This is the reason I'm hyped for this team and the future. The culture has changed and it's night and day from the Shannon days. It seems like these boys really want to put in the work, do the things necessary to win games. It just feels different for me.
Dumbest **** ever that fans make up, culture. It doesn't feel different, you're just hoping it is. Change the names to Shannon and Coker, same things were posted under Shannon.
Ive said it before, football is a abstract game. Its a art, not a science. If you dont think it matters how you run your program on a day to day basis then I dont know what to tell you. Your lack of understanding on this is the exact reason why 99% of the posters here couldnt be a coach(Myself included). Im sure you could scribble some plays on a napkin but coaching is as much about motivation and managing people as it is Xs and Os.
Maybe i am wrong about the feeling I have, but your assertion that culture is something made up by fans is straight wrong. The culture matters, and its what separates the top coaches from the rest.
I apologize for the confusion as I didn't state myself clearly on my first post.
Culture, or whatever name you choose to give it, is important in any sport. The problem I have with fans who aren't attached to the program in any capacity is they make large leaps causing statements that make absolutely no sense off of limited information. There's nothing to "feel" here, there's just hope on your part. Additionally, culture isn't the only thing that separates good coaches from the rest, but that another discussion entirely. I'd also take an elite X and O guy over an elite motivator.
This is the reason I'm hyped for this team and the future. The culture has changed and it's night and day from the Shannon days. It seems like these boys really want to put in the work, do the things necessary to win games. It just feels different for me.
I mean honestly, how the f do you know it's changed? You aren't there, reading the same canned quotes we all are. I'm hopeful of course but a decade of lame makes me Missouri. Show me.
This poster, hard to disagree with.
When Coker left, the country club was closing and part of his failed regime was here to save the day. People said he was good for at least two more wins on discipline alone and the dumb ******* said he'd shoot himself if we didn't win 8 or 9 games (I forget which it was) his first season. He didn't make it to that mark his first season and as we all know, he didn't shoot himself. Coaches say dumb**** all the time, so do players, and so do fans.
Now here we are year four under the slick car salesman and the season is fast approaching. People are making the same dumb illogical statements they make every spring and fall every single year. We heard all about his discipline, how he was some master motivator, etc....why didn't that work in years past? I was cracking up last year when people were talking about the D after the Spring Game like it was going to be one of the best in the nation. We have a lot of holes and question marks, a **** poor record of good performance under this guy, and yet people take little blurbs or video highlight then run with it.
Simple question, when was the last spring or fall where you had a lot of comments saying the team or players were struggling a lot? Don't bother trying to find them, there's some out there, but it's mostly rainbows and sunshine....that's what the spring/fall is all about. It isn't reality, hasn't been for a long time, but take that leap of faith/hope and run with it.