More trouble for Georgia....

Take your dopey 30 postings and slide them inside of your ******.

It has EVERYTHING to do with recruiting when parents mistakenly think they are sending their kids to "safer" college towns (when compared to the mean streets of Coral Gables).

Go find a dumber UM board on which to post.

I wrote a longer reply to this and then decided to just drop the exchange.

But I did want to emphasize that in no way should a high post count on CIS be viewed as a good thing, lol. It is not a badge of honor. This is a free internet message board to talk about sports. If you derive any amount of your self worth from being active on CIS, I implore you to take a step back and re-evaluate how you spend your time.
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I wouldn’t blame unions.. but when private prison corporations are literally writing drug laws..... there’s a huge problem.

I am not blaming unions in general. I have no problem with unions. However, it is a fact that Police and Correction Officer unions are fighting hard to stop legalization. In both NY and NJ(who are both very close to fully legalizing). The correction officer unions are worried that they are going to cut CO hours if weed gets legalized because their would be less people in prisons. Also, if you are a CO would you rather have your cell block filled with pot heads or violent offenders and hard drug users?

Police obviously want it to stay illegal because pot is a very easy drug to bust. It smells very strong(as opposed to heroin and coke) so you don't even need a dog. Also, keeping it illegal allows them to use their tried and true tactic of "It smells like pot in this car, I no longer need a warrant to search your car". (even though it doesn't smell like anything, but try proving that in court.) then they find coke or something else and no weed, but are still able to use it in court to bust you. Also, for cops it is a lot easier and safer to drive around busting small time pot dealers. Once this becomes legal they are going to need to start going after hard drug dealers who are more likely to be carrying weapons.
I am not blaming unions in general. I have no problem with unions. However, it is a fact that Police and Correction Officer unions are fighting hard to stop legalization. In both NY and NJ(who are both very close to fully legalizing). The correction officer unions are worried that they are going to cut CO hours if weed gets legalized because their would be less people in prisons. Also, if you are a CO would you rather have your cell block filled with pot heads or violent offenders and hard drug users?

Police obviously want it to stay illegal because pot is a very easy drug to bust. It smells very strong(as opposed to heroin and coke) so you don't even need a dog. Also, keeping it illegal allows them to use their tried and true tactic of "It smells like pot in this car, I no longer need a warrant to search your car". (even though it doesn't smell like anything, but try proving that in court.) then they find coke or something else and no weed, but are still able to use it in court to bust you. Also, for cops it is a lot easier and safer to drive around busting small time pot dealers. Once this becomes legal they are going to need to start going after hard drug dealers who are more likely to be carrying weapons.
That’s a good point... those unions Out of necessity would be lobbying against legalization. Didn’t think in those terms.

Gotta think the DEA also fighting to keep illegal.
There is no dumber UM board. This is the lowest of the low.

I am embarrassed by the fact that I have so many posts on this board. Any number greater than 0 is an embarrassment. There is an inverse correlation between number of CIS posts and the ability to make a logical, coherent, civil statement.

Take for example your statement: "It has EVERYTHING to do with recruiting".
-This isn't the recruiting board.
-I never mentioned recruiting once.
-In your handful of previous replies to this topic, you have mentioned the many impacts of these arrests (possible suspensions, adverse media coverage, some strange reference to Jameis Winston's rape allegations, etc.), but not a single reference to recruiting.

And you have a ton of posts: almost 3k, an incomprehensibly high number. Great example of the correlation between the inability to make a coherent argument and a high number of posts.

(Your grammar is pretty good though...if you happen to be a senile old man who is biologically incapable of logic at this point in his life, then I feel terrible and I am sorry. I would also suggest you look into this: )

I wrote a longer reply to this and then decided to just drop the exchange.

But I did want to emphasize that in no way should a high post count on CIS be viewed as a good thing, lol. It is not a badge of honor. This is a free internet message board to talk about sports. If you derive any amount of your self worth from being active on CIS, I implore you to take a step back and re-evaluate how you spend your time.
So... about that **** pic...... can u post one?
That’s a good point... those unions Out of necessity would be lobbying against legalization. Didn’t think in those terms.

Gotta think the DEA also fighting to keep illegal.

100% I wasn't taking a shot at unions or anything like that I was just mentioning the players that are opposed to legalization. Another group that is against legalization and are gaining steam are companies that purchase prison made goods. They know that if the prisons become less populated then they will not be able to purchase as much products from the prisons. These products are being made by workers making under 30 cents an hour(that is not a typo). So when they need to start purchasing items made by people getting paid 8.50 an hour their costs are going to increase drastically. So they are fighting hard to keep it illegal. There are surprisingly TONS of companies that purchase items made in in prisons so they are spending a good deal of money fighting legalization.

I use a high CBD oil during the day, and a high THC at night to help me sleep. Miracle workers, I tell ya. Beats the **** out of pain pills that do nothing for pain, and ruin your liver.

Do you get them at a facility in Florida? Which ones do you use?
Making marijuana legal will not stop cops from stopping you if they smell it.

There will be laws passed, if not on the books already, to make it illegal to drive while high. All that needs to be determined are what levels are considered “over the limit“. Trust me on this, there’s no way to avoid this outcome.

Also, saying pharmaceutical companies are against marijuana legalization is a tired and untrue trope. They have much greater concerns, namely government price controls/regulations. Marijuana does not really encroach on any of their profitable markets.

If you’re going to hate on pharma, hate on Purdue Frederick...they’ve been aware of opioid misuse for over a decade... it didn’t even take a genius to look at their Florida sales numbers over the last few years and know that the drug was being diverted everywhere and NOT being used exclusively by those who truly needed it, like short term post surgically, and long term chronic pain palliation, such as with terminal cancer patients.

Also, I can almost guarantee that some of the people that post here are chronic opioid abusers.
Making marijuana legal will not stop cops from stopping you if they smell it.

There will be laws passed, if not on the books already, to make it illegal to drive while high. All that needs to be determined are what levels are considered “over the limit“. Trust me on this, there’s no way to avoid this outcome.

Also, saying pharmaceutical companies are against marijuana legalization is a tired and untrue trope. They have much greater concerns, namely government price controls/regulations. Marijuana does not really encroach on any of their profitable markets.

If you’re going to hate on pharma, hate on Purdue Frederick...they’ve been aware of opioid misuse for over a decade... it didn’t even take a genius to look at their Florida sales numbers over the last few years and know that the drug was being diverted everywhere and NOT being used exclusively by those who truly needed it, like short term post surgically, and long term chronic pain palliation, such as with terminal cancer patients.

Also, I can almost guarantee that some of the people that post here are chronic opioid abusers.
Oh I usually agree with you as I perceive you as an intellectual individual but I vehemently disagree. Big Pharma are scared to death of the medical marijuana and eventual legalization. Marijuana can replace NUMEROUS drugs they pay Drs to push. Especially ones that gets you high and addicted. Marijuana attaches to the same receptors..... relieving pain, anxiety, insomnia, seizures and nearly all the symptoms of terminal diseases. It's already shown big decreases in opiod addicts and further use all together, even helping through withdrawal, which rehab/detox centers make millions on.
Yes, there will be a limit but if you have a card, you're free to go and it really won't be worth their time when recreational is passed. Most states have already decriminalized it and are expunging marijuana convictions.
That's why the legislatures in NY and NJ are hesitating on legalization, because the current plan doesn't do enough to help people with convictions and in the minority community the failed drug war has hit hardest.
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the Most important thing about weed is that there are no reported cases of fatal overdose, which can not be said for opioids and benzos, so if there is an alternative to those potentially fatal drugs with a non fatal option, it makes sense to use it
I wrote a longer reply to this and then decided to just drop the exchange.

But I did want to emphasize that in no way should a high post count on CIS be viewed as a good thing, lol. It is not a badge of honor. This is a free internet message board to talk about sports. If you derive any amount of your self worth from being active on CIS, I implore you to take a step back and re-evaluate how you spend your time.

You are a liar and a fraud. This is what you originally wrote, before you "edited" your nonsense:

"There is no dumber UM board. This is the lowest of the low.

I am embarrassed by the fact that I have so many posts on this board. Any number greater than 0 is an embarrassment. There is an inverse correlation between number of CIS posts and the ability to make a logical, coherent, civil statement.

Take for example your statement: "It has EVERYTHING to do with recruiting".
-This isn't the recruiting board.
-I never mentioned recruiting once.
-In your handful of previous replies to this topic, you have mentioned the many impacts of these arrests (possible suspensions, adverse media coverage, some strange reference to Jameis Winston's rape allegations, etc.), but not a single reference to recruiting.

And you have a ton of posts: almost 3k, an incomprehensibly high number. Great example of the correlation between the inability to make a coherent argument and a high number of posts.

(Your grammar is pretty good though...if you happen to be a senile old man who is biologically incapable of logic at this point in his life, then I feel terrible and I am sorry. I would also suggest you look into this: )"
You are a liar and a fraud. This is what you originally wrote, before you "edited" your nonsense:

"There is no dumber UM board. This is the lowest of the low.

I am embarrassed by the fact that I have so many posts on this board. Any number greater than 0 is an embarrassment. There is an inverse correlation between number of CIS posts and the ability to make a logical, coherent, civil statement.

Take for example your statement: "It has EVERYTHING to do with recruiting".
-This isn't the recruiting board.
-I never mentioned recruiting once.
-In your handful of previous replies to this topic, you have mentioned the many impacts of these arrests (possible suspensions, adverse media coverage, some strange reference to Jameis Winston's rape allegations, etc.), but not a single reference to recruiting.

And you have a ton of posts: almost 3k, an incomprehensibly high number. Great example of the correlation between the inability to make a coherent argument and a high number of posts.

(Your grammar is pretty good though...if you happen to be a senile old man who is biologically incapable of logic at this point in his life, then I feel terrible and I am sorry. I would also suggest you look into this: )"

My "nonsense" was 100% accurate. I deleted it because I didn't want to dive deeper into the cesspool that is these forums, but I had already accidentally, awkwardly posted it.

Good luck on your next 3000 posts.
Oh I usually agree with you as I perceive you as an intellectual individual but I vehemently disagree. Big Pharma are scared to death of the medical marijuana and eventual legalization. Marijuana can replace NUMEROUS drugs they pay Drs to push. Especially ones that gets you high and addicted. Marijuana attaches to the same receptors..... relieving pain, anxiety, insomnia, seizures and nearly all the symptoms of terminal diseases. It's already shown big decreases in opiod addicts and further use all together, even helping through withdrawal, which rehab/detox centers make millions on.
Yes, there will be a limit but if you have a card, you're free to go and it really won't be worth their time when recreational is passed. Most states have already decriminalized it and are expunging marijuana convictions.
That's why the legislatures in NY and NJ are hesitating on legalization, because the current plan doesn't do enough to help people with convictions and in the minority community the failed drug war has hit hardest.

You don’t have to qualify it, I have no problem with somebody disagreeing with me. You always keep it civil so I’m cool with that. But I don’t agree though.

I know the business inside and out. Big pharma is not worried about legalizing marijuana. Nobody is making the kind of margins that they used to when anxiolytics were branded and created high profit margins And no way marijuana replaces any potent analgesics. Just not happening.

Name me specifically the drugs that you think will be negatively impacted in terms of sales by legalizing marijuana. There are none, at least no profitable ones. Even just name one or two blockbusters whose sales are going to be impacted.