So Now Richt Sucks at Recruiting?

Some have a hard time with a concept of recruiting bump. When posters point out who we missed on, they come back with "ya, but we got this guy!" This isn't hard to figure out: we have landed guys like that before!! That's not the problem. Richt is sustaining this level not raising it. We aren't landing elite players OR we aren't landing enough. We aren't tracking towards a top 10 class regardless of what porsters say. If we were to land every big name on our board, including Smith (we won't), we would finish with 260 points. Does anyone know what that would have finished the last 4 years? 12th. We've been there, done that. We need more difference makers. Laugh at this **** all you want but you can't win unless you stack talent. We are not an elite level right now and we seem to be in the same spot with a much better staff.
If fsux gets Cam Akers,, we are FVCKED. Alabama is praying Najee leaves to USC, because they want Cam more. They're just not sure Cam will come to Bama, if they say "bye" to Najee. But I am telling you both are very elite and if Akers goes to fsux, we are in for another 3 to 4 years of Dumbo being our boss and CMR's daddy. We have to get someone on this staff that can get elite 5* players to come here.

Akers will be a nightmare:

A RB should not automatically make anyone our daddy no matter how good. If that were the case, the same thing would have happened to a lot of teams who faced Fournette. Famous defensive coordinator quote: "if you're in the backfield, they can't even start."

DL > any RB
"As expected."

This term ****es me the **** of in recruiting. As if Jeudy sticking with Alabama "as expected" makes it okay? It's your job to make it the expectation big name local recruits commit to the U. That's "expected." I hate that **** like we supposed to be fine with an outcome cuz it's expected. Change the expectations, then!
He hasn't done that great of a job at it here.

Agree. Richt has not become a worse recruiter overnight. However, this staff is significantly worse at recruiting than his uga staff. Not getting John Lilly, Corey Raymond, and Bmac deeply hurt us before we even got started. The burden falls on richt for hiring his staff, but I highly doubt his performance/efforts in recruiting have magificiently become worse. He will need to make staff changes if he cannot win with the talent we're bringing in.

I don't know what the deal with dugans is but he's looking worse than jethro Franklin. Franklin was terrible, but he at least had the excuse of very few power 5 DTs in soflo. There are billions of power 5 WRs within 150 miles of Miami's campus. The usf commit choosing tenn over Miami (after building a relationship with dugans) was the first indicator of troubles to come.

Our db recruiting is also a major concern.
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hate to break it to people. i had two recruits tell me they think kaaya is not that good. one kid said "hes garbage. kid cant evne make a second read."

The **** does that have to do with recruiting? GTFO

they dont think he will lead them to playoff contention next year.

Anybody worrying about who their SR QB will be their freshman yr is an idiot. Kids coming in now are coming in w/ Perry and that should be enough
Richt's offensive recruiting up to this point has been exactly that...OFFENSIVE. You all ***kers wanted him, now you get to enjoy failure after failure on the recruiting trail.

Go ahead and neg away. You're all repeating the same blind loyalty B.S. that has become commonplace amongst the new breed of Canes fans. Bunch of participation trophy fans. Dude has **** the bed badly, especially with WR's. No excuse that any of you can conjure up or make up can change that fact.
Also, winning would help bring in recruits but we do not need to win to bring in recruits. This is richts first year. Butch jones, al golden, lane kiffin, and other suspect coaches all excelled in their first full year of recruiting despite mediocre on-the-field performances
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Richt's offensive recruiting up to this point has been exactly that...OFFENSIVE. You all ***kers wanted him, now you get to enjoy failure after failure on the recruiting trail.

Go ahead and neg away. You're all repeating the same blind loyalty B.S. that has become commonplace amongst the new breed of Canes fans. Bunch of participation trophy fans. Dude has **** the bed badly, especially with WR's. No excuse that any of you can conjure up or make up can change that fact.

Most the post in this thread agree he's not getting the majority of his big targets. :puzzled:
This would never happen to Butch.

Yes it would and it did.

The notion is didn't is laughably absurd. People act like Butch in 1995-1998 was pulling whoever he wanted. NOPE

So true.
Alot of the signees under Butch were Plan B and Plan C players as he lost alot of battles (including some who
were UM commits) to FU, fsu,Ohio State, NLame and even one kid to LaTech.
This would never happen to Butch.


Don't waste your time, Archer. These dudes rather hate on the dude that put together the best team of all-time than to accept the fact that we were correct in not wanting Richt as our HC. Butch also recruited a lot of the players only our great Jimmy Johnson era teams. Best eye for talent in the business, no doubt.

As the Bible says, "A man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6:7

Our admin and BOT are reaping what they have sown.
This would never happen to Butch.

Yes it would and it did.

The notion is didn't is laughably absurd. People act like Butch in 1995-1998 was pulling whoever he wanted. NOPE

So true.
Alot of the signees under Butch were Plan B and Plan C players as he lost alot of battles (including some who
were UM commits) to FU, fsu,Ohio State, NLame and even one kid to LaTech.

If someone wants to say the month of October affected us ya it did but please do not tell me Butch Davis was pulling in 5 stars on the regular. That's just fabricated beyond words.

His gameday coaching sucked **** too.

Lest we forget those ECU games.

Christ it's like everything prior to 2000 never happened.
This will be a very good class if we land Herbert, Slaton, Harley, and Smith.

Probably 12-15. That's good, but we have regularly achieved this before

Golden made dudes comfortable with that underachieving. I'll admit I was comfortable with a top 15 class every now and again. That's not going to get you anywhere though if you don't have good-to-elite coaching. Clemson has had only two top 10 classes since 2011 for example yet they are contenders every year.

With the coaches we have, there's no reason that we shouldn't have a top 10 class annually and compete in the conference championship. I'll give Richt the benefit of the doubt having this year having to coach Goldens' specials, 9 banned spots, and little depth while playing a bunch of freshmen. Anything less than a Coastal Championship next year and we might as well begin to fly banners.
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