Coach Golden has informed staff he will be staying at Miami

Worst day in cane history. This set us back another 5 years keeping him. He's definitely keeping D'onofrio now. He has leverage and showed his "commitment". Smfh. I give up. Mediocrity it is.

Yea this is worse than the day the scandal story broke....


Get a grip people, we are in the same position we were in a week ago and no one was crying this much. Get over it

Like I said in another thread, does he realize he's lost a lot of the fanbase?

95% of the base had no clue this was all taking place, he lost some posters for a couple of weeks....

LMAO, exactly this site has maybe 1k fans, 50% which are ****ed he's coming back "but he's lost the fans".

Time to move on.

You two are morons. This has been all over social media and in every local paper/news site. Everyone will know about this.
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He was more than likely offered the job. Slept on it. Then declined.

They offered. He read the fine print on the contract and noticed the clause that said; "Under no circumstances will your friend Mark be allowed within 500 miles of the PSU football program." After trying to get that clause taken out for 36 hours, Al came home. There is no way in **** they wanted Mark. We will never lose Al unless he fires Mark. He has destroyed his career over him. We can only help that we get enough talent to make this horrible defense work some.
You ****ing morons need to realize a coach is more important than recruits.

Duke, Baylor, UCF - what were their classes ranked? I remember people getting excited over Randy's classes. When an idiot is in charge, it doesn't mean ****.

Getting beaten like a drum in his four biggest games this year has all the uneducated mouth breathers excited because a golden invented some ***** hashtag.

Some of these chili dog nerd ******s on here care more about how a coach speaks than wether or not he can actually ****ing COACH. Diabeetus gut Golden can take his *** to the ****ing glue factory along with his real son, true lover, and BFF Diahrrea dorito. I'll say it again *** a core value, **** a pillar, **** a 4000 page binder, **** a thyroid.

This du got turned away by pedterno state. Not a SINGLE **** was given about a core Value, pillar, or hair on this day.

One funny fcking post right there. Summed fatso and his nut hugger fans up perfectly.
For all of you still on this guys nuts...

Nobody is mad this guy interviewed with another school. Nobody is mad he flirted with his alma mater and his dream job.

We are mad because he sucks as a coach and this was our chance to get rid of him. He got our hopes up with the possibility that he was leaving, only to end up not going anywhere and leaving us stuck with him.
If we have anyone at this school who REALLY cares, they would immediately inform Golden they are not paying Mark D'Onofrio, Franklin, and Williams. If he doesn't like that he can quit. If any of those corches is here next year I'm done. I won't stand for being embarrassed over and over.
So we can look forward to getting Face ****ed by FSU again next year?


Next year was aloss regardless whos the coach fsu has elite players with the best qb inCFb.


I feel u but until we lock down the best sfla players yearly this is what UM will be. Its not like 10 years ago the services r spot on n this y u see a schooll ike fsu reep the benefits of today. 20 years ago that 5 star kid chose fsu n was abust. UM knew who was good back then now the whole world knows n fsu has takin advantage of it. If we cant outrecruit them we will always be where we r now no matter whos coach.
Then you're not a Cane fan and can go pound sand.

I'm a miami hurricane fan. Not a coral gables Boy Scout fan. I don't care if their winning or losing. We're not the ****ing miami hurricanes and it SUCKS!!!

If you are rooting for us to lose, you aren't a fan.

Of who the miami hurricanes? **** yea! Till death. But where are they at? Coral gables Boy Scouts? Stanford south? I NEVER signed up for that ****.

what the **** are you talking about? root for your team in good times and bad if not gtfo

Bad times? U mean losing? I said idgaf if their winning or not u illiterate mother ******. I'm not a bandwagon fan. I watched every single miami heat game when they were the worst team in the league. I think it was 12-70. Kasib Powell, Stephone Lasme, and the rest of the d league all stars. Meanwhile the Heat have gone to the championship the last 3 years and I probably only watched 10 games. I became a fan of what the miami hurricanes stood for. The passion they played with. The heart they had. They completely changed their identity and they are NOT the miami hurricanes anymore. Whether their winning national championships or not. The only thing that's the same is the []_[] on the helmet. **** I can't even say the colors are the same. They have become stanford south thanks to that little dwarf running things. R.I.P. Miami Hurricanes. U will be sorely missed.
I couldn't agree more PSU. Everyone that's been on these boards for any amount of time knows how the meltdowns ensue and the over reactions commence typically before having all of the "real" information. Sure there are insiders with theories and supposed connections but the facts are, unless you are Golden, his wife or any of some 10 other people connected to UM or Penn State, you don't know shiat.

Therefore we've already become judge, jury and executioner before knowing anything. We do know that Golden can recruit and is a pretty good CEO. We also know that he needs much better game day/ X & O coordinators or we may not get over the hump even with back to back to back top 5 recruiting classes.

I'm sure the mob mentality around here will want to neg me for this. Who the fvck cares! Neg to Bolivia.

It's funny reading many of you write about how he tried to slither away in the night and that PSU said thanks but not have no clue. The PSU job was his if he wanted it. Trust me on that. You can speculate all you want just b/c you are p!ssed and want to justify his reason for staying, but you have no insight to the situation or process.

For anyone here to say he's a traitor for interviewing, i COMPLETELY disagree. He's a NJ native, a PSU grad and all his roots are in the Northeast. That was his home and dream job for many many years. Any one of us would at least listen about a job offer from our dream job unless we were 100% happy with our current job, which 99% of the population is not. Just b/c he didn't contact every single one of you every hour for an update is ridiculous. I would rather him stay quiet and not do the whole "i'm not going anywhere" thing like Saban until he was certain. Now we can move forward. First order of business, keep this recruiting class in tact and properly evaluate your staff and schemes. That is the only thing we can really criticize him for at the moment. That defense was BAD. That scheme is terrible.
Has there been any word on Onfrio at this point? Him being brought back would take this ridiculous situation to a whole other level.
You ****ing morons need to realize a coach is more important than recruits.

Duke, Baylor, UCF - what were their classes ranked? I remember people getting excited over Randy's classes. When an idiot is in charge, it doesn't mean ****.

Getting beaten like a drum in his four biggest games this year has all the uneducated mouth breathers excited because a golden invented some ***** hashtag.

Bobby Bowden always said the jimmys and the joes are way more important them the Xs and Os