FLETCHER IS A FULL GO!! (updated, apologies)

I guess we’ll find out once practices start. If he’s full go during drills, we have to assume he’s healthy.

While his injury is similar to Mesidor’s the circumstances are vastly different. Mesidor has had a history of foot issues. The doctors have prescribed a special cleat for him. A one off made by Adidas. His issues are genetic and were compounded by wearing cleats that made his foot problems even worse. Fletcher broke his foot. No real prior issues. Just a regular football injury.
If Fletcher indeed had a lisfranc injury, I doubt he’ll be ready for game 1. That injury is typically pretty significant - with or without surgery. The fact that he elected NOT to have surgery is probably a good sign as to the severity. Regardless, even if we get him back for game 3-4, that’s still huge.
OP posts a weak original post with no sauce, no link, nothing ... strongly deserving of ridicule by most CIS standards.... then you saw my jestful post and immediately felt the behavior described you....

Your zest for message board stardum is intriguing...

Back to Fletcher -- Coach speak. No need to rush him back.

Sometimes I wonder how long some of our fellow Canes have been following
UM athletics.
This is not pro sports, where teams are obligated to be relatively specific and accurate on
player injury status.

So for you young'uns, consider this a cheat-sheet when translating injury
statuses reported for our athletes:

Quote: "We expect him to return by [month of next game]"
Translation: "Aside from wearing a jersey on sideline, we have no idea when he
will actually play".

Quote: "He underwent successful surgery"
Translation: "He didn't die on the table"

Quote: "His [post surgery] rehab has been progressing on schedule"
Translation: This implies no amputation of affected limb was needed. Be Happy.

Quote" "Lower/upper extremity issues"
Translation: Also implies no amputation needed as "extremity" apparently remains attached
to body.

Quote: "He tweaked his extremity. We will observe him these next few days"
Translation: "Something broke, we have no idea how bad it is"

Quote: "He had some soreness/tightness on his arm" (aka., Jim Morris special)
Translation: "We have no idea what happened during outing, but his fastball
dipping 30mph during his last inning scared tf out of JD Arteaga and his
rubberBandarms of Brothers staff".

Quote: "Sore arm, expect him to miss a few starts"
Translation: "Tommy John is in the house, buying a Mark Light milkshake"

Quote: "No one has worked harder during rehab, we hope to see him soon"
Translation: "What a shame. He was a legit pro prospect until the medieval barbers at
UDeath worked on his extremities".

Hope this helps.
Last edited:
Right.. had a catastrophic injury, well known it was bad and he was unlikely to play, let alone at his previous level... yet he said he was good to go and cleared. That's the point. What Cristobal said and has said doesn't mean the kid is ready to play anytime soon.

Eh. Citizen being declared a go and cleared for practice and him just not being very good due to the injury aren’t really the same if I’m understanding your point here.

You can be cleared and just not be yourself any longer. It doesn’t make Mario’s statement untrue.
Sometimes I wonder how long some of our fellow Canes have been following
UM athletics.
This is not pro sports, where teams are obligated to be relatively specific and accurate on
player injury status.

So for you young'uns, consider this a cheat-sheet when translating injury
statuses reported for our athletes:

Quote: "We expect him to return by [month of next game]"
Translation: "Aside from wearing a jersey on sideline, we have no idea when he
will actually play".

Quote: "He underwent successful surgery"
Translation: "He didn't die on the table"

Quote: "His [post surgery] rehab has been progressing on schedule"
Translation: This implies no amputation of affected limb was needed. Be Happy.

Quote" "Lower/upper extremity issues"
Translation: Also implies no amputation needed as "extremity" apparently remains attached
to body.

Quote: "He tweaked his extremity. We will observe him these next few days"
Translation: "Something broke, we have no idea how bad it is"

Quote: "He had some soreness/tightness on his arm" (aka., Jim Morris special)
Translation: "We have no idea what happened during outing, but his fastball
dipping 30mph during his last inning scared tf out of JD Arteaga and his
rubberBandarms of Brothers staff".

Quote: "Sore arm, expect him to miss a few starts"
Translation: "Tommy John is in the house, buying a Mark Light milkshake"

Quote: "No one has worked harder during rehab, we hope to see him soon"
Translation: "What a shame. He was a legit pro prospect until the medieval barbers at
UDeath worked on his extremities".

Hope this helps.
Sometimes I wonder how long some of our fellow Canes have been following
UM athletics.
This is not pro sports, where teams are obligated to be relatively specific and accurate on
player injury status.

So for you young'uns, consider this a cheat-sheet when translating injury
statuses reported for our athletes:

Quote: "We expect him to return by [month of next game]"
Translation: "Aside from wearing a jersey on sideline, we have no idea when he
will actually play".

Quote: "He underwent successful surgery"
Translation: "He didn't die on the table"

Quote: "His [post surgery] rehab has been progressing on schedule"
Translation: This implies no amputation of affected limb was needed. Be Happy.

Quote" "Lower/upper extremity issues"
Translation: Also implies no amputation needed as "extremity" apparently remains attached
to body.

Quote: "He tweaked his extremity. We will observe him these next few days"
Translation: "Something broke, we have no idea how bad it is"

Quote: "He had some soreness/tightness on his arm" (aka., Jim Morris special)
Translation: "We have no idea what happened during outing, but his fastball
dipping 30mph during his last inning scared tf out of JD Arteaga and his
rubberBandarms of Brothers staff".

Quote: "Sore arm, expect him to miss a few starts"
Translation: "Tommy John is in the house, buying a Mark Light milkshake"

Quote: "No one has worked harder during rehab, we hope to see him soon"
Translation: "What a shame. He was a legit pro prospect until the medieval barbers at
UDeath worked on his extremities".

Hope this helps.
And if Mario mentions the word "significant" regarding an injury, you ain't seeing that player for at least a year.