More trouble for Georgia....

People making billion dollar deals high lmao. 99% of the anti weed guys are blue collar guys who think everyone that smokes weed is a failure, but fail to look in the mirror and realize they are in their 40s and 50s still working a blue collar job.
You must not know anybody who works a blue collar job. Every single mechanic, welder, contractor, etc I have ever met smokes weed.
So I am guessing you all missed those recent stories about how the average THC levels have risen dramatically from 4% in 2000 to about 12% today and now places like Colorado are starting to experience all sorts of negative consequences like ER visits increasing and traffic fatalities increasing, to that new syndrome chronic smokers have been developing Cannabinoid Hypermesis syndrome. Honestly, I don’t care one way or the other if someone’s smokes but to act like it’s harmless for everyone is a joke. Also, if you have guys getting high before practice consistently, your team definitely has issues.
So I am guessing you all missed those recent stories about how the average THC levels have risen dramatically from 4% in 2000 to about 12% today and now places like Colorado are starting to experience all sorts of negative consequences like ER visits increasing and traffic fatalities increasing, to that new syndrome chronic smokers have been developing Cannabinoid Hypermesis syndrome. Honestly, I don’t care one way or the other if someone’s smokes but to act like it’s harmless for everyone is a joke. Also, if you have guys getting high before practice consistently, your team definitely has issues.

Yes there are always a bunch of studies coming out on the topic. For example, it was previously thought that THC reduced sperm count, but a Harvard study this year suggested that THC actually INCREASES sperm count.

The point is that we're just starting to understand the exact health impacts of weed.

But what is clear, based on abundant evidence, is that weed is much less harmful than both cigarette use and alcohol. So if anyone wants to get on their high horse re: weed, make sure that you're also slamming college kids for drinking PBRs at frat parties.
So is underage drinking (21), yet to see that stop anyone in college from refraining.
In house punishment and that will be the end of it, if these 2 don't make the NFL it won't be because of this incident.

Didn’t say anything about making the NFL or not but you just put a red flag on yourself leading up to it. Like I said I don’t care if you think it should or shouldn’t be illegal but it is. The same exact thing applies to underage drinking or driving under the influence or whatever you want to compare it to. If they weren’t arrested and they failed a drug test... same thing. Red flag to NFL teams. The fact that guys don’t learn from others mistakes is crazy. Like think ahead a little.. *if* you get caught and *if* you might be a first round talent one day... is smoking a blunt worth $10 million that you’re gonna lose in a signing bonus?

Part of the game is whether you get caught or not as to how you’re viewed by an NFL organization. Everyone that does smoke or drink underage or whatever isn’t caught.
There could be some long term negative health consequences from Marijuana use?!!! No wonder some of you guys are so alarmed about it.

Thankfully, the real reason we're all here is to discuss the wholesome game of football where there are no long term negative health consequences.
This may be true for street stuff but medical marijuana is highly regulated and grown naturally and in regards to safety, at least in Florida and I'd certainly assume other states. It actually says on the packages that they are guaranteed to not have any chemicals and each batch is tested. You can even trace the lot number to the facility, grower, strain and plant.

Incorrect. All those chemicals I stated are in any marijuana smoke..just like cigarettes, which are also legal. Don’t be foolish enough to think that any substance you ignite and inhale into your lungs at 1,600F is somehow safe. It isn’t.
Yes there are always a bunch of studies coming out on the topic. For example, it was previously thought that THC reduced sperm count, but a Harvard study this year suggested that THC actually INCREASES sperm count.

The point is that we're just starting to understand the exact health impacts of weed.

But what is clear, based on abundant evidence, is that weed is much less harmful than both cigarette use and alcohol. So if anyone wants to get on their high horse re: weed, make sure that you're also slamming college kids for drinking PBRs at frat parties.
Incorrect. All those chemicals I stated are in any marijuana smoke..just like cigarettes, which are also legal. Don’t be foolish enough to think that any substance you ignite and inhale into your lungs at 1,600F is somehow safe. It isn’t.
I'm referring to extracted vape oils, you may be correct with whole flower smoking, which just passed. I'm sure they'll go through the same stringent process in reference to the medical plants but I do realize any smoke going in your lungs poses risk. The Dr has to specify why whole flower smokable form is the best treatment for each patient.
Yes there are always a bunch of studies coming out on the topic. For example, it was previously thought that THC reduced sperm count, but a Harvard study this year suggested that THC actually INCREASES sperm count.

The point is that we're just starting to understand the exact health impacts of weed.

But what is clear, based on abundant evidence, is that weed is much less harmful than both cigarette use and alcohol. So if anyone wants to get on their high horse re: weed, make sure that you're also slamming college kids for drinking PBRs at frat parties.
I don’t want my players drinking PBR’s, nor smoking Cigarettes or Weed before practice. If they are then there is a problem!

I assume you're also up in arms about people drinking alcohol, then, too?

The point is not that marijuana is risk-free. But unless you're a puritan who favors prohibition of alcohol and tobacco, you shouldn't be anti-marijuana. If you've ever had a glass of wine with dinner, you shouldn't be anti-marijuana.
You must not know anybody who works a blue collar job. Every single mechanic, welder, contractor, etc I have ever met smokes weed.

You must not have read my comment. I did not say 99% of blue collar workers are against weed. I said 99% of people who are against weed are the blue collar worker types.
I know blue collar dudes that make more money than some white collar guys.
It’s not about that. People have been brainwashed for decades about weed.
The old timers are coming around.
In the 50’s and 60’s doctors used to drink and smoke on duty. My professor was a retired surgeon and talked about coming into the room with a glass a scotch and a cigarette. Do that sht now and you’ll never practice again.
But during that time weed was the devils lettuce and for many people it still is.
A lot of blue collar guys smoke. But the younger generation isn’t becoming blue collar at the rate they were before. But if you find me a 25 year old plumber I guarantee you he probably has a nice stash he digs into after work.

As do I. Especially with overtime they can make a very decent salary. My point is that even the highest paid blue collar guys, who turn their nose up at "stoners", will make less in their entire life than some "stoners" make in a day.
I'm referring to extracted vape oils, you may be correct with whole flower smoking, which just passed. I'm sure they'll go through the same stringent process in reference to the medical plants but I do realize any smoke going in your lungs poses risk. The Dr has to specify why whole flower smokable form is the best treatment for each patient.

Oils are probably safer, but any substance should go through stringent trials to understand the nature of what is being put into the body.

I’m not arguing against any of it, but let’s be honest, most marijuana is still being inhaled the old-fashioned way. And people saying that that it’s perfectly safe, just don’t have enough information to say that. For one, chronic marijuana smokers have not been studied like chronic cigarette smokers have.

I can almost guarantee that for people that smoke marijuana frequently, there will be higher incidences of lung problems, including emphysema, chronic COPD, possibly lung cancer, as well as all of the short and long term sequela associated with inhaling superheated chemical smoke frequently.

At the very least, for top athletes, it without question reduces lung function. Lower lung capacity and impeded gas exchange in the alveoli equates to lower endurance. There is no doubt this happens. There is no question that there is damage and residue buildup within the lungs, including the alveoli, which is where gas exchange occurs... The same little organs that are being damaged by the smoke are the same organs being used for the transfer of oxygen into the blood when you breathe.
Out of curiosity T, which do you use? I'm rolling in that direction finally...TIA

I use a high CBD oil during the day, and a high THC at night to help me sleep. Miracle workers, I tell ya. Beats the **** out of pain pills that do nothing for pain, and ruin your liver.
I assume you're also up in arms about people drinking alcohol, then, too?

The point is not that marijuana is risk-free. But unless you're a puritan who favors prohibition of alcohol and tobacco, you shouldn't be anti-marijuana. If you've ever had a glass of wine with dinner, you shouldn't be anti-marijuana.
I don't care what people do. They have to live with the consequences. Lets not pretend that any of these vices are healthy though.
Anyone want to apply to be a marijuana joint roller for the feds? LOL
