unconstituional, with taxpayers picking up the bill for lawsuits..

I may be headed to NC for a late summer getaway. Prices down?
I think perfectly fine discriminating against these acts. When were put on this earth, we know the difference between right and wrong. Forget all this dam political correctness. People should not be able to do whatever the **** they please. I cant jay walk in the street, but i can chop my balls off and go see little girls in their bathrooms. **** outta here. Its sick and it needs to be outlawed. Why would you want your kids growing up seeing this stuff spread? Its going to get to a point where its going to be the regular. **** a girl one day, a guy the next. Do you guys really want that to be your grandson? Its crazy that just in the last few years its considered crazy and old fashion to think this way.


Even if you believe all of that (and I'm sure you do), is it really necessary to pass an entire law? I wasn't aware of this epidemic of people using the wrong bathrooms. I'd love for you to point out ANY specific incidents. I hate political correctness, but this is a dumb law rooted in "what-ifs" as opposed to facts (much like the Voter ID movement). Any real conservative can see that (Trump himself even said it was dumb when it first started being talked about). It's based on a phantom boogeyman just-in-case argument that never actually happens in reality, and if it did happen, it could, y'know easily be resolved without the need for a law.

HB2 is deeper than just the bathroom issue, that's just the topic that has become a hot button issue with this law. Essentially, the law makes it legal to discriminate against people due to sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, etc. It's a terrible piece of legislation and just shows how bigoted the GOP is as they'd rather cut off their own nose to spite their face and lose millions in business/revenue than to pass equality laws.
ACC title game in Jacksonville has been a disaster in the past. Tampa only slightly better.

Jax averaged 62,937 attendance over 3 years, Tampa averaged 49,412 in their 2 games. The most successful games in the past had FSU and Clemson because it's the quality of the games that drive attendance, not the location. Jacksonville is a much better college football town than Tampa IMO.
If they're to relocate, I think Tampa is a good spot for our first ACCCG experience this year.
All of this because people believe some girl ate a forbidden apple off of a tree after a snake convinced her too. Christians really need to get over their body shame it's effecting reasonable people.