The U Administration's commitment to Miami football...

Already cut them one for my season tickets, champ.

That's payment for goods/services…not cutting a check.

There is a DONATION on top of that.

Donation by name alone. It's pretty much a charge for the goods/services as you don't have an option to remove the donated amount. They can split the charge and call it 50% ticket 50% donation or how ever they want.

A true donation is one that is not "mandatory".

Exactly. Write a check that isn't directly connected to you receiving something in return like season tickets.

Donation for my seats... check
Donation for Hurricane Club..... check
You being a come pinga.... check

That's payment for goods/services…not cutting a check.

There is a DONATION on top of that.

Donation by name alone. It's pretty much a charge for the goods/services as you don't have an option to remove the donated amount. They can split the charge and call it 50% ticket 50% donation or how ever they want.

A true donation is one that is not "mandatory".

Exactly. Write a check that isn't directly connected to you receiving something in return like season tickets.

Donation for my seats... check
Donation for Hurricane Club..... check
You being a come pinga.... check

what is bomb's credentials?

just because you're an alumni, do you think you are better than the other fans, bomb?
"Anyone who criticizes them with regards to their commitment to UM Football needs to deactivate their CaneCard."

That's payment for goods/services…not cutting a check.

There is a DONATION on top of that.

Donation by name alone. It's pretty much a charge for the goods/services as you don't have an option to remove the donated amount. They can split the charge and call it 50% ticket 50% donation or how ever they want.

A true donation is one that is not "mandatory".

Exactly. Write a check that isn't directly connected to you receiving something in return like season tickets.

Donation for my seats… check $250
Donation for Hurricane Club..... check same $250
You being a come pinga.... check

Cool story!
There is a DONATION on top of that.

Donation by name alone. It's pretty much a charge for the goods/services as you don't have an option to remove the donated amount. They can split the charge and call it 50% ticket 50% donation or how ever they want.

A true donation is one that is not "mandatory".

Exactly. Write a check that isn't directly connected to you receiving something in return like season tickets.

Donation for my seats… check $250
Donation for Hurricane Club..... check same $250
You being a come pinga.... check

Cool story!

Since my story is cool and all, I will ask Bambina again, donde coño esta el indoor practice facility?
dont understand people complaining about getting improvements for our football team. should have alot of these said upgrades happened years ago, sure. But they didnt and we are now finally getting them. whats the old saying.... "better late than never..." smh
dont understand people complaining about getting improvements for our football team. should have alot of these said upgrades happened years ago, sure. But they didnt and we are now finally getting them. whats the old saying.... "better late than never..." smh

Yo, they are madder than a **** because someone said they appreciate the upgrades. Rustled to the max.
If you detach yourself from the school, and objectively look at the team alone, it's painfully obvious that the school has little interest in being an elite program. Shalala would give her left and right nuts to be a perennially competitive basketball school and a perennially well behaved high graduation football program.

It is extremely difficult to be a private, elite academic institution, and field a team of 85 pre-NFL freaks.

It was much easier to justify a pre-NFL team when the school wasn't desperately trying to be "elite".
dont understand people complaining about getting improvements for our football team. should have alot of these said upgrades happened years ago, sure. But they didnt and we are now finally getting them. whats the old saying.... "better late than never..." smh

"Too little too late." - JoJo

They want more and believe we deserve more. Like myself, they believe the current Admin doesn't make football and sports a bigger priority.
dont understand people complaining about getting improvements for our football team. should have alot of these said upgrades happened years ago, sure. But they didnt and we are now finally getting them. whats the old saying.... "better late than never..." smh
True. But in the same breath you can't act like the Admin. deserves any kind of praise for this when it was under their failed stewardship that we fell so woefully behind in the first place. All of the improvements made are a great start. The bolded portion is a pretty low bar for praise though.
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Donna should just stay in her ivy tower and leave athletics to those who know what they're doing.

She's like Jerry Jones only without the cash.
BTW, Indoor practice facility price tag is 20 million, also it's planned to go right on top of the new turf we just basically, not anytime soon.
Nothing shocks me anymore about this process with the hospital.

People still go there for medical treatment, so the school is goin to get something out of it, they arent as bad as kendall regional or larkin, but compared to the bigger hospitals its pretty bad

What's pretty bad? What service are you referring to? None of the quality data reported nationally would support that.

Im just giving my opinion on the system, they had no record of my appointment on their computers, was at the front desk for an hour, it got to the point where i had to get the physician i had to see on the phone to get me access, they never told me where to go so i spent another half hour trying to find out where to go and the signage wasnt that good, i get that accidents happen but how they handled it put a bad taste in my mouth, i also asked around about their system and from what i was told they arent top notch, im not sayin they are garbage, i know how the hospital system is ive been around it my whole and it aint perfect to be honest there is no such thing as a perfect hospital im just comparing them to other hospitals down here

UM's system is about 20 years newer than Baptist. Hopefully your experience was an outlier. It's popular to bash UM etc, but the percieved shortfall in revenue is not an issue, and certainly not due to UHealth. The school made 9 figures last year.

like i said there is no short fall in revenue, just going by my experience with it first hand experience with the that hospital and other hospitals, not bashing it one bit to be honest if its helping the school im cool with it there