It's pretty easy to initiate a campaign when you're at a school that has a large alumni base…not to mention when you own your stadium. Knock out the stadium renovations from that list and the numbers are much more pedestrian and in-line with UM's spending.
Sure it can be easy for some schools....but it is really hard when you don't even try.
I don't think it is fair to "knock out the stadium renovations". That is a cost that UM does not have. So they should have plenty to spend on other things and make those things elite.
I mean ****, TCU is a tiny ****ing school and they somehow have 160 million to drop on stadiums ****.
anyhow, I've already posted too much. I really just wanted to point out that the OP is a douche thinking that his post is the end of the discussion. That anyone that disagrees with his premise is both stupid and not a fan. I pointed out a few things just to show him that his "points" aren't ****...and she sure as **** has no ground to stand on to be such a condescending piece of ****.
WTF are you talking about? Miami doesn't have a stadium so they have money to spend on other things? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Please tell me you're trolling here.
No I did not say they don't have a stadium so they have to spend it on other things. I basically said a stadium is one thing they don't have to dump resources into, so they can invest money that schools typically dump into stadiums into other''d think they could do more than maybe one drive for 30 million.
So I guess miami doesn't have any boosters and because of that Shalala can only do a fundraising drive for the football team a few times a decade? i know for a fact Miami does have football fanatical boosters and some very good ones. The "we don't have boosters" stuff is pretty weak. The admin would just rather hit those boosters up for other things, It appears. I don't know...
TCU had to do a booster drive to get 160 million for stadium upgrades. That is something miami doesn't have to do. TCU is a small *** private school and until recently in a small *** conference and (until recently) basically no tv money. I find it extremely hard to believe that miami's finances and boosters are weaker than TCU's
You arent this stupid.
just checked: TCU undergrad enrollment is around 8k vs Miami of 16K
Miami's undergrad is actually 10K. So we don't have that many more students.
Also TCU might have already owned the land they were going to build on, or land is much cheaper in that area, so they might not need as much money as Miami would. In fact, I'd assume their stadium is on campus, and that's a huge problem for us to get a stadium...that we have nowhere on campus to put it, so it would have to be off campus.
Also we have never tried raising money for the purpose of building a stadium, But I do know it would gain more support than trying to build an indoor practice facility. We only got 30M because that's in the range of $ we needed for what we were can't think we would only get 30M if we tried to raise for building an on campus stadium, it's a much more important facility, and would likely get a lot of donor support.