TVD is practicing

Thank god.
Emory is serviceable, but that’s about it.

Though unlikely, I’m hoping J. Brown learns he doesn’t need to throw a 5 yard at 100mph.
if he could just become a serviceable passer (over 55% on intimate routes), he could be a QB we haven’t seen here ever.
Unfortunately, I think he’s just a freak cyborg athlete that just can’t get it, JMO.

I do find it laughable, some fans were upset Mario didn’t go for the win at the end of regulation, like they competently forgot about the throw to end the half.
Emory throwing down field is a scary sight.
Thank god.
Emory is serviceable, but that’s about it.

Though unlikely, I’m hoping J. Brown learns he doesn’t need to throw a 5 yard at 100mph.
if he could just become a serviceable passer (over 55% on intimate routes), he could be a QB we haven’t seen here ever.
Unfortunately, I think he’s just a freak cyborg athlete that just can’t get it, JMO.

I do find it laughable, some fans were upset Mario didn’t go for the win at the end of regulation, like they competently forgot about the throw to end the half.
Emory throwing down field is a scary sight.
Was it a scary sight when he threw the Nicest pass by a UM QB this yr that Colbie dropped??
Was it a scary sight when he threw the Nicest pass by a UM QB this yr that Colbie dropped??
No it wasn’t.
Don’t get me wrong,
I have high hopes for Emory.
He played a **** of a game, in his first start as freshman playing against that Clemson D, not making mistakes, making plays when needed.
Clutch for sure.
But it’s scary watching him push the ball down field right now.
Maybe, it’s not him, but how I see it.
No it wasn’t.
Don’t get me wrong,
I have high hopes for Emory.
He played a **** of a game, in his first start as freshman playing against that Clemson D, not making mistakes, making plays when needed.
Clutch for sure.
But it’s scary watching him push the ball down field right now.
Maybe, it’s not him, but how I see it.
He has an excellent arm and touch...the 3rd and 13 pass over the middle exploded out of his hand.
Yes it was the nicest...and No,....Colbie dropped it. No excuse...
TVD launched a perfect pass a week prior to George before getting drilled. Can we stop with this?

Just for you, I went back for the full game replay.

1:49:38, Williams uses his left hand to punch the ball out at the last second. Thats how coach it and execute it. It wasn't a drop.
The interception that Williams threw against Clemson was a pass to the only covered receiver on the field. He had X wide open on a cross and Young wide open on a comeback. If George doesn’t flatten his route, the best he can do is knock it away from the defender.

That’s what a QB expects.

If he gives you a chance deep, you have to protect them and knock it down.
That’s what a QB expects.

If he gives you a chance deep, you have to protect them and knock it down.
I wasn’t absolving George. The route was supposed to be a post and he freelanced. My point was that even if George ran the route perfectly, he was literally the only covered receiver in the pattern.
TVD launched a perfect pass a week prior to George before getting drilled. Can we stop with this?

Just for you, I went back for the full game replay.

1:49:38, Williams uses his left hand to punch the ball out at the last second. Thats how coach it and execute it. It wasn't a drop.

Im the last person on this site that needs DB lessons, I'm well aware, but you Got to hold on to that.....
I wasn’t absolving George. The route was supposed to be a post and he freelanced. My point was that even if George ran the route perfectly, he was literally the only covered receiver in the pattern.

True but if he's the first-read, it's the right throw. It's the exact coverage you want. If you hit your back foot, especially as a true freshman in his first game playing Clemson, the first read is Jacolby on the post, and you have one on one with no safety in the middle of the field, the ball comes out. You don't also check to see if other guys are open first. I have no idea what the progression was, so obviously I can't say what he should have done, but 100% if your first check is the post, he made the right throw. Jacolby just ran a half-assed route and it got picked. (Which kinda tells me he wasn't the first read, but again you really never know).
We barely had anything open because we didn’t even use a quarter of the playbook..Now think about why u wouldn’t open up the playbook for a qb? BECAUSE HE IS A TRUE FRESHMAN AND NOT READY

And miss me with completion percentage he threw at least 15 screens bro its ok its his first game 99% of freshman qbs aren’t ready to play. Idk why yall overhype anything like we are some poverty school who hasn’t seen what great players look like

Great job by EW in his first start, against a really good defense. He did enough. Can't ask for much more than that.

That said, to further support your argument, here's this little drive nugget for those who tout the completion % (which is a totally asinine argument, but whatever....this is CiS, which isn't exactly known for its brilliant takes...)

  • 1st & 10 at MIA 34​

    (8:01 - 2nd) Emory Williams pass complete to Brashard Smith for a loss of 1 yard to the MIA 33
  • 2nd & 11 at MIA 33​

    (2:45 - 2nd) Emory Williams pass complete to Jacolby George for a loss of 4 yards to the MIA 29
  • 3rd & 15 at MIA 29​

    (2:45 - 2nd) Emory Williams pass complete to Donald Chaney Jr. for 3 yds to the MIA 32
  • 4th & 12 at MIA 32​

    (2:45 - 2nd) Dylan Joyce punt for 31 yds, downed at the CLEM 37

"3 for 3. 100% completions, bro. TVD sucks. Play EW, and turn **** loose!"
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