From Ron Dedeaux, the former king of College Baseball with 11 titles (whose team played 0.500 ball the last 8-years of his tenure):
“As he has previously, Dedeaux pointed to the 1975 reduction in scholarships as a major reason the school's baseball program has struggled for the last eight years.
When the NCAA limited the number of scholarships from 19 to 13 a year, private schools were hurt proportionally worse than public universities, Dedeaux said.
Generally, this is because tuition is much higher at private schools--and especially at USC, where costs are estimated at $15,800 a year--and therefore partial scholarships are not nearly as helpful.
"There are some horrible four-letter words, and you'd be surprised, but UCLA is not one of them," he said. "NCAA is." ‘
In 2015, scholarships are now down to 11.7 and tuition at Miami is ~$45,000 and ~$65,000 at USC…. It is a testament to Morris, management and UM that the Hurricanes are even relevant.
Imagine Miami with 19 scholarships….. We would literally field 9 Major leaguers some years…..
Also, imagine if Morris played 0.500 ball the last 8-years…..