More trouble for Georgia....

Waiting for another quote from Mr. Oblivious, Kurby, about how there’s just no leadership on the team.

You know, Kurbs, while you’re pointing that one finger at your players remember there’s four fingers pointing back at you

Is it just me or was that statement by him the strangest thing? Leadership comes from the top; that be him. Why didn’t he just say, “I’m a useless idiot with great bag men”
Whether it should or shouldn’t be.. it’s illegal. Kids aspiring to be professional athletes shouldn’t be doing **** they could get arrested for and taint their image. Probably just cost themselves millions if they were ever fortunate enough to be considered a first round talent because now they won’t be.
Look how bad it hurt Warren Sapp when he tested positive for both cocaine and marijuana. He went from top two to twelfth. That was 24 years ago.
People making billion dollar deals high lmao. 99% of the anti weed guys are blue collar guys who think everyone that smokes weed is a failure, but fail to look in the mirror and realize they are in their 40s and 50s still working a blue collar job.
I know blue collar dudes that make more money than some white collar guys.
It’s not about that. People have been brainwashed for decades about weed.
The old timers are coming around.
In the 50’s and 60’s doctors used to drink and smoke on duty. My professor was a retired surgeon and talked about coming into the room with a glass a scotch and a cigarette. Do that sht now and you’ll never practice again.
But during that time weed was the devils lettuce and for many people it still is.
A lot of blue collar guys smoke. But the younger generation isn’t becoming blue collar at the rate they were before. But if you find me a 25 year old plumber I guarantee you he probably has a nice stash he digs into after work.
I mean, Georgia and the rest of the SEC can rot in a pit for all I care, but this is absurd, arresting these kids over pot. Seriously, this should be a non-issue.
Whether it should or shouldn’t be.. it’s illegal. Kids aspiring to be professional athletes shouldn’t be doing **** they could get arrested for and taint their image. Probably just cost themselves millions if they were ever fortunate enough to be considered a first round talent because now they won’t be.
So is underage drinking (21), yet to see that stop anyone in college from refraining.
In house punishment and that will be the end of it, if these 2 don't make the NFL it won't be because of this incident.
No one is going to cost themselves millions over the use of marijuana—which is now legal in many states, both recreationally as well as medically.

No, it's not legal in Georgia—as the Bible Belt is always the last to come around—but the stigma around marijuana use is gone.

****, most teams would probably guys use pot and THC for pain management instead of addictive opioids.

You're taking about a sport that turns a blind eye against domestic abuse, barring the player is talented enough. Just ask Kareem Hunt and Rueben Foster how much the "tainted" their images by beating on some women. Nada. If you can play, you're gonna skate.
Pot and THC is probably way less harmful than meds they are allowed to use for pain.
Not everybody smokes.

Deeply inhaling superheated chemicals like hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, numerous carcinogenic hydrocarbons and whatever random chemicals and pesticides where on the plant is not the healthiest thing to do.

This toxic chemical soup is deeply inhaled and expands in lung tissue at temperatures exceeding 1,600°F. Cannabinoids are not, by any stretch of the imagination, the only chemicals inhaled in marijuana smoke.

Smoking marijuana is a personal choice, but not one without health consequences.
This may be true for street stuff but medical marijuana is highly regulated and grown naturally and in regards to safety, at least in Florida and I'd certainly assume other states. It actually says on the packages that they are guaranteed to not have any chemicals and each batch is tested. You can even trace the lot number to the facility, grower, strain and plant.
Marijuana might be illegal, but that doesn't mean it isn't an extremely helpful recovery tool for athletes that is a much healthier option than PEDs or Opiods. ****, it is even a much better option over Ibuprofen to fight inflammation.
It's amazing what it does for chronic pain with zero of the negative affects from opiods.
Dude the pro athletes smoke and have for years..especially football..the key is not to be dumb enough to get caught lol

NFL athletes dont smoke as much as you think

NBA and MLB is a little bit different and it comes to Solomon's grass
Also Marijuana in the Carbon is not a good recovery too because when you smoke it you burn off most if not all of the CBD and what enters is the THC which is what gets you high. Also with the way Marijuana is grown now, most of the CBD is actually bred out of the flower and you are left with almost all THC flower buds aka Loud.

Get you some straight CBD if you are looking for recovery.
Also Marijuana in the Carbon is not a good recovery too because when you smoke it you burn off most if not all of the CBD and what enters is the THC which is what gets you high. Also with the way Marijuana is grown now, most of the CBD is actually bred out of the flower and you are left with almost all THC flower buds aka Loud.

Get you some straight CBD if you are looking for recovery.
The medical in Florida is all grown with thc/cbd ratios. Each product you select has a ratio of one more than the other or equal, that you choose. It's amazing what they're doing here and it helps greatly with so many issues that for years, pills were prescribed for each of them.
It's just weed. We only think this is a catastrophe because we want Georgia to burn to the ground.

This is just not true. It has nothing to do with wanting Georgia "to burn to the ground". It has everything to do with the decades-long false narrative that has characterized UM, Coral Gables, and South Florida players generally as some kind of epicenter of "thug behavior", when the opposite is true. Media coverage blows up non-events such as the Seventh Floor Crew as massive culture fails, while turning a blind eye to what is going on in "college towns".

More importantly, there are many, even Miami fans, who are going to minimize this, either from a lack of specific facts or from a "pot should be legal" standpoint (and, for the record, I am in favor of legalizing marijuana even for recreational use).

So just take the case of these most recent 2 Georgia players arrested. No school allows cops to just go door-to-door in the dormitories. And police need probable cause to detain. So there was something, maybe not something massive, but there had to be something that these players did that put them into an arrest situation. It's not the small amount of pot, in and of itself.

I don't look at these arrests as a huge deal. But the underlying behavior, and the frequency of arrests, is becoming alarming. So let's not minimize this, simply because we want marijuana laws to be liberalized.
Out of curiosity T, which do you use? I'm rolling in that direction finally...TIA


CBD oil is a miracle worker for pain. I suffered with brutal back pain for 13 years. After starting CBD oil ALL my pain was gone. Pure idiocy this stuff isn’t legal everywhere.
This is just not true. It has nothing to do with wanting Georgia "to burn to the ground". It has everything to do with the decades-long false narrative that has characterized UM, Coral Gables, and South Florida players generally as some kind of epicenter of "thug behavior", when the opposite is true. Media coverage blows up non-events such as the Seventh Floor Crew as massive culture fails, while turning a blind eye to what is going on in "college towns".

More importantly, there are many, even Miami fans, who are going to minimize this, either from a lack of specific facts or from a "pot should be legal" standpoint (and, for the record, I am in favor of legalizing marijuana even for recreational use).

So just take the case of these most recent 2 Georgia players arrested. No school allows cops to just go door-to-door in the dormitories. And police need probable cause to detain. So there was something, maybe not something massive, but there had to be something that these players did that put them into an arrest situation. It's not the small amount of pot, in and of itself.

I don't look at these arrests as a huge deal. But the underlying behavior, and the frequency of arrests, is becoming alarming. So let's not minimize this, simply because we want marijuana laws to be liberalized.

What a bizarre perspective!

If you believe that we are judged unfairly, why would the solution be to judge other programs unfairly? If the goal is to judge all programs the same way, let's judge all of them fairly! Not all of them unfairly.

Go ahead and hold this against Georgia, if you'd like. But then don't complain next time someone exaggerates our minor transgressions.