Coach Golden has informed staff he will be staying at Miami

He pretty much defended D'Onfrio on WQAM this morning which means another year of 500 yards a game defense.

Golden doesn't have any killer instinct to be a HC. Doesn't want to make difficult decisions and wants to keep his BFF hired. I'm now indifferent about this program and the way it's headed. 9-4 and what's about 5 years behind FSU in terms of talent AND coaching. Can't wait to see the apologist next year when we have a 7-6 record.

What he said, and I dont technically disagree with him, is that this defense, EVEN under Donofrio, CAN be much better, as it was in their first year. I understood what he was tying to say as "if we had even the guys we had in 2011, we would be much better on D". Can anyone actually disagree with that? I mean in fairness, he never said we were good on D, or that 2011 was the GOAT D, just that it was much better, and it was. I think its a combination of talent, and scheme, but under the right circumstances, our defense could and should be significatly better, even under Donofrio. Now, Im not exactly thrilled about that, I think Donofrio has failed and things were just SO bad, that a major change there is absolutely warranted, but I also understand what Golden was getting at, and why he may feel that given the time and right personnel, they can get the defense to be much better than it is.

If Golden brings in, like Jimbo did, a high quality DC and OC then I'd feel like he committed to winning. Otherwise we ain't gonna improve because these guys just aren't quality coaches. If Golden wants to claim he's dedicated to this team and not D'Nofrio then bring in a Defensive guru!
This is when the retards now take **** too far.

Look. Don't have to love Golden or believe in the man. But dudes in here talking about wanting us to lose so they can say they were right about AG is asinine. I'm going to root for AG to succeed because I want this team to succeed. I'm a Hurricanes fan and will root for our team to succeed if Bozo the fugging Clown is our HC.

If you are a true fan of this program then you need to hope can close strong on recruiting, and that AG can get the Defense fixed and improve as a coach, because like him or not, he's going to be our HC next year. A real fan should root for the program to succeed, not root for failure just so they can say they were right about some coach they don't like.

I never really cared for, nor had any faith in Shannon at all. But I cheered for our team and hoped RS would succeed because I want this team to succeed.

Well I guess that's true because Golden and the two before him are clowns. LOL at the "true fan/real fan" stuff. Only a weasel says stuff like that.

Hey bub if the shoe fits. Tough. Only an emotionally unstable @ssbag would root for his team to fail just so they can gain some pathetic satisfaction in saying that they knew some coach sucks.

I mean are you here because you support this team or here to fill an emotional void by reveling in the failure of that which you claim to love.

You can spin it however you want, a true fan isn't rooting for the team to fail just because they want to say "I told you so" about Golden.

LMAO, that's a weak *** bomb impression but, not surprisingly, he gave it his F @ggy stamp of approval. You can join him and countless others who continue to hold onto ****** coaches until the bitter end while acting like ******** with attempting to psycho analyze the people who don't suck off ****** coaches. The rest of us want someone competent coaching the team and getting the program back to where it should be.
I just can't wrap my head around what some of you people see in this guy that is encouraging enough to be excited he's coming back. He has never, literally NEVER had a win in his entire career that would lead you to think he is a good football coach. We have been consistently embarrassed by our rivals and he lost to ****ing Duke. The guy is a loser, that is not an opinion that is a fact. He declined games against LSU, now he wants the Louisville game rescheduled. He just doesn't have what it takes, I have seen enough.

Bad argument

Nick Saban's first 5 years at MSU:

I'm not apologizing for AG, but he took over a program that was down in the dumps -- probably something similar to MSU in the late 90's. I'm just as frustrated as everyone else, but we need to take a little step back from the edge. We have been improving every year. This class is going to be incredibly better than anything we've seen in a very long time.

Our biggest enemy right now is not the coach -- it's time.

I call BS right now, no no no no no fricking way this is true! Saban is a genius, a mastermind he came from the football heavens and kicked *** and took names from the get go! He was a coaching genius stud from the very first time! There is no way this can be true! Bullocks! I say, Bullocks!

Negged *******