Bartow: Harley shuts down recruitment, sticks with WVU

I think on his best year Pete maybe predicted 50% correct.

Matt Thomas, A Collins etc etc. The list of missed predictions goes on and on.

There's no point in getting worked up over anything Pete says other than that "we've offered x player". Everything else is just ****** analysis

Whoever fed him that misinformation at UM must have been exceedingly comfortable that the allegedly late offer wasn't a factor.

And they were wrong.

If you look at my posts, I've been screaming to offer him for ten months. This is exactly what I was afraid of.
So why do we assume you're right that an early offer before he played a HS game would have sealed the deal?

We offered when? October or November? Would August have 100% locked him in? Would he have been impervious to the message Seider sent him and the relationship he built with him just because our offer came in August instead of November?

I understand the early offer idea. It makes some sense. But you shouldn't have to offer everyone with an inkling of abilityin their junior year in order to get them.

You have listed a ton of your under the radar guys over the years. If we don't offer all the guys on your extensive lists as juniors are we doomed?

We need better salesmen.
probably smarter move than holloman to UGA. at least at WVU he will get alot of throws his way. Holloman is playing for coley who cant develop anyone.
It's not about losing just Hartley. It's losing many WR targets, and then losing one to WVU (while you're the local program and can offer playing time alongside an AA). The entire WR recruiting has been abysmal. CB should have been better too. OL might end up lower than expected. We shall see.
I don't think people are freaking out about losing one kid. It's the constant losses in recruiting that have people on edge and this is the straw that broke the camel's back.

I think people are delicate and don't really get what this []_[] is about. Miami will always be Miami, and that's all I can say. What has been set into motion can't possibly be stopped. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I wish that is all you would say somehow I don't think we'll get that lucky though. How old are you? If you're a 17-18 year old kid, Miami has been a joke for as long as you can remember. The players from your neighborhood that you looked up to when you were little? You saw them clown UM and go somewhere else. UM's biggest rivals? You saw them win multiple national championships. What was Miami doing during that time? UM was trying to reassure bigots in the northeast and in Charlotte that they had nothing to fear from their black players and they could be assured that they would be docile and servile off the field and no threat to any team on it.

Why would anyone who is 18 get gassed up about something that happened 10+ years before they were born? What does **** that happened almost 30 years ago have to do with today? You think kids are going to 'Bama because of Joe Namath? They're going because they were really good LAST year. And the year before that. And the year before that. But keep sticking your chest out talking tough about how you aren't going to "beg" anyone to be a Hurricane. Just put a sign up sheet for the FB team on the door to the Hecht and get it on come the fall. Let me know how that works out.
The Donk is resembling a flaccid disappointment.

The WR recruiting this year is ABYSMAL. Harley should have been ours from Day 1, especially after all the "we need more speed at WR" crap from Richt. We should not have hung on the commitments from Dingle and Scott if we didn't want them....and if they did (Dingle in particular), then stand by your evaluations and don't drown yourself chasing waterfalls in the process. I'm all about chasing the top talent until the last day but to play that game, you need to have a backup plan. Our WR depth/talent is as bad as any position on the roster and needs help.
So are you saying he's feelings got hurt because Miami didn't offer Jan/Feb therefore he wants to stick to UM? Please.. some of these young punks need to grow a pair of balls. Bottomline, UM offered and wanted him. He chose to stick it out with a hack of a program, POS school for education, and lastly a racist town... may the kid freeze his nutz off and enjoy the fat/missing teeth college girls who have outdoor sofas and drive 1974 chevy pickup trucks.

Whoever fed him that misinformation at UM must have been exceedingly comfortable that the allegedly late offer wasn't a factor.

And they were wrong.

If you look at my posts, I've been screaming to offer him for ten months. This is exactly what I was afraid of.
I don't think he wants to "stick it" to UM. That's just wrong imo. WVU simply out-recruited Miami.
Like Dingle and Scott?

You can always drop guys. If we offered Harley after he tore up our camp he would be a Cane right now.

Yep. Just like your partner Pete said Harley was a done deal to UM as recently as a week ago. Whoever fed him that misinformation at UM must have been exceedingly comfortable that the allegedly late offer wasn't a factor.

Either you can sell or you can't. And it's pretty obvious we have a few very weak salesmen on staff. Seider worked them.

Need better recruiters as position coaches ASAP. You can't be a marquee program and have recruiting coordinator who doesn't have one exceptional recruiting pull to his name. All those dumb Hartley bagman memes made people overlook his lack of experience

Looks like Rick put together a staff full of low key quiet God squad guys that he knew he could get along with and who listen to him. There ain't a slick talking huckster dog on that staff.

I can't coach a lick, but I can talk a dog off of a meat wagon. Rick should hire me and I will deliver more top recruits than he's ever had.

You don't need to convince me. I saw you talk a dude into eating your butt right after a Taco Bell diarrhea attack. And you didn't even have to wipe.

You could talk an amoeba into thinking she could accept Haskings' crank without disrupting her amoeba hymen.
Very unfortunate if this is true.

It shouldn't be too hard to find good WRs for Miami.
We were out-recruited. Anytime you lose out to another school, you were out-recruited. Any other explanation is just rationalizing it. In some cases, other programs were willing to go the extra mile you weren't. I don't believe that is the case here. I think this was a kid who should have been offered after Paradise Camp. The reports from that camp were pretty clear, he should have been an instant priority. An early offer doesn't fix things in every case, but sometimes it does, as it did here. We were out-recruited. Given that it was by WVU, it is especially embarrassing. Richt better put down the bible and go Koran all over that team's *** tomorrow.
New staph still bleAk vizions

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Come on guys if we just tell ourselves it's all about the U and we only want "true" Canes here we can forget most Of these recruits don't remember the last time we even won a bowl game.

And who wouldn't jump at the chance to play for a team that's won less Coastal division titles than Duke. Or UNC. Or Ga Tech. Or Va Tech.
Pete with the accurate predictions!
let's see if his wonderful "insight" is correct on slaton and herbert. doubt it!
It's alarming enough for a staff to miss on every premier WR target in their first full year when there is so much immediate playing time available.

It's outright pathetic when you can't land a three-star receiver from your own backyard in a battle against f***ing West Virginia. And the staff deserves 100% of the blame on this one when they initially prioritized both Rodney Scott & Kevaughn Dingle while dragging their feet on Harley, refusing to offer until November.

WR recruiting is laughably inept. Unacceptable.

Can't argue with this. Scott and Dingle disaster shows that WR recruiting was mismanaged from the start.