TVD is practicing

Did u not see the game? Why tf would we need data lmao

Yes, I was at the game. Emory Williams started slow and safe and got better as the game progressed. I can also say that we rarely had anyone open. Clemson's defense was stout. Williams took good care of the ball. His only interception was largely due to a poor route by George. At the end of the day, Williams finished with a 73% completion percentage (24/33) 1 TD & 1 Int. against a top level defense.

You simply do not have an argument in saying he's not ready.
Yes, I was at the game. Emory Williams started slow and safe and got better as the game progressed. I can also say that we rarely had anyone open. Clemson's defense was stout. Williams took good care of the ball. His only interception was largely due to a poor route by George. At the end of the day, Williams finished with a 73% completion percentage (24/33) 1 TD & 1 Int. against a top level defense.

You simply do not have an argument in saying he's not ready.
We barely had anything open because we didn’t even use a quarter of the playbook..Now think about why u wouldn’t open up the playbook for a qb? BECAUSE HE IS A TRUE FRESHMAN AND NOT READY

And miss me with completion percentage he threw at least 15 screens bro its ok its his first game 99% of freshman qbs aren’t ready to play. Idk why yall overhype anything like we are some poverty school who hasn’t seen what great players look like
He doesn't but Dawson does have an offense that can lead to heavy targets for one player. The offense with Emory was very different with a ton of one-read passes. Would you be happy with TVD simply throwing 20 WR screens? He is asked to read 1/2 the field with 2-3 options on that side. If X is open on the primary side, he will get a target.

Tyler can work on using the back side, check-down, or throwing it away. Not going to expect him to start running the ball, it isn't him.
Go look at Dawsons track record at all his stops. One guy gets a good chunk of targets / catches. Normally being a s lot guy. Tank was use there a good bit.
Negative. The way you lose to teams as 17 point favorites is to let them hang around for a half and think they can win. They know they’re a 17 point dog. You know you’re a 17 point favorite. When you go bury them early, you take their will and it’s a wrap. Starting Emory and risking him starting slowly and letting UVA hang around is a recipe for disaster. If TVD can go, he goes. I think the opposite, get up 17-21 early and get him out. Not potentially start slowly, have him tighten up on the bench and throw a wounded kid out there to save the day. If TVD is good enough to go, he goes.
So if and when tvd throws a few more pics to let said 17 point dog hang around, what do you say then? Is the true freshman supposed to come bail his *** out?
Didn’t we just watch this happen v a 21 point dog GT???????????????????
Yes, I was at the game. Emory Williams started slow and safe and got better as the game progressed. I can also say that we rarely had anyone open. Clemson's defense was stout. Williams took good care of the ball. His only interception was largely due to a poor route by George. At the end of the day, Williams finished with a 73% completion percentage (24/33) 1 TD & 1 Int. against a top level defense.

You simply do not have an argument in saying he's not ready.

Wasn’t Emory‘s longest pass play a woefully underthrown ball that the CY made a great comeback/catch for?

Those are the kind of passes that get intercepted all the time. That ball gets intercepted and we lose the game. Not putting Emory down, I think he’s done a great job, considering he’s a TF, but let’s get real about who the better quarterback is.

You start TVD all day long if he can go. And if he can get injured this week, he can get injured next week.

This “lets start him so he doesn’t go back in and get injured this week” is pure nonsense. You could hold him out this week and in one more week he could get just as injured. It makes no difference. Faulty logic.
Yes, I was at the game. Emory Williams started slow and safe and got better as the game progressed. I can also say that we rarely had anyone open. Clemson's defense was stout. Williams took good care of the ball. His only interception was largely due to a poor route by George. At the end of the day, Williams finished with a 73% completion percentage (24/33) 1 TD & 1 Int. against a top level defense.

You simply do not have an argument in saying he's not ready.

How many yard per pass attempt? How many yards per completion? How many passes attempts/completed that traveled 20+ yards through the air? How many attempts/completions to the middle third?

Therein lies the answer.
Go look at Dawsons track record at all his stops. One guy gets a good chunk of targets / catches. Normally being a s lot guy. Tank was use there a good bit.
All dawson offenses, these people are just clueless lol.. If anything the ball is getting spread out here more than it has at other places.


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Wasn’t Emory‘s longest pass play a woefully underthrown ball that the CY made a great comeback/catch for?

Those are the kind of passes that get intercepted all the time. That ball gets intercepted and we lose the game. Not putting Emory down, I think he’s done a great job, considering he’s a TF, but let’s get real about who the better quarterback is.

You start TVD all day long if he can go. And if he can get injured this week, he can get injured next week.

This “lets start him so he doesn’t go back in and get injured this week” is pure nonsense. You could hold him out this week and in one more week he could get just as injured. It makes no difference. Faulty logic.
The logic in the prior post was you’re more likely to reaggravate something if you aren’t 100% healed. Thus, giving him some more time would equate to a lesser risk of reaggravation.

But you’re right, you can’t play guessing games more than halfway through the season. If TVD is ready to play, you go with him. I am shocked anyone is actually saying otherwise. Let EW continue to develop. There’s no rush.

And regarding all the complaining about X getting the ball a lot... He better get the ball a lot. He’s the most consistent, safest bet and overall best WR on this team.
You lost me at “without knowing the injury…”

We have pics. We have real CiS medical experts. I think we’re at the point where we know absolutely everything that can possibly be known about the injury.


My medical expertise has developed over years and years.

I used to drive right by the hospital every day, for years, and I watched several episodes of ER and five or six episodes of House.

Based on my careful diagnosis of that photo - TVD CAN play Saturday - but if he can take it easy until next Thursday the week following - he's gold.

Prove me wrong.
The logic in the prior post was you’re more likely to reaggravate something if you aren’t 100% healed. Thus, giving him some more time would equate to a lesser risk of reaggravation.

But you’re right, you can’t play guessing games more than halfway through the season. If TVD is ready to play, you go with him. I am shocked anyone is actually saying otherwise. Let EW continue to develop. There’s no rush.

And regarding all the complaining about X getting the ball a lot... He better get the ball a lot. He’s the most consistent, safest bet and overall best WR on this team.
EW’s “development” is best in games. If Miami can beat UVA with Emory, why not rest TVD? What’s wrong with that?

The one against UNC was to George as well, as were 2 of the 3 against GT.

Know what’s funny? On the one at UNC that essentially ended the game, guess who was absolutely wide open for an easy 8-10 yard gain on the throw to George that got picked?

Xavier Restrepo.

This nonsense that he just looks at X on every play is typical laundry bro message board fanboy just reading something they read somewhere and running with it. TVD has thrown 4 interceptions this season targeting Jacolby, far more than any other player.
Really??? I wonder why he has the most receptions 🤔. X is pure heart and a Dawg though not elite speed but elite hands. But seriously come on, he definitely gets most of the TVD looks


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