TVD is practicing

Nobody said it's "not" TVDs team...but to take a chance on him hurting himself more, when Emory might well be good enough, doesn't make sense to me.

Agreed. TVD goes back in early - and gets an injury that takes him out for multiple games - that's not good.

How many times have we seen someone go back in early - or because of desperate need - then they can't finish the season due to further injury - OR - they can only play at a reduced capacity.

The one against UNC was to George as well, as were 2 of the 3 against GT.

Know what’s funny? On the one at UNC that essentially ended the game, guess who was absolutely wide open for an easy 8-10 yard gain on the throw to George that got picked?

Xavier Restrepo.

This nonsense that he just looks at X on every play is typical laundry bro message board fanboy just reading something they read somewhere and running with it. TVD has thrown 4 interceptions this season targeting Jacolby, far more than any other player.
Someone on cis posted it. Must be true
Agreed. TVD goes back in early - and gets an injury that takes him out for multiple games - that's not good.

How many times have we seen someone go back in early - or because of desperate need - then they can't finish the season due to further injury - OR - they can only play at a reduced capacity.
That's exactly what I'm worried about. I'm not saying that'll happen....I hope he throws for 400yds and 5 TDs....but why chance anything, with FSU and Louisville looming??
Wayne and Bain bring the Pain?

We don’t do that around here.

How Can I Help You Reaction GIF by Polizei Rheinland-Pfalz

@cway313 Thanks for helping keep this board clean from these “jokesters”
My biggest concern is AJ and CJ now being asked to do pass pro with a hurting TVD and green Emory. Dawson and the OL(including TEs which are OL) need massive praise if both QBs remain healthy through the next two weeks. Hopefully Chaney, Fletcher, Parrish, and maybe even Citizen get into the action in the coming weeks.