More trouble for Georgia....

It's just weed. We only think this is a catastrophe because we want Georgia to burn to the ground.
Negative. I don't want that for uga at all. But, let's be honest. You know dam well how much differently this would be reacted to if it was The U.
What did he get arrested for again?

I might of missed the meaning of his post. I just meant the tunsil gas mask coming out on draft night but he still got his millions. I guess he would of went lower before the picture came out and he would of got more money.
Yes, many states have legalized marijuana but federally it’s still a crime. I agree with one poster, CBD oil has tremendously improved my lifestyle after several surgeries couldn’t correct my issues. The NFL will probably not buck against losing their exempt status by legalizing it in the league, hence why it will be considered an illegal substance until such time as federal laws change.
Not everybody smokes.

Deeply inhaling superheated chemicals like hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, numerous carcinogenic hydrocarbons and whatever random chemicals and pesticides where on the plant is not the healthiest thing to do.

This toxic chemical soup is deeply inhaled and expands in lung tissue at temperatures exceeding 1,600°F. Cannabinoids are not, by any stretch of the imagination, the only chemicals inhaled in marijuana smoke.

Smoking marijuana is a personal choice, but not one without health consequences.
Thanks for proving my point. Went from the sure bet number 1 pick to the titans down to the phins at 13 in the blink of an eye. Where signing bonuses at number 1 are upwards of $20 million. 13th pick is around $6-10 million. All because of a video of him smoking was leaked.
That was some slimy **** they pulled on him. Seems like a good guy, hope he keeps getting better.
Whether it should or shouldn’t be.. it’s illegal. Kids aspiring to be professional athletes shouldn’t be doing **** they could get arrested for and taint their image. Probably just cost themselves millions if they were ever fortunate enough to be considered a first round talent because now they won’t be.

Defining deviancy down. And the board is okay with it....what a shock!