John Ruiz on Paul Finebaum show today

How anyone with even a modicum of intelligence could watch that interview and come to the conclusion that Ruiz and LifeWallet are pay for play makes absolutely zero sense to me. Ruiz nailed that interview. He was calm, collected and completely in control. He was very informative and was able to clearly articulate why LifeWallet is not pay for play. In addition, Ruiz articulated the issue in a manner that was very layman friendly and easy to follow and understand.

What Finebaum still favors or not is completely irrelevant here. The fact that Finebaum is an apologist/shill/tool for the inherently corrupt SEC machine is well established therefore his "opinion" has no merit/place in an objective debate/discussion. In this forum, Ruiz had the golden opportunity to educate the viewer which he managed to do in convincing fashion.

Anyone not grasping this indulges in the consumption of paint chips and sips on lysol lemon cleanser shots.
I feel like the only people Ruiz convinced in this interview were Canes fans. Everyone still views him and LifeWallet as Pay For Play. They (including Finebaum) will still favor collectives because they think it’s a bunch of church grandmas with jars of coins.
People dont like something Miami is doing, even though its perfectly legal whilst they love what their teams are doing, when the stuff they are doing is illegal?

Huh, I wonder why...
Wow. Thank you for providing this. I think then that @OriginalGatorHater is probably correct that Lennon was great, but never as great once he was apart from the other 3 great musicians in the Beatles.
It happens often.... Look at David Lee Roth once he left Van Halen.... Did ok at first but faded off fast while VH kept chugging along with Sammy...
Others do well... McCartney did fine after the breakup..... Ozzy leaving Sabbath..... Lionel Ritchie leaving the Commodores...
Some artists are able to maintain ......
Man Lennon was great but I am firmly in the camp that Yoko Ono was a negative influence on his music. Maybe she made him a better person, I don’t know of course. watch that video and she is all over it though she isn’t part of the music. And her own music was got garbage.
She definitely did not make him better as a person. Lennon was an absolute POS human being with an incredible marketing team. And he wrote Imagine.
Ya I ended up looking it up and finding it, it was just annoying that they didn't have it in the video.

The video I posted was a recorded comedy bit that Bill Burr did. It wasn't supposed to be the original video. I posted it to expose the outright lies and blasphemy that @Cryptical Envelopment tried to slip into the thread, but I was having none of it!! :y-u-no: lol
The video I posted was a recorded comedy bit that Bill Burr did. It wasn't supposed to be the original video. I posted it to expose the outright lies and blasphemy that @Cryptical Envelopment tried to slip into the thread, but I was having none of it!! :y-u-no: lol
Haha. I got that it was just a comedy bit, but as I was watching it. I was thinking "I really want to hear what that noise she made sounded like, because I am sure Bill Burr is exaggerating quite a bit". Then when I saw the real footage my jaw dropped, I was thinking "wow this is even worse than what Bill described".
You have politely called me out of date fossil enough lol.

Break it down into idiot terms why my worries are misplaced.

All jokes aside I appreciate the engagement.

My main take aways are.

1. Boosters ( people who financially support a university ) cannot be involved in NIL

2. The original vision for NIL was for private businesses you enter into financial agreements with student athletes for sponsorship.

Ruiz is trying to have his cake and eat it too. Athletes signing with life wallet but Ruiz the booster brokering the deals and announcing the deals. Instead of a Lifewallet twitter account or a life wallet official press release or a the spokes person for life wallet announcing the deals. In a way brilliant because life wallet gets the press but also him personally.

Can you specifically speak to what part I don't understand or am getting wrong.

Also please not I'm not invested in being right. Open to being wrong. This isn't a debate. I am trying to learn this stuff. Don't tell me I'm stuck in the past and don't get it. Educate me. Genuinely trying to get this find in very interesting. Anyone chime in and break it down.
If there were legal conflicts between Ruiz the booster and Ruiz CEO of Life Wallet, I'm sure he would have done things differently.

If the NCAA comes out saying there's a conflict, Ruiz simply does everything thru Life Wallet and appoints a person other than himself to be the face of NIL deals for his companies.
There are so many egregious NIL rule breakers that Ruiz shouldn't even be on the radar. He's doing it right. He's only there because the media put him there and the fans of other programs don't want Miami to succeed.

The NCAA can look at Miami all they want, but if they do they'll be wasting resources not going after collectives prevalent in the SEC, and schools like TamU, Tennessee, Texas and FSU who literally have collectives just to buy players. Although FSU can't buy much, they're still following what should be an illegal NIL model.
If there were legal conflicts between Ruiz the booster and Ruiz CEO of Life Wallet, I'm sure he would have done things differently.

If the NCAA comes out saying there's a conflict, Ruiz simply does everything thru Life Wallet and appoints a person other than himself to be the face of NIL deals for his companies.
There are so many egregious NIL rule breakers that Ruiz shouldn't even be on the radar. He's doing it right. He's only there because the media put him there and the fans of other programs don't want Miami to succeed.

The NCAA can look at Miami all they want, but if they do they'll be wasting resources not going after collectives prevalent in the SEC, and schools like TamU, Tennessee, Texas and FSU who literally have collectives just to buy players. Although FSU can't buy much, they're still following what should be an illegal NIL model.

If there were legal conflicts between Ruiz the booster and Ruiz CEO of Life Wallet, I'm sure he would have done things differently.

If the NCAA comes out saying there's a conflict, Ruiz simply does everything thru Life Wallet and appoints a person other than himself to be the face of NIL deals for his companies.
There are so many egregious NIL rule breakers that Ruiz shouldn't even be on the radar. He's doing it right. He's only there because the media put him there and the fans of other programs don't want Miami to succeed.

The NCAA can look at Miami all they want, but if they do they'll be wasting resources not going after collectives prevalent in the SEC, and schools like TamU, Tennessee, Texas and FSU who literally have collectives just to buy players. Although FSU can't buy much, they're still following what should be an illegal NIL model.
Agree 1000% .

My worry has always been 1. They it's always worse when Miami did it. 2. While I am sure everything is above board the public nature in which we are moving is causing the
Hilarious. John is loving the free publicity that Finebaum and all the other fools are providing Life Wallet.
You're wrong on #1. When the NCAA released their frequently ask questions back in 2021 the 12th question was can boosters participate in NIL? And their answer was yes, but certain rules still apply.

Edit: go here and scroll halfway down. Click on the Q&A. Question 12 on boosters.

If you read through all the PDFs from 2021, you'll see that the recent guidance from the NCAA is literally no different than the original. All it really does is says collectives count as a booster.

I found this paragraph interesting effective 05/09/2022:

“The guidance was developed by a task force of national leaders with student-athlete opportunity at the forefront of discussions. Specifically, the guidance defines as a booster any third-party entity that promotes an athletics program, assists with recruiting or assists with providing benefits to recruits, enrolled student-athletes or their family members. The definition could include "collectives" set up to funnel name, image and likeness deals to prospective student-athletes or enrolled student-athletes who might be considering transferring. NCAA recruiting rules ‘preclude boosters from recruiting and/or providing benefits to prospective student-athletes.’”
I found this paragraph interesting effective 05/09/2022:

“The guidance was developed by a task force of national leaders with student-athlete opportunity at the forefront of discussions. Specifically, the guidance defines as a booster any third-party entity that promotes an athletics program, assists with recruiting or assists with providing benefits to recruits, enrolled student-athletes or their family members. The definition could include "collectives" set up to funnel name, image and likeness deals to prospective student-athletes or enrolled student-athletes who might be considering transferring. NCAA recruiting rules ‘preclude boosters from recruiting and/or providing benefits to prospective student-athletes.’”
Yeah, but that whole paragraph is related to prospective student athletes. The NCAA is just trying to prevent NIL during the recruiting and transfer portal process.

A booster providing NIL to a currently enrolled athlete is fair game and perfectly legal. The language of some state laws would even say you can offer NIL to athletes at other institutions, as long as they're enrolled. Making NCAA rules irrelevant.

The only thing the NCAA is even trying to limit is a bidding war for recruits. They've known that it's always existed at bag schools; they're worried about the inflation of such amounts. That and an inflation of the price required to acquire players by boosters may essentially reduce other potential donations that booster may have made to the institution. In short; greed.
Where are any other South Florida businessmen making these kinds of NIL business decisions? Have they all decided the return isn't worth the investment, however big or small it is? It would bolster Ruiz' "standing" if more businesses were participating, don't you think?
Where are any other South Florida businessmen making these kinds of NIL business decisions? Have they all decided the return isn't worth the investment, however big or small it is? It would bolster Ruiz' "standing" if more businesses were participating, don't you think?

There are other NIL deals
There are other NIL deals
With UM athletes? Just haven't been publicized? Ruiz is the only employer I'm aware of.

Also, wonder if Ruiz would pay an FIU athlete to publicize LifeWallet, or whatever, if their local profile was high enough. Or, is he only interested in hiring UM players.