Bartow: Harley shuts down recruitment, sticks with WVU

At UGA he had two NFL draft picks on the roster at WR in 2014. He had an NFL draft pick to throw to along with a 5-star freshman WR in 2015. Not much different at WR then what he had this year. Their QB recruiting just sucked. So did Marty's son Brian as OC.
Semester just ended could grades have anything to do with it?

It looks like recruiting for Richt is in that 4 game October swoon mode. Hopefully he sees the mistakes and makes the necessary adjustments.
Remember how anemic Rick's offense was his last couple years at UGA? He was scrambling for players so badly he had to take a reject QB from UVA. And that reject QB had no one to throw to.

Richt really never recruited wrs good at uga.

Chris Conley finished his career with comparable numbers to Coley and was drafted in the 3rd round in 2015. Malcolm Mitchell finished his career with numbers very similar to Coley as well. He was drafted in the 4th round. Both were drafted by quality organizations. Mohamed Massaquoi is another guy with those type of numbers.. If you don't think Coley is a good WR then OK. If you do, then Richt has recruited multiple quality WRs in the last 5-6 years not named AJ Green.
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Remember how anemic Rick's offense was his last couple years at UGA? He was scrambling for players so badly he had to take a reject QB from UVA. And that reject QB had no one to throw to.

Richt really never recruited wrs good at uga.

I said that when we hired him and got yelled at and had my feelings hurt by other CIS posters.

You really want to get real? He struggled with QB recruiting at times too.
Remember how anemic Rick's offense was his last couple years at UGA? He was scrambling for players so badly he had to take a reject QB from UVA. And that reject QB had no one to throw to.

Richt really never recruited wrs good at uga.

Chris Conley finished his career with comparable numbers to Coley and was drafted in the 3rd round in 2015. Malcolm Mitchell finished his career with numbers very similar to Coley as well. He was drafted in the 4th round. Both by quality organizations. Mohamed Massaquoi is another guy with those type of numbers.. If you don't think Coley is a good WR then OK. If you do, then Richt has recruited multiple quality WRs in the last 5-6 years not named AJ Green.

Conley was nowhere near the player at UGA that Coley was at UM. He got drafted off a blazing 40 at the combine.

You listed like 4 guys in 15 years at UGA. And 1 of them (Conley) underachieved. That's not very good.
Remember how anemic Rick's offense was his last couple years at UGA? He was scrambling for players so badly he had to take a reject QB from UVA. And that reject QB had no one to throw to.

Richt really never recruited wrs good at uga.

I said that when we hired him and got yelled at and had my feelings hurt by other CIS posters.

You really want to get real? He struggled with QB recruiting at times too.
Missing on Cam Newton & Deshaun Watson were huge misevaluations on his part at UGA...

With that said, do you place the blame more on Richt or Dugans? Because for me, Dugs is amateur hour, his recruiting ability is subpar & the fact we have to potentially add a "Power Move" Coach just to keep South Fla WR's home speaks volumes about his inability to close.
It looks like recruiting for Richt is in that 4 game October swoon mode. Hopefully he sees the mistakes and makes the necessary adjustments.

Thought he might of fixed this after he got fired the first time .

I don't disagree, but is it his same failures rearing their head, or part of a learning curve for him at UM? Every school isn't the same. I'm not making excuses though. It's a flat failure regardless of why. At positions of need like this, if we are going to have a high strikeout rate, then we need to chase more kids.
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Remember how anemic Rick's offense was his last couple years at UGA? He was scrambling for players so badly he had to take a reject QB from UVA. And that reject QB had no one to throw to.

Richt really never recruited wrs good at uga.

I said that when we hired him and got yelled at and had my feelings hurt by other CIS posters.

You really want to get real? He struggled with QB recruiting at times too.
Missing on Cam Newton & Deshaun Watson were huge misevaluations on his part at UGA...

With that said, do you place the blame more on Richt or Dugans? Because for me, Dugs is amateur hour, his recruiting ability is subpar & the fact we have to potentially add a "Power Move" Coach just to keep South Fla WR's home speaks volumes about his inability to close.

I put it on Rick because Rick hired Dugans. It eventually goes to the guy in charge of the football team. I'm not sure Dugans is the lead on all WR recruits, but he's obviously not a great recruiter. He's probably a great guy, but he's not delivering results as a recruiter.

You can't have all these position coaches who can't recruit and then tell me how great they are as technicians. Position coaches at this level need to be great recruiters. It's great if they can coach too, but first and foremost they need to be great recruiters.

Your OL coach and DL coach need to be great teachers and great technicians. But WR, RB, TE, CB coaches? Those are the guys who have to deliver recruits. That's where you hire the monster recruiters.
Who cares, lol y'all cry about every player on your wish list I don't give a ****.... Is Mike Harley going to carry WVU to the promise land?? No so stfu lmao weak

You knew you were going to get negged on that one. Very rare for any athlete to carry a team, especially in football. But Harley was a definite need in this class.

And next year will make it for it... He won't be a thought in a year.


Not really UM will get enough players in the end.... Missing out on a true freshman won't be a problem until 2-3 years down the road and by then we will be talking about him like we do Matthew Thomas and Ermon Lane. We missed out on them but it wasn't a big deal. Mike Harley is not Calvin Johnson, he's easily replaceable