More trouble for Georgia....

I am not blaming unions in general. I have no problem with unions. However, it is a fact that Police and Correction Officer unions are fighting hard to stop legalization. In both NY and NJ(who are both very close to fully legalizing). The correction officer unions are worried that they are going to cut CO hours if weed gets legalized because their would be less people in prisons. Also, if you are a CO would you rather have your cell block filled with pot heads or violent offenders and hard drug users?

Police obviously want it to stay illegal because pot is a very easy drug to bust. It smells very strong(as opposed to heroin and coke) so you don't even need a dog. Also, keeping it illegal allows them to use their tried and true tactic of "It smells like pot in this car, I no longer need a warrant to search your car". (even though it doesn't smell like anything, but try proving that in court.) then they find coke or something else and no weed, but are still able to use it in court to bust you. Also, for cops it is a lot easier and safer to drive around busting small time pot dealers. Once this becomes legal they are going to need to start going after hard drug dealers who are more likely to be carrying weapons.
When I was on patrol it wasn't about getting easy arrests. Small amounts of Marijuana were more of a paperwork creator and normally a Notice to Appear would be given in lieu of a physical arrest. I would agree with you though in the sense that it is often used as a way to investigate if the suspect os engaging in more substantial criminal activity.

As for the smelling pot in the car....if you're in control of your vehicle and I smell are going to get a field sobriety test and a subsequent search if your vehicle of you are found to be DUI. It's the same as smelling alcohol on your breath of seeing an open container.
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You don’t have to qualify it, I have no problem with somebody disagreeing with me. You always keep it civil so I’m cool with that. But I don’t agree though.

I know the business inside and out. Big pharma is not worried about legalizing marijuana. Nobody is making the kind of margins that they used to when anxiolytics were branded and created high profit margins And no way marijuana replaces any potent analgesics. Just not happening.

Name me specifically the drugs that you think will be negatively impacted in terms of sales by legalizing marijuana. There are none, at least no profitable ones. Even just name one or two blockbusters whose sales are going to be impacted.
All opiods, Xanax and the like as well as anti seizure meds, meds for appetite and other cancer (chemo) related meds, the list goes on and on and on.
Trust me coming from someone with chronic pain, being addicted to the strongest opiods there are multiple times and also Xanax. Marijuana relieves the same symptoms better because the tolerance factor and especially the negative effects including severe withdrawal don't exist.
When I was on patrol it wasn't about getting easy arrests. Small amounts of Marijuana were more of a paperwork creator and normally a Notice to Appear would be given in lieu of a physical arrest. I would agree with you though in the sense that it is often used as a way to investigate if the suspect os engaging in more substantial criminal activity.

As for the smelling pot in the car....if you're in control of your vehicle and I smell are going to get a field sobriety test and a subsequent search if your vehicle of you are found to be DUI. It's the same as smelling alcohol on your breath of seeing an open container.

I have had my car searched for "smelling like marijuana" dozens of times. Nothing was ever found in the investigation because my car didn't smell like marijuana it was BS made up by the officer because he thought I looked sketchy and wanted to search my car. Had he found something illegal I would have been tried even though the search was illegal. This is used by cops to get around needing probable cause because they could just invent probable cause.

As for getting easy arrests. I can't speak for your experience, but I can speak for NY, NJ, PA, and CT. In these suburbs busting someone with an 1/8th of marijuana is big enough to warrant news paper articles and facebook posts by the station talking about how they took down a drug dealer. The small town suburban cops love going after easy arrests, because it helps them on their resume. If it wasn't for marijuana arrests these guys would have pretty much no arrests on their resume besides busting under aged drinkers. Even the cops in NYC would prefer to go after the non violent marijuana dealers.

A few years ago, prior to them decriminalizing marijuana in NYC there used to be dozens of NARCs posted at all the big marijuana spots in Washington Heights just waiting to pull over the NJ kids that come over to NYC to buy a couple grams. You could go hangout on these roads any night of the week and just wait until you see an NJ plate pull up and watch them get pulled over and arrested. You could go a few blocks down to the projects and find a line of junkies getting heroin from a heroin spot with 0 police presence. Now that marijuana has been decriminalized there is no police presence at the marijuana spots and there is a heavy presence at the heroin spots. It is pretty clear that they preferred to bust the guys with a couple grams of marijuana because, like clockwork, the kids would get out of the car, follow orders, get handcuffed peacefully, and were arrested without a problem. Now the heroin spot has people scattering, fighting back, spitting, pulling out weapons, refusing to be arrested, etc.
All opiods, Xanax and the like as well as anti seizure meds, meds for appetite and other cancer (chemo) related meds, the list goes on and on and on.
Trust me coming from someone with chronic pain, being addicted to the strongest opiods there are multiple times and also Xanax. Marijuana relieves the same symptoms better because the tolerance factor and especially the negative effects including severe withdrawal don't exist.

We’ll discuss this point by point.

Xanax is generic, cost pennies, only generates pennies profit for whatever Indian or out of country generic company manufactures it. LOL, Xanax is not big Pharma.

Of course marijuana won’t replace any chemotherapy drugs. But if you’re talking about anti-emetics like Zofran, this is also generic. Once something is generic it’s not big Pharma anymore, friend The profits are infinitesimal compared to branded drugs. Quite frankly, most of the generic drugs you take possible we will quite likely manufactured outside I did states. India being one of the major companies where the cheap generic drugs come from.

Opioids make money for only niche companies. They are really only a small portion of pharmaceutical sales. Tiny actually. The big Pharma companies, the Pfizers, the Mercks, are not in the opioid business.

Tell me which one of the following big selling blockbuster drugs marijuana is going to have an impact on. Here’s a hint: none.


Like I said before, them caring about whether marijuana is legal or not - it’s just a myth. For all we know, they’re gearing up for distribution themselves. They’re not, but there are other companies that are.
I have had my car searched for "smelling like marijuana" dozens of times. Nothing was ever found in the investigation because my car didn't smell like marijuana it was BS made up by the officer because he thought I looked sketchy and wanted to search my car. Had he found something illegal I would have been tried even though the search was illegal. This is used by cops to get around needing probable cause because they could just invent probable cause.

As for getting easy arrests. I can't speak for your experience, but I can speak for NY, NJ, PA, and CT. In these suburbs busting someone with an 1/8th of marijuana is big enough to warrant news paper articles and facebook posts by the station talking about how they took down a drug dealer. The small town suburban cops love going after easy arrests, because it helps them on their resume. If it wasn't for marijuana arrests these guys would have pretty much no arrests on their resume besides busting under aged drinkers. Even the cops in NYC would prefer to go after the non violent marijuana dealers.

A few years ago, prior to them decriminalizing marijuana in NYC there used to be dozens of NARCs posted at all the big marijuana spots in Washington Heights just waiting to pull over the NJ kids that come over to NYC to buy a couple grams. You could go hangout on these roads any night of the week and just wait until you see an NJ plate pull up and watch them get pulled over and arrested. You could go a few blocks down to the projects and find a line of junkies getting heroin from a heroin spot with 0 police presence. Now that marijuana has been decriminalized there is no police presence at the marijuana spots and there is a heavy presence at the heroin spots. It is pretty clear that they preferred to bust the guys with a couple grams of marijuana because, like clockwork, the kids would get out of the car, follow orders, get handcuffed peacefully, and were arrested without a problem. Now the heroin spot has people scattering, fighting back, spitting, pulling out weapons, refusing to be arrested, etc.
Don't get me wrong, I hear you. I am sure podunk and beachside departments have nothing better to do. I lived on Long Island until 10 years ago and had a couple friends who were NYPD. Absolutely at that time they were heavy after the "quality of life" policing of staying in the areas where the low level street dealers were just as much as getting the guys ****ing on the street coming out of the bar. I am sure with the new administration and rules the times have changed there since I left.

As for your personal experiences with getting yanked...I no doubt believe that happens. I personally wasnt that kind of cop...and 9 out of 10 of the ones I worked with weren't like that. It sucks...but some departments police themselves better than others.
We’ll discuss this point by point.

Xanax is generic, cost pennies, only generates pennies profit for whatever Indian or out of country generic company manufactures it. LOL, Xanax is not big Pharma.

Of course marijuana won’t replace any chemotherapy drugs. But if you’re talking about anti-emetics like Zofran, this is also generic. Once something is generic it’s not big Pharma anymore, friend The profits are infinitesimal compared to branded drugs. Quite frankly, most of the generic drugs you take possible we will quite likely manufactured outside I did states. India being one of the major companies where the cheap generic drugs come from.

Opioids make money for only niche companies. They are really only a small portion of pharmaceutical sales. Tiny actually. The big Pharma companies, the Pfizers, the Mercks, are not in the opioid business.

Tell me which one of the following big selling blockbuster drugs marijuana is going to have an impact on. Here’s a hint: none.

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Like I said before, them caring about whether marijuana is legal or not - it’s just a myth. For all we know, they’re gearing up for distribution themselves. They’re not, but there are other companies that are.
I was on opiods that cost over $900 a month and many others are ludicrous in cost. You seemed informed but no industry wants anything on a broad scale like marijuana cutting into their profits, no matter how small some may think it will be. However, you are most likely correct, the marijuana industry is already a multi billion dollar business and alcohol companies have already teamed up with thc infused drinks in Canada. I do agree big pharma will do all they can do start making profit off the marijuana once legalized, especially with the hits they'll take.
I was on opiods that cost over $900 a month and many others are ludicrous in cost. You seemed informed but no industry wants anything on a broad scale like marijuana cutting into their profits, no matter how small some may think it will be. However, you are most likely correct, the marijuana industry is already a multi billion dollar business and alcohol companies have already teamed up with thc infused drinks in Canada. I do agree big pharma will do all they can do start making profit off the marijuana once legalized, especially with the hits they'll take.

Appreciate the response. I’m quantifiably certain they will take no hit, unless it’s some out of country Indian generic company.

Let’s be honest about opioids, for most people taking opioids, marijuana is not a substitute. You and I both know that opioids are so overused, and the effect they have on the people take them cannot be substituted by marijuana.

For those people that are taking it for a legit pain control, like you, it may have an impact. But a huge portion of the opioid use is just simple opioid addiction or high-seeking.

Ridiculous that you had to pay that much a month. I don’t know what your insurance plan was like, but they didn’t do you any favors that’s for sure
Appreciate the response. I’m quantifiably certain they will take no hit, unless it’s some out of country Indian generic company.

Let’s be honest about opioids, for most people taking opioids, marijuana is not a substitute. You and I both know that opioids are so overused, and the effect they have on the people take them cannot be substituted by marijuana.

For those people that are taking it for a legit pain control, like you, it may have an impact. But a huge portion of the opioid use is just simple opioid addiction or high-seeking.

Ridiculous that you had to pay that much a month. I don’t know what your insurance plan was like, but they didn’t do you any favors that’s for sure
You're right that the high is different with opiods and will literally change your body chemistry. Marijuana will help getting off but Suboxone is really a miracle drug. Once off, marijuana does definitely help with pain but I agree that many want the opiod high. I was in between jobs at the time, later it cost me $30 copay. Suboxone wasn't covered and cost me $700 a month, it's ridiculous what these companies charge. Thank God I had the money and got off, those things are the devil and marijuana is a life saver. It's also good because beginning last Jan 1st, no opioids are covered on my insurance anymore; I have United Healthcare.
Don't get me wrong, I hear you. I am sure podunk and beachside departments have nothing better to do. I lived on Long Island until 10 years ago and had a couple friends who were NYPD. Absolutely at that time they were heavy after the "quality of life" policing of staying in the areas where the low level street dealers were just as much as getting the guys ****ing on the street coming out of the bar. I am sure with the new administration and rules the times have changed there since I left.

As for your personal experiences with getting yanked...I no doubt believe that happens. I personally wasnt that kind of cop...and 9 out of 10 of the ones I worked with weren't like that. It sucks...but some departments police themselves better than others.

Not just the podunk towns. I work with tons of guys who live in the wealthy CT, NJ, NY, and PA suburbs. The type of towns where a 2000 square foot house is going to be well over a million. These towns have virtually 0 real crime and the cops literally celebrate "drug busts" of 100 dollars worth of weed. We were all laughing at the office a couple months ago because the local PD facebook posted about how they removed some drug dealers from their town and posted the picture of the bust. It was a grinder, some cheap cigars(used to roll the weed with), a pack of joint papers, and an eighth of weed(street value 40 dollars). Tons of cops the coworker was friends with were sharing the image on FB. Busting "drug dealers" is going to help you get promotions quicker than just pulling over speeders. It is also going to help when you request more funding for more weaponry and the like.

To be clear. I don't even have an issue with it. They are just doing their job and it is still illegal. I am not one of those guys grumbling about how these guys are ruining peoples lives for a plant. I am simply stating the police are benefiting from it being illegal because for the many reasons I mentioned before. Such as police in states with legal weed are now risking their lives much more frequently going after more violent offenders instead of the wealthy marijuana buyers who would never dare try to resist.

As for your last statement. I am happy to hear you were one of the good ones, but I am not exaggerating when I say I have had this happen to me over 40 times. Not once have I got hit with a ticket. This is exactly how it happens.Keep in mind I am not driving around in a old school chevy on giant rims, or in a tinted out escalade, or some **** box honda civic. It is a new model Mercedes E Class 4 door which is VERY common in my area.

I will be driving down the road and a cop will spot me. He will follow me for anywhere between 1-4 minutes. Then the lights come on.
Cop: Do you know what I pulled you over for
me: no sir
I get one of these answers
Cop: "You were swerving", "you crossed the yellow line", "you were driving to close to the curb". Which I will be totally honest is complete BS. They just wanted an excuse to pull me over.
He then asks for license and registration which I give him.
Cop goes back to his car sees I have no warrants(never been arrested in my life) sees I have 0 points on my license and have never gotten a ticket before.
He then returns to my vehicle and mentions it smells like marijuana and I am to step out of the vehicle.
The first couple of times I laughed and tried explaining that it clearly doesn't smell like anything(one time I was literally driving the car back from the dealership). This leads to the officers getting angry and demanding I step out of the vehicle. Because I don't like being around an angry person with a gun, who has the "I killed him because he was resisting excuse" I now never argue. I simply get out of the vehicle and let them search. Also, when I argue about the smell it usually results in whatever food I have in the car getting dumped all over my interior and then stepped on while he continues to "search" my vehicle. When I don't argue it gets dumped outside of my car.
After the search continues they tell me they aren't going to give me the unsafe driving ticket and will let me off with a warning, which is nice because it is my word against theirs if I was swerving and their word is going to win every time.

Anyway, this is not an isolated incident. This happens to all of my friends as well, the darker they are the more frequently it happens, but it also seems to happen to my white friends when they are driving through hispanic/black neighborhoods. it is possible 9 out of 10 are good ones and all of us just happen to only interact with the 10%(which is doubtful) or the more likely scenario is our definition of "bad cop" is different.

I think a "bad cop" is someone who breaks the rules in order to get arrests, someone who gets angry about people trying to use their rights and in turn does things like squash a box of chocolates on his floor under the guise of searching the vehicle, someone who pulls people over because of their skin color. That is what I consider a bad cop. I also consider the cops who witness these things and does not report them to be bad cops as well.

I assume your definition of bad cop is the type of cop who just got arrested in Paterson NJ for beating up a suicidal victim in the hospital and also dealing drugs out of his patrol car.

I have no problem with your idea of bad cop and respect your opinion. I just wanted to explain what I think is a bad cop so you can see why, under my definition, a lot more than 10% of cops are "bad".
Not just the podunk towns. I work with tons of guys who live in the wealthy CT, NJ, NY, and PA suburbs. The type of towns where a 2000 square foot house is going to be well over a million. These towns have virtually 0 real crime and the cops literally celebrate "drug busts" of 100 dollars worth of weed. We were all laughing at the office a couple months ago because the local PD facebook posted about how they removed some drug dealers from their town and posted the picture of the bust. It was a grinder, some cheap cigars(used to roll the weed with), a pack of joint papers, and an eighth of weed(street value 40 dollars). Tons of cops the coworker was friends with were sharing the image on FB. Busting "drug dealers" is going to help you get promotions quicker than just pulling over speeders. It is also going to help when you request more funding for more weaponry and the like.

To be clear. I don't even have an issue with it. They are just doing their job and it is still illegal. I am not one of those guys grumbling about how these guys are ruining peoples lives for a plant. I am simply stating the police are benefiting from it being illegal because for the many reasons I mentioned before. Such as police in states with legal weed are now risking their lives much more frequently going after more violent offenders instead of the wealthy marijuana buyers who would never dare try to resist.

As for your last statement. I am happy to hear you were one of the good ones, but I am not exaggerating when I say I have had this happen to me over 40 times. Not once have I got hit with a ticket. This is exactly how it happens.Keep in mind I am not driving around in a old school chevy on giant rims, or in a tinted out escalade, or some **** box honda civic. It is a new model Mercedes E Class 4 door which is VERY common in my area.

I will be driving down the road and a cop will spot me. He will follow me for anywhere between 1-4 minutes. Then the lights come on.
Cop: Do you know what I pulled you over for
me: no sir
I get one of these answers
Cop: "You were swerving", "you crossed the yellow line", "you were driving to close to the curb". Which I will be totally honest is complete BS. They just wanted an excuse to pull me over.
He then asks for license and registration which I give him.
Cop goes back to his car sees I have no warrants(never been arrested in my life) sees I have 0 points on my license and have never gotten a ticket before.
He then returns to my vehicle and mentions it smells like marijuana and I am to step out of the vehicle.
The first couple of times I laughed and tried explaining that it clearly doesn't smell like anything(one time I was literally driving the car back from the dealership). This leads to the officers getting angry and demanding I step out of the vehicle. Because I don't like being around an angry person with a gun, who has the "I killed him because he was resisting excuse" I now never argue. I simply get out of the vehicle and let them search. Also, when I argue about the smell it usually results in whatever food I have in the car getting dumped all over my interior and then stepped on while he continues to "search" my vehicle. When I don't argue it gets dumped outside of my car.
After the search continues they tell me they aren't going to give me the unsafe driving ticket and will let me off with a warning, which is nice because it is my word against theirs if I was swerving and their word is going to win every time.

Anyway, this is not an isolated incident. This happens to all of my friends as well, the darker they are the more frequently it happens, but it also seems to happen to my white friends when they are driving through hispanic/black neighborhoods. it is possible 9 out of 10 are good ones and all of us just happen to only interact with the 10%(which is doubtful) or the more likely scenario is our definition of "bad cop" is different.

I think a "bad cop" is someone who breaks the rules in order to get arrests, someone who gets angry about people trying to use their rights and in turn does things like squash a box of chocolates on his floor under the guise of searching the vehicle, someone who pulls people over because of their skin color. That is what I consider a bad cop. I also consider the cops who witness these things and does not report them to be bad cops as well.

I assume your definition of bad cop is the type of cop who just got arrested in Paterson NJ for beating up a suicidal victim in the hospital and also dealing drugs out of his patrol car.

I have no problem with your idea of bad cop and respect your opinion. I just wanted to explain what I think is a bad cop so you can see why, under my definition, a lot more than 10% of cops are "bad".
I just read your story and it hurts me to hear that good people have had run ins with police, and that they are seemingly common place in many towns.
I myself have been the victim of a bad cop back in the 70's and I know how it feels... without going into details all I got to say is I got royally fvcked by an ******* cop. But that incident didn't make me rebellious, or make me get into any trouble with the law. No not me cause I don't want to be incarcerated again and I don't want to be handcuffed again not if I can help it.
One of the problems with cops is that IMO... is that some of the people who aspire to become cops and ultimately put on the badge are not very stable people. My whole life I have analyzed this as I have spoken to many cops and dealt with them and you always find some strange characters that are cops. Don't get me wrong I know it's probably the toughest job around and we always need cops... and there are some really good and nice cops, but when people have the power and authority that cops have you have to be 100% sure that these people are sound of mind and they should be screened to avoid getting unfit abusive personalities. And they should be periodically psychologically tested to see if the job has affected their ability to be a good and honest cop.
I just read your story and it hurts me to hear that good people have had run ins with police, and that they are seemingly common place in many towns.
I myself have been the victim of a bad cop back in the 70's and I know how it feels... without going into details all I got to say is I got royally fvcked by an ******* cop. But that incident didn't make me rebellious, or make me get into any trouble with the law. No not me cause I don't want to be incarcerated again and I don't want to be handcuffed again not if I can help it.
One of the problems with cops is that IMO... is that some of the people who aspire to become cops and ultimately put on the badge are not very stable people. My whole life I have analyzed this as I have spoken to many cops and dealt with them and you always find some strange characters that are cops. Don't get me wrong I know it's probably the toughest job around and we always need cops... and there are some really good and nice cops, but when people have the power and authority that cops have you have to be 100% sure that these people are sound of mind and they should be screened to avoid getting unfit abusive personalities. And they should be periodically psychologically tested to see if the job has affected their ability to be a good and honest cop.

I couldn't agree you with more brother. Perfectly said.

It sucks. I hate hearing about it too and I know many people who have had way worse experiences than I have had. I can only imagine what happened to you, but I am ****ed just hearing about it. The fake/trumped up charges can literally ruin peoples lives.

I am like you though. I didn't rebel or get into any trouble after being unfairly targeted because I do not want to get locked up. I am always extra courteous during this incidents because I don't want any of them planting anything in my car (which happens often enough in the north east. Some of them have been busted themselves after cameras catch them planting evidence, but most get away with it). The worst that has happened to me was the second or third time I tried to refuse a search because I knew it was BS the cop took a box of unopened chocolates I got for my mom for valentines day and opened them up and dumped them on the back seat/floor of my car(in case I had drugs in them. LOL!) then he went and squashed them into the carpet/leather with his shoes as he "searched" through my car. I then asked him why he couldn't just dump them on the floor outside(keep in mind I am handcuffed sitting on the curb at this point) he comes over to me grabs me by the cuffs and pulls me up pretty hard by them(not to be a puzzy, but it did hurt my shoulders and wrists lol) and slammed my head on the trunk of his car. He then stood me up and popped me in the stomach a few times with his club. Ever since then I just kept my mouth shut every time I am illegally searched. Even so, it was not the last time I was roughed up by an officer. I actually want to purchase a couple dash cams that face the inside of my car to make sure they don't plant anything in my car.

I would only bring the footage as evidence against a criminal charge brought against me. The last thing I want is the blue line all hearing about some guy who tried to get one of their own in trouble. That is just asking to get shot for "resisting" the next time I am illegally stopped or one of them finding "pounds of drugs in my trunk". lol.

You are 100% right too. Yes the job is very tough and there are some very good cops out there who are only out to help people, but there are some who just enjoy the power they get out of it. The biggest bully in my middle/high school became a cop a couple years ago. I really feel bad for anyone that gets on his bad side.

I agree too. They really should do better evaluations and have them checked often to make sure they are still mentally healthy.
I couldn't agree you with more brother. Perfectly said.

It sucks. I hate hearing about it too and I know many people who have had way worse experiences than I have had. I can only imagine what happened to you, but I am ****ed just hearing about it. The fake/trumped up charges can literally ruin peoples lives.

I am like you though. I didn't rebel or get into any trouble after being unfairly targeted because I do not want to get locked up. I am always extra courteous during this incidents because I don't want any of them planting anything in my car (which happens often enough in the north east. Some of them have been busted themselves after cameras catch them planting evidence, but most get away with it). The worst that has happened to me was the second or third time I tried to refuse a search because I knew it was BS the cop took a box of unopened chocolates I got for my mom for valentines day and opened them up and dumped them on the back seat/floor of my car(in case I had drugs in them. LOL!) then he went and squashed them into the carpet/leather with his shoes as he "searched" through my car. I then asked him why he couldn't just dump them on the floor outside(keep in mind I am handcuffed sitting on the curb at this point) he comes over to me grabs me by the cuffs and pulls me up pretty hard by them(not to be a puzzy, but it did hurt my shoulders and wrists lol) and slammed my head on the trunk of his car. He then stood me up and popped me in the stomach a few times with his club. Ever since then I just kept my mouth shut every time I am illegally searched. Even so, it was not the last time I was roughed up by an officer. I actually want to purchase a couple dash cams that face the inside of my car to make sure they don't plant anything in my car.

I would only bring the footage as evidence against a criminal charge brought against me. The last thing I want is the blue line all hearing about some guy who tried to get one of their own in trouble. That is just asking to get shot for "resisting" the next time I am illegally stopped or one of them finding "pounds of drugs in my trunk". lol.

You are 100% right too. Yes the job is very tough and there are some very good cops out there who are only out to help people, but there are some who just enjoy the power they get out of it. The biggest bully in my middle/high school became a cop a couple years ago. I really feel bad for anyone that gets on his bad side.

I agree too. They really should do better evaluations and have them checked often to make sure they are still mentally healthy.
Dude it profoundly bothers me to hear that cops did that **** with the chocolates... ******* azzholes. As a conservative I totally would back any efforts to reform the police departments so that police abuse is systematically dealt with seriously and that any unethical police tactics are addressed with suspensions and/or firings... rather than covered up.
On the other hand there needs to be more police/community interaction and force the cops to do community projects to soften their image as best as possible. I know that criminals/law breakers are always gonna find a way to demoralize cops so it's not an easy problem to solve.
Brother there's a house for sale down the street from me... come on down! ... you do speak Spanish right? LOL
Dude it profoundly bothers me to hear that cops did that **** with the chocolates... ******* azzholes. As a conservative I totally would back any efforts to reform the police departments so that police abuse is systematically dealt with seriously and that any unethical police tactics are addressed with suspensions and/or firings... rather than covered up.
On the other hand there needs to be more police/community interaction and force the cops to do community projects to soften their image as best as possible. I know that criminals/law breakers are always gonna find a way to demoralize cops so it's not an easy problem to solve.
Brother there's a house for sale down the street from me... come on down! ... you do speak Spanish right? LOL

Ya I was really ****ed lol. I am 100% with you. I would love to see it get reformed and that dirty cops were fired and arrested for committing crimes. If I illegally searched someones car, smashed chocolates into their carpet, illegally handcuffed the owner, and then beat up the owner. I would get charged with breaking and entering, vandalism, kidnapping, and battery. Even if I someone videotaped this incident and gave it to authorities this guy probably would have just been suspended with pay and MAYBE fired and then hired by a neighboring force.

Great idea about community projects and the likes. Personally I don't feel "safe" when police come around my neighborhood. I get nervous. That is not how it is supposed to be. You should feel safe when the police arrive and if they did more community stuff and stopped abusing their power it would go a long way to helping the relations with communities.

LOL!!! I would love to! We could celebrate with Joints and Mangos! Lmao.
As a former paramedic, I worked in Liberty City. I was grateful for police to secure the scene so I can work.

That being said, there are bad cops. I've seen them when I was working; I've seen them off-duty.

I remember one particular incident where I dropped off my girlfriend (she lived in a high-crime area), got pulled over by the police and they demanded to search my car.

Of course, I let them. When I got home, I saw that they had ripped the back seat of my Mustang open, and some of the stuffing had been taken out.

I was furious. I never filed a complaint, I knew it was my word against theirs. Now if they want to search, I calmly say, "I do not consent to searches."

Something that has always irritated me is that if you lie to police, its a crime, but the police can lie their *** off to you and its legal.

As for the MJ issue, it should be legal in all 50 states. Had way more problems with patients that were fighting mad drunk than guys who smoked weed (other than them staying awake). xD
Ya I was really ****ed lol. I am 100% with you. I would love to see it get reformed and that dirty cops were fired and arrested for committing crimes. If I illegally searched someones car, smashed chocolates into their carpet, illegally handcuffed the owner, and then beat up the owner. I would get charged with breaking and entering, vandalism, kidnapping, and battery. Even if I someone videotaped this incident and gave it to authorities this guy probably would have just been suspended with pay and MAYBE fired and then hired by a neighboring force.

Great idea about community projects and the likes. Personally I don't feel "safe" when police come around my neighborhood. I get nervous. That is not how it is supposed to be. You should feel safe when the police arrive and if they did more community stuff and stopped abusing their power it would go a long way to helping the relations with communities.

LOL!!! I would love to! We could celebrate with Joints and Mangos! Lmao.
No problem!

Of course, I let them. When I got home, I saw that they had ripped the back seat of my Mustang open, and some of the stuffing had been taken out.

I was furious. I never filed a complaint, I knew it was my word against theirs. Now if they want to search, I calmly say, "I do not consent to searches."

Something that has always irritated me is that if you lie to police, its a crime, but the police can lie their *** off to you and its legal.

As for the MJ issue, it should be legal in all 50 states. Had way more problems with patients that were fighting mad drunk than guys who smoked weed (other than them staying awake). xD
The incident that happened to me in 1978 that I was talking to @OriginalGatorHater about with an off duty cop was a collection of lies from the beginning to the end... not to mention the physical pain he dealt out to me. I've had other incidents in my lifetime that were not criminal in nature but where cops lied. This doesn't sit well with me cause I have always followed the golden rule, and honesty to me is paramount. Anyone that is a liar to me is a low-life, pure and simple. Therefore to me there is absolutely no ******* excuse to fabricate lies... especially by any person with power or authority that can ultimately inflict pain and suffering on someone.
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