DAILY DEBATE: Would you have taken Simeon Barrow back?

Makes a lot of sense.

Are you implying that Enterprise hires dumb people? You have to have a minimum of a bachelor’s to work there. But if knocking people at car rental places makes you feel good, go for it buddy.
Will happily take the L if you were not equating Enterprise to say, "flipping burgers." And after responding to your message with disdain for what I thought you were implying, it makes alot of sense that I would demean an Enterprise employee. You nailed it bud.
Are you suggesting only dumb people make misinformed, risky, or even irresponsible decisions with their finances? Professional sports is literally littered with hundreds of examples of athletes who earned many, many times this young man's NIL ending up bankrupt (or worse) because they were financially illiterate, were taken advantage of, or otherwise made bad investments.

And this particular athlete has apparently already made a poor decision based on misinformation (and, it is rumored, a father with his hand in his son's pocket). You really think its outlandish to think that money isn't going to last him as long as it otherwise could, and that anyone suggesting the NIL money will not last must be implying "these kids" (barrow turns 22 next month, by the way) are all "dumb"?
Please see above comment. While I agree with it being a common occurrence, I hope the young man and any student athlete for that matter will utilize the funds properly. Hoping these schools have taught them how to manage their NIL. I could be mistaken but I thought Miami provided those types of resources. 🤞
Take him back! This is the new world order now. More than a good chance this dude was getting bad advice from his greedy old man.
My man. Don't go so hard at family members, no matter the feelings. Lol I mean he's officially not your enemy
People celebrate NIL and all it brings but don’t like the symptoms that comes with it. That said of course you keep him. This isn’t years ago where you had to set a culture and had all the power. This is no longer CFB . So it’s not desperation . Get used to it or move on. Tbh I’ve lost some interest, so I get it.
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College Football is a different world today. Stuff like this is only going to get worse with NIL. We have to win this year so I get letting him come back, but what happens if we go through a rough stretch? Is he going to up and leave if we lose some games? I think our locker room is more mature and professional like, but you never know how these guys are going to react during a season.
This Mercenary has one year to show out and get to the NFL. He is stuck in Coral Gables period.
You have to adopt to the game today, it’s not the 80’s and 90’s anymore, not even the early 2000’s or 2010’s for that matter. We’re in the new age of college football