DAILY DEBATE: Would you have taken Simeon Barrow back?

Why do I get the feeling that this likely happened all the time and we just never hear about it. Now because it’s legal to pay everyone jumps on social media.
Could you imagine a story like this 10 years ago and a reported says “he’s transferring to mizzu and they’re paying him more than Miami”

The amount of ncaa violations in that statement would’ve made headlines for weeks.
This is the first sign of desperation from Marion IMO. It flys in the face of everything he says he’s trying to do with the culture.

On the other hand we need him and DT help in the worst way so I can see taking him back.

I stand by what I said in another thread through “my biggest concern this season is losing a game because of coaching and the mercenaries quitting on the team which fractures the locker room”
We don't know enough on went on behind the scenes and how he handled it on the front and back end. To the "in a heartbeat" crowd, you are the disease that has plagued this program for 2 decades taking talent at all costs over intangibles. Might as well give yourself the nickname Coker, Golden or Diaz as it's exactly what their downfall was.
This particular situation I’d take him back in a heartbeat because we need this guy to win right now which everyone here knows Mario and the University are all in. It’s a one year rental for a Mercenary at a highly coveted position and I as a CANES fan rather our team have him than any other squad. This was the Daddy meddling so it’s not like the Tyler Van Yikes situation when he threatened to leave to Bama so to get more money. College football has changed and these mercenaries are for sale. Money talks and bull**** walks. Should Mario not accepted Cam Ward since he was wavering???
We needed a bona fide DT. We got one. Things got flaky as they often do in negotiations, especially with young men. Dude got it worked out. Take him back.

Two addendums though:

1. If he ends up sucking at the end of the year, F this guy.
2. If we were Alabama 6 years ago, we would be in a position to tell Dude to kick rocks. We aren't there. YET!!!!
Exactly! Mario ain’t no sucker or pushover. If he focks up, then Barrow will be sent packing like the Bama DT last season which the team needed badly
College Football is a different world today. Stuff like this is only going to get worse with NIL. We have to win this year so I get letting him come back, but what happens if we go through a rough stretch? Is he going to up and leave if we lose some games? I think our locker room is more mature and professional like, but you never know how these guys are going to react during a season.
Females let their emotions make decisions. This is business 100%. This dude literally has this year to prove to the NFL that he’s draft worthy. There’s no other chances for him. He gives it his all this year or he submits an application at Enterprise Rental. If one dude has the ability to “ruin your locker room”, then your coaching staff is weak and you never had a locker room to begin with. Nobody ever mentions “culture” when you’re winning championships. That’s just a fall back when coaches fail. It’s business. Not personal.
If you were Mario Cristobal, would you have taken Simeon Barrow back or told him to stay in Georgia?

I’m taking him back because of our need at defensive tackle and the fact, that this is his money year. And because of that, you know you’re going to get the very best out of him this season. Kid obviously got terrible advice from his dad, but we can put it behind us now.
Females let their emotions make decisions. This is business 100%. This dude literally has this year to prove to the NFL that he’s draft worthy. There’s no other chances for him. He gives it his all this year or he submits an application at Enterprise Rental. If one dude has the ability to “ruin your locker room”, then your coaching staff is weak and you never had a locker room to begin with. Nobody ever mentions “culture” when you’re winning championships. That’s just a fall back when coaches fail. It’s business. Not personal.
you think a guy that made the NIL money he's making will go work at Enterprise if he doens't get drafted?
This particular situation I’d take him back in a heartbeat because we need this guy to win right now which everyone here knows Mario and the University are all in. It’s a one year rental for a Mercenary at a highly coveted position and I as a CANES fan rather our team have him than any other squad. This was the Daddy meddling so it’s not like the Tyler Van Yikes situation when he threatened to leave to Bama so to get more money. College football has changed and these mercenaries are for sale. Money talks and bull**** walks. Should Mario not accepted Cam Ward since he was wavering???
"We need this guy to win right now" is exactly why we are in the mess we've been in for the last 20 years. It's exactly what Coker, Golden and Diaz convinced themselves of and justified all getting the exact same result. You are right that college football has changed but what hasn't changed is that one bad apple can ruin it for all.

Cam Ward never committed to us, enrolled, worked out with team and just said peace out one night mid semester. It's not an apples to apples comparison.
DTs are a bizarre bunch. I think you need allow leeway with them especially a one year rental. I also don’t think Barrow is going to impact team culture one way or the other. He’ll be seen for what he is, a merc.
That's completely up to the coaches and the players, if the locker room is good with it, I'm good with it. The guy is needed, don't act like he isn't. And we don't know what is going on with the players, so don't get on the board and act like you do.
Somewhat off topic, but do we envision a future in which NILs are constructed to incentivize players to not opt out of the "postseason"?