John Ruiz on Paul Finebaum show today

With UM athletes? Just haven't been publicized? Ruiz is the only employer I'm aware of.

Also, wonder if Ruiz would pay an FIU athlete to publicize LifeWallet, or whatever, if their local profile was high enough. Or, is he only interested in hiring UM players.
I'm pretty sure that he has an FIU kid on board. He also has Frank Gore, Jr. & Gabe Taylor if I'm not mistaken.
With UM athletes? Just haven't been publicized? Ruiz is the only employer I'm aware of.

Also, wonder if Ruiz would pay an FIU athlete to publicize LifeWallet, or whatever, if their local profile was high enough. Or, is he only interested in hiring UM players.
he already does this. He listed a few non UM athletes with Life wallet deals on Finebaum's show
It hasn’t mattered for 40 years what the facts are regarding this University. The school is still regarded as thug U and the Shapiro scandal despite not one shred of evidence being found by the ncaa still haunting us.

The ncaa and the sec realized that you don’t actually have to find anything. All you have to do is act on any allegation and conduct an investigation.
That alone would set our recruiting efforts back. If the ncaa comes out and says it’s going after UM/Ruiz and are willing to go to court (even if they’re not) you would see it affect recruiting instantly.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if that is being used in this case already and it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the reason it’s being done to begin with.

You have conference heads going to the ncaaa and to Washington to complain about a rule that actually doesn’t affect them at all. Bama uga and tamu are doing just fine in recruiting even with nil.

But publicly talking about boosters despite ours being the only talked about is a direct shot. There is a reason why Ruiz was on Feinbaim and no other booster was. They want to scare recruits into not coming. They want to say Miami is about to get hit with sanctions just like they did for 3 years after Nevin.
I found this paragraph interesting effective 05/09/2022:

“The guidance was developed by a task force of national leaders with student-athlete opportunity at the forefront of discussions. Specifically, the guidance defines as a booster any third-party entity that promotes an athletics program, assists with recruiting or assists with providing benefits to recruits, enrolled student-athletes or their family members. The definition could include "collectives" set up to funnel name, image and likeness deals to prospective student-athletes or enrolled student-athletes who might be considering transferring. NCAA recruiting rules ‘preclude boosters from recruiting and/or providing benefits to prospective student-athletes.’”
Exactly what I was referring too but I could tell people thought I was trying to have a debate when I was just trying to have a convo.
I found this paragraph interesting effective 05/09/2022:

“The guidance was developed by a task force of national leaders with student-athlete opportunity at the forefront of discussions. Specifically, the guidance defines as a booster any third-party entity that promotes an athletics program, assists with recruiting or assists with providing benefits to recruits, enrolled student-athletes or their family members. The definition could include "collectives" set up to funnel name, image and likeness deals to prospective student-athletes or enrolled student-athletes who might be considering transferring. NCAA recruiting rules ‘preclude boosters from recruiting and/or providing benefits to prospective student-athletes.’”
Man I thought I wasn't an idiot...
Exactly what I was referring too but I could tell people thought I was trying to have a debate when I was just trying to have a convo.

Man I thought I wasn't an idiot...

Bro, I’ve learned sometimes u have to tread lightly & just let an article or quote do the talking. Lol. I got where u were coming from.
Bro, I’ve learned sometimes u have to tread lightly & just let an article or quote do the talking. Lol. I got where u were coming from.
So am I to take this as Ruiz has done his homework with the NCAA and we will be fine or do we as fans have to worry that the ncaa will be coming yet again?
So am I to take this as Ruiz has done his homework with the NCAA and we will be fine or do we as fans have to worry that the ncaa will be coming yet again?

I’m sure Ruiz has done his homework. These r athletes, male & female, across different spectrum of sports that are “employees” used to advertise his business. What we’re seeing from other schools r guys just making bank w/ nothing to show. It’s legit open boosters brown paper bags.

However, the only caution is the booster definition. That’s what has me low key skittish on things, but it’s hard to prove Ruiz was using his business to “funnel $$ to pay for play” especially when other school’s athletes have been used for his business. I’m sure we’re safe.
I’m sure Ruiz has done his homework. These r athletes, male & female, across different spectrum of sports that are “employees” used to advertise his business. What we’re seeing from other schools r guys just making bank w/ nothing to show. It’s legit open boosters brown paper bags.

However, the only caution is the booster definition. That’s what has me low key skittish on things, but it’s hard to prove Ruiz was using his business to “funnel $$ to pay for play” especially when other school’s athletes have been used for his business. I’m sure we’re safe.

Thank you
I’m sure Ruiz has done his homework. These r athletes, male & female, across different spectrum of sports that are “employees” used to advertise his business. What we’re seeing from other schools r guys just making bank w/ nothing to show. It’s legit open boosters brown paper bags.

However, the only caution is the booster definition. That’s what has me low key skittish on things, but it’s hard to prove Ruiz was using his business to “funnel $$ to pay for play” especially when other school’s athletes have been used for his business. I’m sure we’re safe.
It seems to me that “booster” is being used in a general way because it’s the term that’s been used for years to describe the funneling of $$$ to players.

Ruiz has created an entirely new (and legal) way to compensate players for actual work and the powers that be have yet to come up with a term or description for his new entity.
#1 recruit in the nation is a local kid.
Logically, Ruiz ranking system gives him the highest possible marketing score.
He makes it publicly known that he’s interested in working for Life Wallet.
He’s committed to the gator.
Ruiz says no.

#1 recruit in the nation is a local kid.
Logically, Ruiz ranking system gives him the highest possible marketing score.
He makes it publicly known that he’s interested in working for Life Wallet.
He’s committed to the gator.
Ruiz says no.


He can say the distance from Miami will affect his ability to properly fulfill his obligations

Not sure if this has been discussed yet but... What about offering NIL deals to walk-ons?

It seems to me if NIL deals are offered to walk-ons, it would allow teams to circumvent scholarship limits. Thoughts?

@Redstate12 - and others
It seems to me that “booster” is being used in a general way because it’s the term that’s been used for years to describe the funneling of $$$ to players.

Ruiz has created an entirely new (and legal) way to compensate players for actual work and the powers that be have yet to come up with a term or description for his new entity.

Correct; what we’re doing vs. what others r doing is totally different. Our players r using their NIL to profit while also advertising/promoting the biz that they have a NIL w/. It’s no different than Coca Cola pays X player Y amount to promote their brand. It’s truly an endorsement deal; what these collectives r doing is pooling their finances together to buy a recruit or incentivize a transfer to come. That’s pay-to-play.
#1 recruit in the nation is a local kid.
Logically, Ruiz ranking system gives him the highest possible marketing score.
He makes it publicly known that he’s interested in working for Life Wallet.
He’s committed to the gator.
Ruiz says no.

The recruits argument is invalid: "committed to the gayter".

Not Canes material, pass on the quiche eating celine dion loving beta.

#1 recruit in the nation is a local kid.
Logically, Ruiz ranking system gives him the highest possible marketing score.
He makes it publicly known that he’s interested in working for Life Wallet.
He’s committed to the gator.
Ruiz says no.


That’s a great hypothetical, actually. However that, I believe, is an easy to remedy by just availability, marketing events, criteria for his company which could jeopardize said student’s academic requirements due to travel/availability.
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Not sure if this has been discussed yet but... What about offering NIL deals to walk-ons?

It seems to me if NIL deals are offered to walk-ons, it would allow teams to circumvent scholarship limits. Thoughts?

@Redstate12 - and others
Bro all I had was a question and to provoke discussion. I honestly don't have thoughts. I do think it's interesting as ****. Sounds like a **** of a loophole for a elite player not recruited from the portal but recently suspended or kicked of team for a charge not domestic violence or gun charge related. I like the way you think.