Coach Golden has informed staff he will be staying at Miami

Al said "i am flattered but i am not a candidate" that means he pulled himself out.

Yes, the head coach of a team trying to get another gig and failing, being forced to return to Miami with his tail between his legs won't be used in recruting against us. The **** planet do some of you live on?
What fanbase? We really don't have one.

The same fans that have been posting for 5 days about the train wreck this coaching staff has become were on the bandwagon full force through November 1.

Like I said in another thread, does he realize he's lost a lot of the fanbase?
There is no possible way this ends well. 90% of our online echo chamber was openly ecstatic and he sat quietly by for 3-4 days in the heart of recruiting season. I can't imagine how much venom he's going to get when we blow goats next year.

Al said "i am flattered but i am not a candidate" that means he pulled himself out.

Agree here with ItsMeD and PSU cane. IMO This will be good for recriuting. Selling point. Shows he believes in what he is building and that it is such a good time to be at Miami now that he can turn down a dream job. This will make the difference with recruits on fence that we now get versus if this whole thing didn't happen.
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It's funny reading many of you write about how he tried to slither away in the night and that PSU said thanks but not have no clue. The PSU job was his if he wanted it. Trust me on that. You can speculate all you want just b/c you are p!ssed and want to justify his reason for staying, but you have no insight to the situation or process.

For anyone here to say he's a traitor for interviewing, i COMPLETELY disagree. He's a NJ native, a PSU grad and all his roots are in the Northeast. That was his home and dream job for many many years. Any one of us would at least listen about a job offer from our dream job unless we were 100% happy with our current job, which 99% of the population is not. Just b/c he didn't contact every single one of you every hour for an update is ridiculous. I would rather him stay quiet and not do the whole "i'm not going anywhere" thing like Saban until he was certain. Now we can move forward. First order of business, keep this recruiting class in tact and properly evaluate your staff and schemes. That is the only thing we can really criticize him for at the moment. That defense was BAD. That scheme is terrible.

"Well said my man, if anyone on this site put thereself in that situation and says they wouldn't consider.... They need to look at the big pile of bull**** in the mirror.. I will say, as a fan I wanted him gone due to the Dorito buddy bull****, but if he has any brains he can gain respect from us fans by firing him"
Congrats corch, you are officially on the hot seat. You better win big next year and sign an amazing class after that **** show.
LMAO @ the Golden nut slurpers up in this thread. Thankful Golden can continue to jiz all over their face again.
Awesome he is gong to bring us a national championship shortly and those that are upset that he is staying are morons .Lets reflect on what he has done
(1) changed the culture of entitlement
(2) made inroads into the community restoring relationships with HS coaches
(3) arranged clinics where hundreds of kids are exposed to Miami football
(4) brought us through the dark period where every rival used the death penalty scare against us
(5) made nice nice with the administration who is firmly behind the program
(6) won nine games and if his best player had not gone down would have beat VT and won our division ,
( 7 ) brought us a top ten recruiting class this year with balance across the board no more do we have a punter playing receiver
(8) integrated a plan when he sees a hole he fills it eg our punter

Thanks for sticking around Al
Oh No! the fanbase is upset, that means only 5,000 will show up as opposed to the massive crowds of 6,000 people in attendance.
Agree here with ItsMeD and PSU cane. IMO This will be good for recriuting. Selling point. Shows he believes in what he is building and that it is such a good time to be at Miami now that he can turn down a dream job. This will make the difference with recruits on fence that we now get versus if this whole thing didn't happen.

Yea it's always a great selling point that you left your entire recruiting class in the dark for 84 hours to the point where they had to text Pete to see what the **** was going on. Keep selling that Al! Great guy! Pillars! Core Values! #IStandWithTheU!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!1!!
I hope this is just a front to save face until they have a contract ready for him to sign. I hope youre lying to me Al