Feldman on Miami & Golden

crossover22[]_[];1799983 said:
This will be his last year here? Haha man. Y'all some brilliant ones.

He has 2 more years minimum. Donna ain't paying all that buyout.

Not saying you are wrong, but nothing like the unknown. We went down this same path with Coker/Shannon. No one knows the buyout number and what the admin would be willing to pay.
It all depends on the final record. A 4, 5 and 6 win season and he's gone. 7 and above he most likely stays. But Golden can't survive a year of blowouts and mounting losses, its ugly now, imagine a 6 or less win season. It would turn brutal.

crossover22[]_[];1799983 said:
This will be his last year here? Haha man. Y'all some brilliant ones.

He has 2 more years minimum. Donna ain't paying all that buyout.

Unfortunately he may be right. Homeboy will shake hands, kiss babies, and graduate players. Seeing as all 3 of the important items on the Hobbit's checklist are covered, he's doing his job just fine in her eyes.
crossover22[]_[];1799983 said:
This will be his last year here? Haha man. Y'all some brilliant ones.

He has 2 more years minimum. Donna ain't paying all that buyout.

Not saying you are wrong, but nothing like the unknown. We went down this same path with Coker/Shannon. No one knows the buyout number and what the admin would be willing to pay.

Keep relying on the unknown.

Would you like to bet he is here 2 more years at least?
Stephen Morris was trash in the bowl game. Sucked the life out of the team. He'll never play in the NFL.
crossover22[]_[];1799536 said:
Bush, Howard, Coley, and aqm wouldn't be here without golden. Get a freaking clue.

Randy recruited highsmith and morris.

And Golden chose to play them over his own guys.
crossover22[]_[];1800822 said:
crossover22[]_[];1799983 said:
This will be his last year here? Haha man. Y'all some brilliant ones.

He has 2 more years minimum. Donna ain't paying all that buyout.

Not saying you are wrong, but nothing like the unknown. We went down this same path with Coker/Shannon. No one knows the buyout number and what the admin would be willing to pay.

Keep relying on the unknown.

Would you like to bet he is here 2 more years at least?

If Al Po is still here after this season, it shows that the university is not committed to winning.
crossover22[]_[];1800822 said:
crossover22[]_[];1799983 said:
This will be his last year here? Haha man. Y'all some brilliant ones.

He has 2 more years minimum. Donna ain't paying all that buyout.

Not saying you are wrong, but nothing like the unknown. We went down this same path with Coker/Shannon. No one knows the buyout number and what the admin would be willing to pay.

Keep relying on the unknown.

Would you like to bet he is here 2 more years at least?

If Al Po is still here after this season, it shows that the university is not committed to winning.
Good thought. Still doesn't change the fact that we don't make the decision.

Thanks for the neg. You're a big man. Nice keyboard bully
crossover22[]_[];1801038 said:
crossover22[]_[];1800822 said:
crossover22[]_[];1799983 said:
This will be his last year here? Haha man. Y'all some brilliant ones.

He has 2 more years minimum. Donna ain't paying all that buyout.

Not saying you are wrong, but nothing like the unknown. We went down this same path with Coker/Shannon. No one knows the buyout number and what the admin would be willing to pay.

Keep relying on the unknown.

Would you like to bet he is here 2 more years at least?

If Al Po is still here after this season, it shows that the university is not committed to winning.
Good thought. Still doesn't change the fact that we don't make the decision.

Thanks for the neg. You're a big man. Nice keyboard bully

Of course he's not going anywhere after this year...you're talking about the same administration that:

Hired Coker
Prematurely Extended Coker
Hired Shannon
Took forever to Fire Shannon
Hired Golden

Homeboy ain't going anywhere....there' s a very good chance we have the worst administration in all of college football.
crossover22[]_[];1800822 said:
crossover22[]_[];1799983 said:
This will be his last year here? Haha man. Y'all some brilliant ones.

He has 2 more years minimum. Donna ain't paying all that buyout.

Not saying you are wrong, but nothing like the unknown. We went down this same path with Coker/Shannon. No one knows the buyout number and what the admin would be willing to pay.

Keep relying on the unknown.

Would you like to bet he is here 2 more years at least?

If Al Po is still here after this season, it shows that the university is not committed to winning.

So then why did they fire Coker and Shannon?
First three seasons:

Avg Schedule strength: 24
Espn avg class rank: 7

Avg Schedule strength: 53
Espn avg class rank: 10

Golden has a bunch of dudes in love because he was well-spoken at his presser. He's formal Randy Shannon.

Not sure what you're trying prove with this comparison except that you're incapable of thinking in abstract and can only digest information on a concrete basis. Typical analysis of a low level thinker.
Looking deeper into that comparison unveils a coach who came in at a disadvantage compared to his predecessor since he didn't know players the players he inherited, unlike Shannon who knew what he was inheriting. Did'n't have the recruiting contacts and relationships built.
Had the disadvantage of a major scandal the would rock the program for 3 critical years blow up in his face 2 weeks before his 1st game.
Had to deal with uncertainty, suspensions, that the NCAA investigations brought and not to mention the negative recruiting that ensued.
Had to deal with the ongoing investigations of his players and resulting low player moral when it was revealed that school would self impose 2 bowl bans. Had to deal with the not getting the benefit of the extra practice time and experience younger players would have gotten had they not self imposed the said bowl bans while his main acc competition did.
Mind you the above Shannon did not have to deal with and yet Golden has a better overall record and can be argued that has pulled better classes.
So no, he's not a formal Randy. THINK beyond what's in front of your face.

Low Level Thinker? Everything you list above is the drivel of an infantile sycophant-- I give reasons-- in response, YOU pander and provide nothing more than a litany of excuses. You're delusional. I could answer every "excuse" you list above, but I won't bother. You're incapable of logical thought or simple deduction.

As our program teeters on the brink of irrelevance, you fiddle while Rome burns.

For the record I made not even a tangential reference to Randy Shannon. But for all his faults, he still fielded a team that actually played defense. So good luck spinning that.

In the coming 2014 season, as we flounder, you'll climb further out on the limb with more facile excuses.

In 2015, when things still don't improve, you'll feel the despondence and disillusionment that many here realized after the Va Tech debacle, and you'll be embarrassed and fade your *** into the word work, not speaking so boldly, as your tail will be between your legs and your foot firmly planted in your mouth-- as you come to the realization that everything the dissenters here predicted was actually true.

You'll finally wake up and realize what many here have already concluded, but in your feckless manner, you wont admit it; you'll offer more weak, hopeful, forward-looking statements, assuring all is not lost and we can still turn things around with another good recruiting class-- b/c that's your cover, it fits your narrative and inoculates you from admitting your blind loyalty devoid of critical thinking, which will by that time have been firmly dispelled.

The bottom line, this sorry excuse for a head coach had the dream cup cake schedule and still managed to bungle it. The schedule won't ever be as forgiving as it was this year. We could have top 5 recruiting classes 3 years running, and b/c Al Golden has reached the ceiling of his abilities, coupled with his stubborn intransigence, and inflexibility, and refusal to fire his DC who by any empirical analysis cannot coach defense, he will continue to run this program into the ground.

Who's the low-level thinker now? You're weak, and emblematic of everything that's wrong with the mentality of this program and administration.

Don't go away mad... just go away.

Dunno what you're talking about.. My response was directed at WTH. Not you.
Your joke of a post talking out Products and shareholder and dividends doesn't merit a response.
3 years is enough to gauge the direction we're headed. If you can't see that, you should probably let me borrow some money. I'll pay you back.

with recruiting classes getting successively better each year.
Yeah, we seem to be headed in the wrong direction.

This is the same **** arguement that was made from 2007 to january of 2010. And you were on the front line of bashing Randy Shannon in those days. **** off.

With the difference being that I was right.
Whether I'm right with Golden is TBD.
If you've written him off good for you. I revel in your misery.

### Negativity has swirled among some UM football fans, with many upset about defensive coordinator Mark D’Onofrio and the four blowout losses this past season. Associates say Al Golden has grown weary of some of the criticism.

“What the **** do people want?” one high ranking UM Board of Trustee member said. “Does anyone realize what the NCAA thing did to us? That team this year was an ordinary team, and we went 9-4. It will take three years to build this up, but this is the right guy to do it.”

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sports-buzz/#storylink=cpy

3 MORE YEARS...LULZ we fu%$ed
### Negativity has swirled among some UM football fans, with many upset about defensive coordinator Mark D’Onofrio and the four blowout losses this past season. Associates say Al Golden has grown weary of some of the criticism.

“What the **** do people want?” one high ranking UM Board of Trustee member said. “Does anyone realize what the NCAA thing did to us? That team this year was an ordinary team, and we went 9-4. It will take three years to build this up, but this is the right guy to do it.”

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sports-buzz/#storylink=cpy

Glad to see High Ranking Board of Trustees are on board with giving Golden time based on the reality of circumstances.
JHall I like you guy... remind me of my brother.. level headed and optimistic, but I do not have any hope for Golden going forward. We need him for stability ...but going forward he's not innovative enough. Too robotic and those type of people who are afraid of change will always falter. NOT IF, but when.

He's learning on the job. Sadly it was something I expected but I didn't think he would be so ridiculously stubborn about change. He seemed like a guy that was intelligent and willing to make moves. I understand the stability argument, and it's valid in some cases, but he has done exactly what many of us feared he would when things were looking up, he tied his future to his best friend, to the detriment of the program.

JHall, that "learning on the job" BS is NOT for Generals or D1 Football Coaches.

Here's the thing. I understand a coordinator messing you up. I understand.

But I DON'T understand that same dumbass coordinator messing you up for three straight years. Either the Coordinator goes, or you can both go.

Stupid doesn't do the same, identical stupid siht for thirty-something games.

After the first three, any reasonable man would change up.
We all realize this scheme isn't working. No one is denying that. Golden is a good recruiter. He will get the talent level at Miami back up to where it needs. We just have to hope he is willing to change some things in his coaching.
The thing is, their first year here we did a lot more 4-3 stuff and the defense looked respectable.

Ever since he brought this bull**** 3-4 read and react nonsense the numbers have looked absolutely terrible.

It's not like they don't know the 4-3.

### Negativity has swirled among some UM football fans, with many upset about defensive coordinator Mark D’Onofrio and the four blowout losses this past season. Associates say Al Golden has grown weary of some of the criticism.

“What the **** do people want?” one high ranking UM Board of Trustee member said. “Does anyone realize what the NCAA thing did to us? That team this year was an ordinary team, and we went 9-4. It will take three years to build this up, but this is the right guy to do it.”

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sports-buzz/#storylink=cpy

3 MORE YEARS...LULZ we fu%$ed

If the team goes 6-6 or worse, he's gone. Almost all of the goodwill Golden built up with the administration by sticking with us through the NCAA has evaporated since he flirted with Penn State. He made them look inept and foolish and that burned Shalala and James and it's continued not to sit well with them. This particular Board member must have the biggest crush on Golden if they're delusional enough to think that the fanbase will accept a current two year rebuilding process with apparently three more on the horizon. On top of that, that long of a rebuilding process is ridiculous even for the severity of the NCAA saga. Golden has gotten more than enough talent to compete with Louisville and Virginia Tech as well as beating Wake Forest and North Carolina by large margins. The results of this season will reveal whether he is or is not the right man for the job to even his most steadfast supporters or his most ardent critics.

If the season stumbles to a 6-6 record, Golden will not change the scheme and furthermore will not fire D'Onofrio. At the conclusion of the season, I would guess that Golden's, "weariness," of the fans will start to show and one way or another, he will no longer be the coach here.