The U Administration's commitment to Miami football...

bumbra up to his old tricks with the condescension. But it's fine, OP will be protected by the mods and D-Ummy, while any dissenters get thrown on a daily post limit or outright banned. This place is one swish away from being Greasy 2.0 in name and deed. It's gone south faster than our defense in November. Bang up job.

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It's pretty easy to initiate a campaign when you're at a school that has a large alumni base…not to mention when you own your stadium. Knock out the stadium renovations from that list and the numbers are much more pedestrian and in-line with UM's spending.

Sure it can be easy for some schools....but it is really hard when you don't even try.

I don't think it is fair to "knock out the stadium renovations". That is a cost that UM does not have. So they should have plenty to spend on other things and make those things elite.

I mean ****, TCU is a tiny ******* school and they somehow have 160 million to drop on stadiums ****.

anyhow, I've already posted too much. I really just wanted to point out that the OP is a douche thinking that his post is the end of the discussion. That anyone that disagrees with his premise is both stupid and not a fan. I pointed out a few things just to show him that his "points" aren't ****...and she sure as **** has no ground to stand on to be such a condescending piece of ****.
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Uhealth is a joke in the medical field down here, i went there recently to check it out first hand and it was poorly ran, what they do have is that they incorporate some well known doctors but they arent exclusive to them, better off goin to baptist *cough* *cough* but they do get brakes and can use what they make from that for the college, for a athletic standpoint the new sports rehab departmnet that was shown in the canes cuts not too long ago was made because of the Uhealth system

Nothing shocks me anymore about this process with the hospital.

People still go there for medical treatment, so the school is goin to get something out of it, they arent as bad as kendall regional or larkin, but compared to the bigger hospitals its pretty bad
Oh they make plenty profit off their hospital

Not sure if serious?

Just because something is labeled 'not for profit' doesn't mean they don't make money. The NFL is a not for profit org. You'd have to be really bad at running a hospital to not make money from it.

He used the word PROFIT for the hospital. As in Revenues > Expenses. It has nothing to do with our status on our tax return. I am just talking about the hospital. The hospital is making REVENUES but that doesn't mean we're making PROFIT.

There is a pretty good article about some of the issues involved. That isn't to say we can't right the ship and make this PROFITABLE.

Well, there's another part of the university she's failing at.

Actually all three hospitals produced a surplus last year (Profit in the non-profit world). The medical school itself and the physician practice lose money. Together they are very slightly positive.
Uhealth is a joke in the medical field down here, i went there recently to check it out first hand and it was poorly ran, what they do have is that they incorporate some well known doctors but they arent exclusive to them, better off goin to baptist *cough* *cough* but they do get brakes and can use what they make from that for the college, for a athletic standpoint the new sports rehab departmnet that was shown in the canes cuts not too long ago was made because of the Uhealth system

Nothing shocks me anymore about this process with the hospital.

People still go there for medical treatment, so the school is goin to get something out of it, they arent as bad as kendall regional or larkin, but compared to the bigger hospitals its pretty bad

UM operates a closed system at Bascom and Sylvester. The physician's dont practice at Baptist. UMH (Cedars) does take community physicians. US News just named Bascom top hospital in SFL and number 1 for Eyes for like the 11th year in a row. So saying UHealth is a joke is probably overstated.
Uhealth is a joke in the medical field down here, i went there recently to check it out first hand and it was poorly ran, what they do have is that they incorporate some well known doctors but they arent exclusive to them, better off goin to baptist *cough* *cough* but they do get brakes and can use what they make from that for the college, for a athletic standpoint the new sports rehab departmnet that was shown in the canes cuts not too long ago was made because of the Uhealth system

Nothing shocks me anymore about this process with the hospital.

People still go there for medical treatment, so the school is goin to get something out of it, they arent as bad as kendall regional or larkin, but compared to the bigger hospitals its pretty bad

What's pretty bad? What service are you referring to? None of the quality data reported nationally would support that.
Feels good to have a fraction of the facilities that were on Georgia's campus 10 years ago.

Seriously, while we were all touching ourselves in 2004 being all, "yea we're NFLU baby!", this is what most major programs already had. The money that was used on the new locker room was donated by The Rock in 2007. They didn't even do anything with it until they broke ground on the Swartz Center in 2012.
Uhealth is a joke in the medical field down here, i went there recently to check it out first hand and it was poorly ran, what they do have is that they incorporate some well known doctors but they arent exclusive to them, better off goin to baptist *cough* *cough* but they do get brakes and can use what they make from that for the college, for a athletic standpoint the new sports rehab departmnet that was shown in the canes cuts not too long ago was made because of the Uhealth system

Nothing shocks me anymore about this process with the hospital.

People still go there for medical treatment, so the school is goin to get something out of it, they arent as bad as kendall regional or larkin, but compared to the bigger hospitals its pretty bad

What's pretty bad? What service are you referring to? None of the quality data reported nationally would support that.

Im just giving my opinion on the system, they had no record of my appointment on their computers, was at the front desk for an hour, it got to the point where i had to get the physician i had to see on the phone to get me access, they never told me where to go so i spent another half hour trying to find out where to go and the signage wasnt that good, i get that accidents happen but how they handled it put a bad taste in my mouth, i also asked around about their system and from what i was told they arent top notch, im not sayin they are garbage, i know how the hospital system is ive been around it my whole and it aint perfect to be honest there is no such thing as a perfect hospital im just comparing them to other hospitals down here
Instead of wasting money in an indoor facility why not invest more $ in coaches? I'm not trying to troll but an indoor facility really isn't going to reward us with success on the field.
bomb is the worst. A condescending ******* who has ruined every online Miami community he's ever been involved with. Great job D$, he's well on his way to ruining this place as well. If you don't believe me, there is a decade of evidence to prove it.
Uhealth is a joke in the medical field down here, i went there recently to check it out first hand and it was poorly ran, what they do have is that they incorporate some well known doctors but they arent exclusive to them, better off goin to baptist *cough* *cough* but they do get brakes and can use what they make from that for the college, for a athletic standpoint the new sports rehab departmnet that was shown in the canes cuts not too long ago was made because of the Uhealth system

Nothing shocks me anymore about this process with the hospital.

People still go there for medical treatment, so the school is goin to get something out of it, they arent as bad as kendall regional or larkin, but compared to the bigger hospitals its pretty bad

What's pretty bad? What service are you referring to? None of the quality data reported nationally would support that.

Im just giving my opinion on the system, they had no record of my appointment on their computers, was at the front desk for an hour, it got to the point where i had to get the physician i had to see on the phone to get me access, they never told me where to go so i spent another half hour trying to find out where to go and the signage wasnt that good, i get that accidents happen but how they handled it put a bad taste in my mouth, i also asked around about their system and from what i was told they arent top notch, im not sayin they are garbage, i know how the hospital system is ive been around it my whole and it aint perfect to be honest there is no such thing as a perfect hospital im just comparing them to other hospitals down here

UM's system is about 20 years newer than Baptist. Hopefully your experience was an outlier. It's popular to bash UM etc, but the percieved shortfall in revenue is not an issue, and certainly not due to UHealth. The school made 9 figures last year.
The Joe Casale indoor practice facility is in a 'future phase'. Ground will break as soon as his credit card payment clears.
Anyone who criticizes them with regards to their commitment to UM Football needs to deactivate their CaneCard.


Is there anything done by the school admin that these people won't defend? Holy ****. Instead of parlaying our success on the field from 1999-2003 into bigger and better facilities in order to maintain that success, they mismanaged the opportunity by completely ignoring the program and shifting resources from the dept that brought the revenue into pet projects of marxist collectivist ********.