More trouble for Georgia....

As do I. Especially with overtime they can make a very decent salary. My point is that even the highest paid blue collar guys, who turn their nose up at "stoners", will make less in their entire life than some "stoners" make in a day.
They got you tubers and video gamers making millions. And dudes going to work in sweats and flip flops driving lambos and paying 0.00 in student loans.
But my parents told me to go to college.
What a bizarre perspective!

If you believe that we are judged unfairly, why would the solution be to judge other programs unfairly? If the goal is to judge all programs the same way, let's judge all of them fairly! Not all of them unfairly.

Go ahead and hold this against Georgia, if you'd like. But then don't complain next time someone exaggerates our minor transgressions.

Are you an idiot or something? Where did I say to "judge other programs unfairly"?

They have had 6 arrests in a short period of time. That is significant.

I am also reflecting on the fact that 6 arrests in a month or two never earns Georgia a "thug" reputation, while stuff that happened 10 or 20 years ago at Miami will never be forgotten.

Those are two separate issues, though both are based on the commission (or non-commission) of criminal behavior.

Too many people want to write off an arrest simply because it was "marijuana". Incorrect analysis. ****, that's what happened every time Jameis Winston committed a petty crime (and I'm not talking about the rapes).

The fact that multiple people are getting arrested is often a reflection of poor decision-making. And if you have to suspend a lot of those kids, then it will eventually impact the team. That's just reality, not "judging a program unfairly".
They got you tubers and video gamers making millions. And dudes going to work in sweats and flip flops driving lambos and paying 0.00 in student loans.
But my parents told me to go to college.

Very true lol. To be fair though for the vast majority you will be better off going to school than trying to be a youtube celeb. lol.
Are you an idiot or something? Where did I say to "judge other programs unfairly"?

They have had 6 arrests in a short period of time. That is significant.

I am also reflecting on the fact that 6 arrests in a month or two never earns Georgia a "thug" reputation, while stuff that happened 10 or 20 years ago at Miami will never be forgotten.

Those are two separate issues, though both are based on the commission (or non-commission) of criminal behavior.

Too many people want to write off an arrest simply because it was "marijuana". Incorrect analysis. ****, that's what happened every time Jameis Winston committed a petty crime (and I'm not talking about the rapes).

The fact that multiple people are getting arrested is often a reflection of poor decision-making. And if you have to suspend a lot of those kids, then it will eventually impact the team. That's just reality, not "judging a program unfairly".

"I am also reflecting on the fact that 6 arrests in a month or two never earns Georgia a "thug" reputation, while stuff that happened 10 or 20 years ago at Miami will never be forgotten. "

What does Miami's unfairly earned "thug" reputation have ANYTHING to do with Georgia? Literally has nothing to do with it. But yet you keep bringing it up. Why?
I don’t want my players drinking PBR’s, nor smoking Cigarettes or Weed before practice. If they are then there is a problem!

Perhaps. Though if you eat weed in the form of edibles, it can really do wonders in terms of helping you sleep better. Better rest along with no reduced lung function can very easily mean that you perform better on the field, in the weight room, recover better, etc. I've been saying for a while now that pot taken in edible form can almost be a performance enhancing drug in that way. No hangover either.
Never trust someone who wants to outlaw something because it's unhealthy. They don't really care about your health, there's always an ulterior motive.

Pretty sure the only people who really want to keep weed illegal are police officers. Oh and drug dealer cartels.
Perhaps. Though if you eat weed in the form of edibles, it can really do wonders in terms of helping you sleep better. Better rest along with no reduced lung function can very easily mean that you perform better on the field, in the weight room, recover better, etc. I've been saying for a while now that pot taken in edible form can almost be a performance enhancing drug in that way. No hangover either.
Maybe bake some brownies laced with weed!
"I am also reflecting on the fact that 6 arrests in a month or two never earns Georgia a "thug" reputation, while stuff that happened 10 or 20 years ago at Miami will never be forgotten. "

What does Miami's unfairly earned "thug" reputation have ANYTHING to do with Georgia? Literally has nothing to do with it. But yet you keep bringing it up. Why?

Take your dopey 30 postings and slide them inside of your ******.

It has EVERYTHING to do with recruiting when parents mistakenly think they are sending their kids to "safer" college towns (when compared to the mean streets of Coral Gables).

Go find a dumber UM board on which to post.
Never trust someone who wants to outlaw something because it's unhealthy. They don't really care about your health, there's always an ulterior motive.

Pretty sure the only people who really want to keep weed illegal are police officers. Oh and drug dealer cartels.

Don't forget Correction officer unions, For profit prison owners, pharmaceutical companies, and the gullible idiots that believe everything they read in their DARE manual.
I have a medical card. It’s fantastic. Watch out for Banana Watermellon. It will put you on your ***.
I have a medical card. It’s fantastic. Watch out for Banana Watermellon. It will put you on your ***.
In Florida? I find most of them pretty weak. What dispensary is it from? One of the best I've found is MUV, they actually created an inhaler exactly the same as the ones used for asthma. Great for those worried about smoke/vape that need immediate relief and it gives a metered dose.
In Florida? I find most of them pretty weak. What dispensary is it from? One of the best I've found is MUV, they actually created an inhaler exactly the same as the ones used for asthma. Great for those worried about smoke/vape that need immediate relief and it gives a metered dose.