TVD is practicing

Must've got that Mr. Miyagi treatment.

Daniel Larusso GIF
I'd still start Emory....why rush TVD back??.. If Emory plays Horrible, then TVD can come off the bench. If Emory plays well, then it's another week for TVD to be 100% healthy. I like that scenario better.

Negative. The way you lose to teams as 17 point favorites is to let them hang around for a half and think they can win. They know they’re a 17 point dog. You know you’re a 17 point favorite. When you go bury them early, you take their will and it’s a wrap. Starting Emory and risking him starting slowly and letting UVA hang around is a recipe for disaster. If TVD can go, he goes. I think the opposite, get up 17-21 early and get him out. Not potentially start slowly, have him tighten up on the bench and throw a wounded kid out there to save the day. If TVD is good enough to go, he goes.
But it's not just interceptions. He's missed wide open guys when solely focusing on X. He pre-determines where to go with the ball instead of going through progressions.

He doesn't but Dawson does have an offense that can lead to heavy targets for one player. The offense with Emory was very different with a ton of one-read passes. Would you be happy with TVD simply throwing 20 WR screens? He is asked to read 1/2 the field with 2-3 options on that side. If X is open on the primary side, he will get a target.

Tyler can work on using the back side, check-down, or throwing it away. Not going to expect him to start running the ball, it isn't him.
Iron sharpens iron. Bain verse Francis are going to make each guy great! Need more talent like this.

Also TVD will be stuck in the pocket with an injured knee and limited wheels to begin with.

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Correct… I believe when they played against each other in HS Bain had some ridiculous number of sacks that game. Like 5+ or something…. I’m sure not every rep was against Francis but he was definitely on the losing side of the battle that day. Bain is and has been the real deal
Correct… I believe when they played against each other in HS Bain had some ridiculous number of sacks that game. Like 5+ or something…. I’m sure not every rep was against Francis but he was definitely on the losing side of the battle that day. Bain is and has been the real deal
I believe it was 3 sacks and he got them when he started lining up against anyone but Francis.
TVD's issues aren't the same as Emory's.

TVD holds onto the ball too long allowing defenders to drop deeper into zones. He then forces passes into those tight windows vs taking the check down or throwing it away. Dawson has also hurt TVD by giving him too much freedom in some ways.

Emory's issue is not processing things fast enough which will happen with more reps.
Well, thats sort of my point. He can learn from the positives from Emory’s game, regardless of whether it was a byproduct of the conservative game plan. Smart players don’t only learn from other’s mistakes, they learn from the mistakes other’s dont make. Emory has some mechanics he needs to clean up. That windup not going to cut it.
TVD's issues aren't the same as Emory's.

TVD holds onto the ball too long allowing defenders to drop deeper into zones. He then forces passes into those tight windows vs taking the check down or throwing it away. Dawson has also hurt TVD by giving him too much freedom in some ways.

Emory's issue is not processing things fast enough which will happen with more reps.
Is that how you see it ? He stares down the wr and never comes off his first read is more realistic
I disagree with many here. You know what you have with TVD already. A QB who focuses too much on his roommate, processes second and third receivers at an alarming slow rate, and throws INT at crucial times. Plus is he 100% healthy? He just doesn't have it and is NOT a team leader. Keep Emory Williams in the fold until he shows me he doesn't belong. That INT last week was not on him. GO CANES!
I disagree with many here. You know what you have with TVD already. A QB who focuses too much on his roommate, processes second and third receivers at an alarming slow rate, and throws INT at crucial times. Plus is he 100% healthy? He just doesn't have it and is NOT a team leader. Keep Emory Williams in the fold until he shows me he doesn't belong. That INT last week was not on him. GO CANES!
The interception that Williams threw against Clemson was a pass to the only covered receiver on the field. He had X wide open on a cross and Young wide open on a comeback. If George doesn’t flatten his route, the best he can do is knock it away from the defender.
Actually I think we should throw more wr screens with TVD. The kind Emory was throwing. It’ll help open up the downfield passing game as defenses get tired of us getting 6-7 yards a pop on them.
I think Dawson might have been getting a little too greedy with TVD. The used a ton of screens early in the season but went away from them. Obviously you don’t need to call 20 of them like he did with Williams but there’s no reason not to call 4 or 5 WR screens a game.
I believe David Lake said that 4 of his 6 interceptions were on passes intended for George. The one against Miami Ohio was for sure.
See, I knew I was getting old. The MO int, I thought was X but it was almost 2 months ago.
I believe David Lake said that 4 of his 6 interceptions were on passes intended for George. The one against Miami Ohio was for sure.


The one against UNC was to George as well, as were 2 of the 3 against GT.

Know what’s funny? On the one at UNC that essentially ended the game, guess who was absolutely wide open for an easy 8-10 yard gain on the throw to George that got picked?

Xavier Restrepo.

This nonsense that he just looks at X on every play is typical laundry bro message board fanboy just reading something they read somewhere and running with it. TVD has thrown 4 interceptions this season targeting Jacolby, far more than any other player.
I'd still start Emory....why rush TVD back??.. If Emory plays Horrible, then TVD can come off the bench. If Emory plays well, then it's another week for TVD to be 100% healthy. I like that scenario better.
Looks like TVD was with 1’s and will start. Hopefully, we can pull him early with big lead.