John Ruiz on Paul Finebaum show today

I feel like the only people Ruiz convinced in this interview were Canes fans. Everyone still views him and LifeWallet as Pay For Play. They (including Finebaum) will still favor collectives because they think it’s a bunch of church grandmas with jars of coins.
I think Finebaum had several gulp moments. I also think Finebaum knows the NCAA will make this right for SEC.
Looking at this from a purely analytical lens, it sure looks like this is going to lead to a corporate takeover of college athletics. How long before we see the Google Buckeyes or the Blackrock Fighting Irish? Im thinking within 5 years.
Miami needs Bezos or Musk.
With the legal brain trust the NCAA can employ, we'll see how sound Ruiz's "lawyering" is. Can't underestimate the hate for Miami that is out there!

Hope the players are getting paid NOW before the future has a chance to turn murky.
Right or wrong...

NCAA = herbivores
$$$$$$$$ boosters/collectives/life wallet, etc. = carnivores
Several media articles have referenced him as so and he [Ruiz] hasn't pushed back.
Doesn't that cause a problem with the new clarifications on NIL. I get he is playing both sides I Ruiz am a booster but LifeWallet is paying the athletes but he insists on tweeting from his account and being the face of Life Wallet. This isn't hate at all just know that NCAA staff is comprised of alumni of the big brand universities and always been beholden to the those loyalties and love nothing more than to stick it to Miami so the Bamas and Ohio States of the world can continue to pilfer our talent. With the program on the rise I don't want good intentions to bite us in the ***. Definitely could be overthinking it. Looking for real feedback. Definitely might be looking at this all wrong.

I genuinely been worried about the Ruiz look at me effect me effect hurting the program even though I genuinely believe he loves the program and the community.
Doesn't that cause a problem with the new clarifications on NIL. I get he is playing both sides I Ruiz am a booster but LifeWallet is paying the athletes but he insists on tweeting from his account and being the face of Life Wallet. This isn't hate at all just know that NCAA staff is comprised of alumni of the big brand universities and always been beholden to the those loyalties and love nothing more than to stick it to Miami so the Bamas and Ohio States of the world can continue to pilfer our talent. With the program on the rise I don't want good intentions to bite us in the ***. Definitely could be overthinking it. Looking for real feedback. Definitely might be looking at this all wrong.

I genuinely been worried about the Ruiz look at me effect me effect hurting the program even though I genuinely believe he loves the program and the community.

My best read on this situation is that you (and most of the CFB marketplace) are viewing the current situation through the historical lens of NCAA rule. This is a new era with new rules, many of which aren't currently developed yet. Ruiz seems to be doing things that are counter-intuitive to what we've all always known in the past, but that IS the past.
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My best read on this situation is that you (and most of the CFB marketplace) are viewing the current situation through the historical lens of NCAA rule. This is a new era with new rules, many of which aren't currently developed yet. Ruiz seems to be doing things that is counter-intuitive to what we've all always known in the past, but that IS the past.
Agree 1000%. I wrote what I wrote for that reason. So many new developments and new ways of doing business. I sincerely want to be educated.

The reason I asked if he was still classified as a booster was because of the article below.

I feel like a broken record telling people that Ruiz understood how to make this work better than the people who are supposed to enforce the rules. Ruiz, his lawyers and the UM lawyers diligently read the Supreme Court opinion and read the NCAA guidelines on NIL before taking a single step. They then made sure every action they took fell well within the lines.

This is why Ruiz felt so comfortable being so public about his NIL deals. He was not shooting from the hip as so many on here assumed. Rather, Ruiz was reading from the guidelines. To say UM and its players and fans are lucky to have John Ruiz as a supporter maybe the greatest understatement of this century. It is like saying the 2001 UM team was pretty good.

I understand that the Shapiro scandal still has some people shook. But remember that the clearest way to show the world that you are not cheating is to be as public as possible. Cheating happens in the dark, not in the light.
To add.... Based on what you ended with to me shows why so many on here want him to keep it quiet... They truly believe he's doing something wrong... They can't grasp that he's doing everything by the book...
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Im cool with Ruiz. He wants to buy the Dolphins. Maybe he sees a scenario where the Canes will become a minor league program for the Fins.

It'll be interesting to see if the NFL approves him. The NFL owners are very finicky about who they let into their club.
Must say, Ruiz came prepared and carried the day. Finebaum is a stammering buffoon, who speaks out of his *** and often clearly doesn't know what the **** he's talking about. Dude, at least have some legit questions and be prepared with follow ups. He acted like this was the first he heard about NIL deals and should kiss Ruiz' *** for providing clarity.
Agree 1000%. I wrote what I wrote for that reason. So many new developments and new ways of doing business. I sincerely want to be educated.

The reason I asked if he was still classified as a booster was because of the article below.

Again, so much of what we're seeing is old world perspectives of a new world data set. A great example as it relates to that article is that according to the traditional NCAA verbiage, anyone who would offer an NIL deal to a college athlete would be labeled a booster by the NCAA's own definition. So this idea that boosters are going to be disallowed from offering NIL deals would first require a new definition of what a booster is. Otherwise no one would be allowed to offer an NIL deal. I guess except for publicly traded corporations; That would be a crazy rule.

To quote that great college football analyst John Lennon; "Strange days indeed. Most peculiar momma."
Again, so much of what we're seeing is old world perspectives of a new world data set. A great example as it relates to that article is that according to the traditional NCAA verbiage, anyone who would offer an NIL deal to a college athlete would be labeled a booster by the NCAA's own definition. So this idea that boosters are going to be disallowed from offering NIL deals would first require a new definition of what a booster is. Otherwise no one would be allowed to offer an NIL deal. I guess except for publicly traded corporations; That would be a crazy rule.

To quote that great college football analyst John Lennon; "Strange days indeed. Most peculiar momma."
You have politely called me out of date fossil enough lol.

Break it down into idiot terms why my worries are misplaced.

All jokes aside I appreciate the engagement.

My main take aways are.

1. Boosters ( people who financially support a university ) cannot be involved in NIL

2. The original vision for NIL was for private businesses you enter into financial agreements with student athletes for sponsorship.

Ruiz is trying to have his cake and eat it too. Athletes signing with life wallet but Ruiz the booster brokering the deals and announcing the deals. Instead of a Lifewallet twitter account or a life wallet official press release or a the spokes person for life wallet announcing the deals. In a way brilliant because life wallet gets the press but also him personally.

Can you specifically speak to what part I don't understand or am getting wrong.

Also please not I'm not invested in being right. Open to being wrong. This isn't a debate. I am trying to learn this stuff. Don't tell me I'm stuck in the past and don't get it. Educate me. Genuinely trying to get this find in very interesting. Anyone chime in and break it down.
You have politely called me out of date fossil enough lol.

Break it down into idiot terms why my worries are misplaced.

All jokes aside I appreciate the engagement.

My main take aways are.

1. Boosters ( people who financially support a university ) cannot be involved in NIL

2. The original vision for NIL was for private businesses you enter into financial agreements with student athletes for sponsorship.

Ruiz is trying to have his cake and eat it too. Athletes signing with life wallet but Ruiz the booster brokering the deals and announcing the deals. Instead of a Lifewallet twitter account or a life wallet official press release or a the spokes person for life wallet announcing the deals. In a way brilliant because life wallet gets the press but also him personally.

Can you specifically speak to what part I don't understand or am getting wrong.

Also please not I'm not invested in being right. Open to being wrong. This isn't a debate. I am trying to learn this stuff. Don't tell me I'm stuck in the past and don't get it. Educate me. Genuinely trying to get this find in very interesting. Anyone chime in and break it down.
You're wrong on #1. When the NCAA released their frequently ask questions back in 2021 the 12th question was can boosters participate in NIL? And their answer was yes, but certain rules still apply.

Edit: go here and scroll halfway down. Click on the Q&A. Question 12 on boosters.

If you read through all the PDFs from 2021, you'll see that the recent guidance from the NCAA is literally no different than the original. All it really does is says collectives count as a booster.

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