Coach Golden has informed staff he will be staying at Miami

You ****ing morons need to realize a coach is more important than recruits.

Duke, Baylor, UCF - what were their classes ranked? I remember people getting excited over Randy's classes. When an idiot is in charge, it doesn't mean ****.

Getting beaten like a drum in his four biggest games this year has all the uneducated mouth breathers excited because a golden invented some ***** hashtag.

Reassess coordinators or fail. I agree. Getting beat like a drum is due to both talent level and coaching

Whatever anyone may think, this is most likely better than the alternative. As much as we wanted it, Butch was never going to happen, Patrino was never going to happen, Narduzzi was never going to happen, etc.

We were gonna get some some guy that prioritizes academics for cheap and the program would officially be over.

Keeping Al for now may be the best option moving forward. Who the **** wants to come to a school that has coaching changes every 3 years? This is the first sign of stability in forever.
Chances are penn st told him Dorito couldn't be the DC so he passed on job
You ****ing morons need to realize a coach is more important than recruits.

Duke, Baylor, UCF - what were their classes ranked? I remember people getting excited over Randy's classes. When an idiot is in charge, it doesn't mean ****.

Getting beaten like a drum in his four biggest games this year has all the uneducated mouth breathers excited because a golden invented some ***** hashtag.

Last I checked we lost to one of those teams on your list, while failing to still not win the coastal and the other team on your list just one a BCS game and we are still trying to figure out how to stop the run and how man people we want to rotate on the O-line and our defensive front 7..
Its all a process right.

Hold on a sec..........

Someone just scored on us again...
Awesome he is gong to bring us a national championship shortly and those that are upset that he is staying are morons .Lets reflect on what he has done
(1) changed the culture of entitlement
(2) made inroads into the community restoring relationships with HS coaches
(3) arranged clinics where hundreds of kids are exposed to Miami football
(4) brought us through the dark period where every rival used the death penalty scare against us
(5) made nice nice with the administration who is firmly behind the program
(6) won nine games and if his best player had not gone down would have beat VT and won our division ,
( 7 ) brought us a top ten recruiting class this year with balance across the board no more do we have a punter playing receiver
(8) integrated a plan when he sees a hole he fills it eg our punter

Thanks for sticking around Al

I'm now on the fence again and This is great but nowhere do i see you mention the defense he brought us..... after all this I hope we at least get back to playing nasty aggressive D again
so funny how people on here (students, alums, and the regular joe) actually act like they know whats going on. (speculation assumptions etc. ) now that Ag is staying can we focus on getting rid of dorito and brining in this top 10 recruiting class. lets focus on winning the coastal next year and moving forward. still want to see what AG does in terms of changes. I know the gurus on here will bash, the pessimistics will neg, and the "insiders" will have "inside info of what truly happened.

Love being a Cane
If this ************ doesn't fire that DC......
Doesn't matter. Did you see the complete failure in all phases and total lack of preparation against Loserville? Duh is Al and Al is Duh. Firing Duh is putting a bandaid on a severed jugular. I've seen that **** too many times here to think a bum like Al will suddenly have a clue with a new stooge running his D.
You ****ing morons need to realize a coach is more important than recruits.

Duke, Baylor, UCF - what were their classes ranked? I remember people getting excited over Randy's classes. When an idiot is in charge, it doesn't mean ****.

Getting beaten like a drum in his four biggest games this year has all the uneducated mouth breathers excited because a golden invented some ***** hashtag.

Some of these chili dog nerd ******s on here care more about how a coach speaks than wether or not he can actually ******* COACH. Diabeetus gut Golden can take his *** to the ******* glue factory along with his real son, true lover, and BFF Diahrrea dorito. I'll say it again *** a core value, **** a pillar, **** a 4000 page binder, **** a thyroid.

This du got turned away by pedterno state. Not a SINGLE **** was given about a core Value, pillar, or hair on this day.
[]_[]nique-31;1757888 said:
This part irks a little bit but its also from Ferman so TIFWIW

"Multiple sources told and Blue White Illustrated, working in tandem on Saturday, that Golden had an agreement in principle to become Penn State's Head Coach.

A press conference announcing the hire was set to take place on Monday.

But overnight something happened that inspired Penn State to agree to talk to former Tennessee Titans coach Mike Munchak on Sunday morning.

CaneSport had previously reported that Golden expected the deal finalized today. But when rumors of the Munchak flirtation circulated Sunday morning, sources told CaneSport that Golden informed Penn State that he wanted a contract to sign today. When it didn't happen by 4 p.m. - with pressure growing throughout South Florida - he backed out of the deal."

And you believe everything you read? Do you also buy STAR Magazine?

Guys will write anything and everything to push subscriptions and try to be the one outlet that "got it right" and put it out there first. I know one PSU guy that guaranteed the guy was Franklin (and had sources) while 5 others had sources it was Golden. VERY few people know what was going on.....and these reporters for websites don't have a clue. If the likes of ESPN with all their contacts don't know, how does Ferman? That guy is wrong about everything!
Dorito is going NOWHERE. TUBBY Golden obviously has some weird *** **** going with that ******* guy. ANYONE defending either of them can join paterno.
[]_[]nique-31;1757888 said:
But when rumors of the Munchak flirtation circulated Sunday morning, sources told CaneSport that Golden informed Penn State that he wanted a contract to sign today. When it didn't happen by 4 p.m. - with pressure growing throughout South Florida - he backed out of the deal."

i do not know what happened (i.e. whether he interviewed, was offered, declined, wasnt offered) but this makes little sense to me. i do not believe he would have given PSU an ultimatum likes this.
If this ************ doesn't fire that DC......
Doesn't matter. Did you see the complete failure in all phases and total lack of preparation against Loserville? Duh is Al and Al is Duh. Firing Duh is putting a bandaid on a severed jugular. I've seen that **** too many times here to think a bum like Al will suddenly have a clue with a new stooge running his D.

I saw a broken offense... I guess no Duke, Herb, Dorsett, Scott, a half speed Hurns & a fully retarded Morris isn't a recipe for success. Fwiw I was encouraged by the D most of the game. The loss wasn't on them.
After the way this was handled Blake should tell him sure come back, but get rid of Franklin and Doritos.