Lingard is worth two scholarships. Tweed said the kid is willing to walk-on and if that's the case than there is no real reason not to offer that.
If he's willing to walk on then there's no need to discuss any of this. Anyone can try out for the team. We have all kinds of terrible walk-ons on the team. Walk-ons have to pay tuition though.
this attitude is why we play checkers not chess... its cutthroat out there. offer a job to the parent. get the brother in school. get the cousin a track schollie. find a way. ASKING HIM TO WALK ON is losers mentality
Being a simp and getting played is loser's mentality. You guys have no clue how to make deals or negotiate.
You don't sign an FIU player in 2017 with the ALMOST guarantee of getting the 5 star in 2018. Package deal is fine, but Lingard needs to sign before Tiny Tim. Otherwise, you're a checkers playing simp.
I'd take my deal making/negotiating skills over yours any day of the week... lol. Btw, football or track schollies are only one year commitments. UM is not committing to the guy for four years. If LO does not fill his end of the bargain AND LD turns out to be a dud, you can part ways and free up a schollie for 2018. That being said, looks like the fam is all about the Canes. When you develop the kind of relationships these coaches put into these high level recruits, you would hope your word still means something. If not, the downside is low.