Very, very early prediction but I'll put it on the line now

Still feeling this

You heard/seen anything new?

There's definitely a vibe around him. I don't see any players talking up Rosier/Shireffs. Ever.

Well they'd probably have to be asked about the other two or even Weldon to be able to talk them up if they had anything to say. The reporters know who you want to hear about so when they get access at these community events Perry is who they ask about.

Shaq's dad asked his son about the QBs(all of them) and Shaq told him they've all had their moments and so far Perry has looked like he belonged and has a chance to start but pads will tell the real story.

Richt said something along the lines of Perry is still getting there as far as learning the offense at ACC media day. Practice won't be easing him into it either. 4 guys get about two weeks to win the job and from the way the spring went Perry will have to earn his way to reps with the ones if Richt thinks he hasn't learned the offense well enough by the time camp starts. At least thats how it went with Weldon when he showed he wasn't ready on the mental side.

You don't think the players have been asked about Rosier and Shireffs? That's ALL people were asking about in the spring.

The best we've heard is Berrios saying Malik has command of the huddle.

No "wow" plays. No buzz. Nobody saying he's "the truth," etc... That's why Richt has allowed a true freshman with no spring to get into the race for the starting job.

I don't think the players have been asked very much about the other three in the competition since Perry got on campus and 7 on 7 started. If at all.

What about Richt makes you think he cares about "wow" plays? What people missed about the "wow" play that St. Louis described was something he said in the audio provided by ITU. He said Perry was running with the younger group and on a called option play(zone read? speed option? RPO?) he missed that the CB was blitzing then he made a move and got out of it.

So what do you think would make a bigger impression on Richt after listening to him speak about QBs for about a year and half? The fact that his QB made a wow play against a guy that isn't allowed to tackle him? Or that he missed a read on a blitzing CB that could've resulted in turnover or negative play if perhaps the CB was a better player or could maybe tackle him?

Think like a rather conservative risk averse coach that probably has had nightmares about starting a true freshman QB his entire career.

This isn't a question about who is the more talented player or who is capable of doing spectacular things. That isn't up for debate.

The guy who makes Richt less anxious is probably gonna win the job at least for week 1. Richt has made it clear that whoever wins the job will have a short leash and nothing is set in stone.
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I think you are right Pete but it scares me to death? Teams are goi g to try to take his head off. The OL is going to be big plus here or the big minus. We had one year with Erickson when there was uncertainty. They ran a quick read offense with passes of four to ten yards. Very effective. Maybe they will start there.


Doesn't every defense on every team try and take all QBs' heads off?

Outside of F$U and maybe the Hokies there really aren't too many defenses on our schedule that really scare me. However that is assuming the OL gets better at pass protection (can't get any worse in my humble opinion.)
Perry being the starter seems eminent at this point. For the next fee weeks, I imagine Richt will continue to be well versed and quite fluent in "coach speak" regarding the "open" QB competition. However, one would have to be quite naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is not a foregone conclusion.
Perry being the starter seems eminent at this point. For the next fee weeks, I imagine Richt will continue to be well versed and quite fluent in "coach speak" regarding the "open" QB competition. However, one would have to be quite naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is not a foregone conclusion.

One would have to be naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is a foregone conclusion. Especially to think that before there has even been a first practice, before pads, before the first live scrimmage.

I'm not saying Perry won't be the guy, I think he has a very good chance, possibly better than 50-50, but to say it's a foregone conclusion before they've even suited up for the first practice, that's what you call retarded.
Still feeling this

You heard/seen anything new?

There's definitely a vibe around him. I don't see any players talking up Rosier/Shireffs. Ever.

Well they'd probably have to be asked about the other two or even Weldon to be able to talk them up if they had anything to say. The reporters know who you want to hear about so when they get access at these community events Perry is who they ask about.

Shaq's dad asked his son about the QBs(all of them) and Shaq told him they've all had their moments and so far Perry has looked like he belonged and has a chance to start but pads will tell the real story.

Richt said something along the lines of Perry is still getting there as far as learning the offense at ACC media day. Practice won't be easing him into it either. 4 guys get about two weeks to win the job and from the way the spring went Perry will have to earn his way to reps with the ones if Richt thinks he hasn't learned the offense well enough by the time camp starts. At least thats how it went with Weldon when he showed he wasn't ready on the mental side.

You don't think the players have been asked about Rosier and Shireffs? That's ALL people were asking about in the spring.

The best we've heard is Berrios saying Malik has command of the huddle.

No "wow" plays. No buzz. Nobody saying he's "the truth," etc... That's why Richt has allowed a true freshman with no spring to get into the race for the starting job.

I don't think the players have been asked very much about the other three in the competition since Perry got on campus and 7 on 7 started. If at all.

What about Richt makes you think he cares about "wow" plays? What people missed about the "wow" play that St. Louis described was something he said in the audio provided by ITU. He said Perry was running with the younger group and on a called option play(zone read? speed option? RPO?) he missed that the CB was blitzing then he made a move and got out of it.

So what do you think would make a bigger impression on Richt after listening to him speak about QBs for about a year and half? The fact that his QB made a wow play against a guy that isn't allowed to tackle him? Or that he missed a read on a blitzing CB that could've resulted in turnover or negative play if perhaps the CB was a better player or could maybe tackle him?

Think like a rather conservative risk averse coach that probably has had nightmares about starting a true freshman QB his entire career.

This isn't a question about who is the more talented player or who is capable of doing spectacular things. That isn't up for debate.

The guy who makes Richt less anxious is probably gonna win the job at least for week 1. Richt has made it clear that whoever wins the job will have a short leash and nothing is set in stone.

Then why even go through the pretense of allowing a true freshman with no Spring to "compete" for the job?

If Richt is so risk-averse, he would've named Rosier the clear starter (at least going into the fall) because he's the only QB with game experience. He'd be downplaying the possibility of a TF with no spring "having a say" in the QB race.

He clearly wasn't happy with the QB play.

Obviously nothing is definite, but I think Rosier/Shireffs are going to have a hard time taking the top spot.
You heard/seen anything new?

There's definitely a vibe around him. I don't see any players talking up Rosier/Shireffs. Ever.

Well they'd probably have to be asked about the other two or even Weldon to be able to talk them up if they had anything to say. The reporters know who you want to hear about so when they get access at these community events Perry is who they ask about.

Shaq's dad asked his son about the QBs(all of them) and Shaq told him they've all had their moments and so far Perry has looked like he belonged and has a chance to start but pads will tell the real story.

Richt said something along the lines of Perry is still getting there as far as learning the offense at ACC media day. Practice won't be easing him into it either. 4 guys get about two weeks to win the job and from the way the spring went Perry will have to earn his way to reps with the ones if Richt thinks he hasn't learned the offense well enough by the time camp starts. At least thats how it went with Weldon when he showed he wasn't ready on the mental side.

You don't think the players have been asked about Rosier and Shireffs? That's ALL people were asking about in the spring.

The best we've heard is Berrios saying Malik has command of the huddle.

No "wow" plays. No buzz. Nobody saying he's "the truth," etc... That's why Richt has allowed a true freshman with no spring to get into the race for the starting job.

I don't think the players have been asked very much about the other three in the competition since Perry got on campus and 7 on 7 started. If at all.

What about Richt makes you think he cares about "wow" plays? What people missed about the "wow" play that St. Louis described was something he said in the audio provided by ITU. He said Perry was running with the younger group and on a called option play(zone read? speed option? RPO?) he missed that the CB was blitzing then he made a move and got out of it.

So what do you think would make a bigger impression on Richt after listening to him speak about QBs for about a year and half? The fact that his QB made a wow play against a guy that isn't allowed to tackle him? Or that he missed a read on a blitzing CB that could've resulted in turnover or negative play if perhaps the CB was a better player or could maybe tackle him?

Think like a rather conservative risk averse coach that probably has had nightmares about starting a true freshman QB his entire career.

This isn't a question about who is the more talented player or who is capable of doing spectacular things. That isn't up for debate.

The guy who makes Richt less anxious is probably gonna win the job at least for week 1. Richt has made it clear that whoever wins the job will have a short leash and nothing is set in stone.

Then why even go through the pretense of allowing a true freshman with no Spring to "compete" for the job?

If Richt is so risk-averse, he would've named Rosier the clear starter (at least going into the fall) because he's the only QB with game experience. He'd be downplaying the possibility of a TF with no spring "having a say" in the QB race.

He clearly wasn't happy with the QB play.

Obviously nothing is definite, but I think Rosier/Shireffs are going to have a hard time taking the top spot.

He has said since Kaaya announced he was leaving that Perry would get a shot. He said before Spring that outside of being blown away by a QB that Perry was going to get his shot. Naming anyone the starter would be going against what he said to start this whole thing. People are attempting to read tea leaves and looking for signs and then making proclamations as opposed to listening to what Richt said from the start. "Perry will get his chance to compete". Richt has been consistent. He's also made sure in recent interviews that people don't forget that Weldon is part of the equation too.

Read what he says about what he wants out of his QBs. Those quotes are one of the reasons people think Shirreffs has a shot. Because allegedly he won't mistakes. He's not looking for his QB to be a star. Right or wrong it seems like he believes if a QB runs his system correctly and doesn't make mistakes by attempting to do things outside the system they'll be just fine. Make the right reads and that guy will just fine.

Richt is risk averse and really so are all coaches. Dabo had Deshaun Watson as a freshman and enrolled early as well. Dabo knew he was going to give reps to Watson as a freshman and still named Cole Stoudt the starter. We all know what Dabo thinks of Watson now and still something kept him from starting Watson in week 1. It is how coaches operate with true freshman QBs and sometimes older guys. I know a guy who played at USC and he told me everyone knew RS Freshman Sam Darnold was the better QB and Helton still started Max Browne early because he had seniority and had been around and played a little.
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Perry being the starter seems eminent at this point. For the next fee weeks, I imagine Richt will continue to be well versed and quite fluent in "coach speak" regarding the "open" QB competition. However, one would have to be quite naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is not a foregone conclusion.

One would have to be naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is a foregone conclusion. Especially to think that before there has even been a first practice, before pads, before the first live scrimmage.

I'm not saying Perry won't be the guy, I think he has a very good chance, possibly better than 50-50, but to say it's a foregone conclusion before they've even suited up for the first practice, that's what you call retarded.

I am not saying that I agree one way or the other that Perry will be the starter on day one. However, every player, every insider, every reporter, many "Miami officials", and even Richt himself have showed their hand on several different occasions regarding who they feel will be the starting QB. Waiting for them to officially announce Perry as the starter is like when we waited for Miami to announce that Richt was officially hired to be our coach. The day that Richt was let go from Georgia, everyone in america knew he would he would be the next coach at Miami, regardless of the fact that other coaches were still going through the interview process. The vibe that exist around Perry, has the exact same feel. Just saying!
Perry being the starter seems eminent at this point. For the next fee weeks, I imagine Richt will continue to be well versed and quite fluent in "coach speak" regarding the "open" QB competition. However, one would have to be quite naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is not a foregone conclusion.

One would have to be naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is a foregone conclusion. Especially to think that before there has even been a first practice, before pads, before the first live scrimmage.

I'm not saying Perry won't be the guy, I think he has a very good chance, possibly better than 50-50, but to say it's a foregone conclusion before they've even suited up for the first practice, that's what you call retarded.

I am not saying that I agree one way or the other that Perry will be the starter on day one. However, every player, every insider, every reporter, many "Miami officials", and even Richt himself have showed their hand on several different occasions regarding who they feel will be the starting QB. Waiting for them to officially announce Perry as the starter is like when we waited for Miami to announce that Richt was officially hired to be our coach. The day that Richt was let go from Georgia, everyone in america knew he would he would be the next coach at Miami, regardless of the fact that other coaches were still going through the interview process. The vibe that exist around Perry, has the exact same feel. Just saying!

Whatever happens with Perry comparing it to the Richt hiring means it is more up in the air than you think. Most in America thought he wouldn't want to coach at Miami.

Bad Job
lackluster fanbase
bad facilities
They don't pay
He'll want to take a year off
They fly banners
South Carolina is a better job
Butch is the frontrunner

That was the rhetoric. It was not a foregone conclusion nationally or locally.
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Perry being the starter seems eminent at this point. For the next fee weeks, I imagine Richt will continue to be well versed and quite fluent in "coach speak" regarding the "open" QB competition. However, one would have to be quite naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is not a foregone conclusion.

One would have to be naive at this point to think that Perry being the guy is a foregone conclusion. Especially to think that before there has even been a first practice, before pads, before the first live scrimmage.

I'm not saying Perry won't be the guy, I think he has a very good chance, possibly better than 50-50, but to say it's a foregone conclusion before they've even suited up for the first practice, that's what you call retarded.

I am not saying that I agree one way or the other that Perry will be the starter on day one. However, every player, every insider, every reporter, many "Miami officials", and even Richt himself have showed their hand on several different occasions regarding who they feel will be the starting QB. Waiting for them to officially announce Perry as the starter is like when we waited for Miami to announce that Richt was officially hired to be our coach. The day that Richt was let go from Georgia, everyone in america knew he would he would be the next coach at Miami, regardless of the fact that other coaches were still going through the interview process. The vibe that exist around Perry, has the exact same feel. Just saying!

Whatever happens with Perry comparing it to the Richt hiring means it is more up in the air than you think. Most in America thought he wouldn't want to coach at Miami.

Bad Job
lackluster fanbase
bad facilities
They don't pay
He'll want to take a year off
They fly banners
South Carolina is a better job
Butch is the frontrunner

That was the rhetoric. It was not a foregone conclusion nationally or locally.

I was not referring to "Most in America", I was referring to most in the know!
Well they'd probably have to be asked about the other two or even Weldon to be able to talk them up if they had anything to say. The reporters know who you want to hear about so when they get access at these community events Perry is who they ask about.

Shaq's dad asked his son about the QBs(all of them) and Shaq told him they've all had their moments and so far Perry has looked like he belonged and has a chance to start but pads will tell the real story.

Richt said something along the lines of Perry is still getting there as far as learning the offense at ACC media day. Practice won't be easing him into it either. 4 guys get about two weeks to win the job and from the way the spring went Perry will have to earn his way to reps with the ones if Richt thinks he hasn't learned the offense well enough by the time camp starts. At least thats how it went with Weldon when he showed he wasn't ready on the mental side.

You don't think the players have been asked about Rosier and Shireffs? That's ALL people were asking about in the spring.

The best we've heard is Berrios saying Malik has command of the huddle.

No "wow" plays. No buzz. Nobody saying he's "the truth," etc... That's why Richt has allowed a true freshman with no spring to get into the race for the starting job.

I don't think the players have been asked very much about the other three in the competition since Perry got on campus and 7 on 7 started. If at all.

What about Richt makes you think he cares about "wow" plays? What people missed about the "wow" play that St. Louis described was something he said in the audio provided by ITU. He said Perry was running with the younger group and on a called option play(zone read? speed option? RPO?) he missed that the CB was blitzing then he made a move and got out of it.

So what do you think would make a bigger impression on Richt after listening to him speak about QBs for about a year and half? The fact that his QB made a wow play against a guy that isn't allowed to tackle him? Or that he missed a read on a blitzing CB that could've resulted in turnover or negative play if perhaps the CB was a better player or could maybe tackle him?

Think like a rather conservative risk averse coach that probably has had nightmares about starting a true freshman QB his entire career.

This isn't a question about who is the more talented player or who is capable of doing spectacular things. That isn't up for debate.

The guy who makes Richt less anxious is probably gonna win the job at least for week 1. Richt has made it clear that whoever wins the job will have a short leash and nothing is set in stone.

Then why even go through the pretense of allowing a true freshman with no Spring to "compete" for the job?

If Richt is so risk-averse, he would've named Rosier the clear starter (at least going into the fall) because he's the only QB with game experience. He'd be downplaying the possibility of a TF with no spring "having a say" in the QB race.

He clearly wasn't happy with the QB play.

Obviously nothing is definite, but I think Rosier/Shireffs are going to have a hard time taking the top spot.

He has said since Kaaya announced he was leaving that Perry would get a shot. He said before Spring that outside of being blown away by a QB that Perry was going to get his shot. Naming anyone the starter would be going against what he said to start this whole thing. People are attempting to read tea leaves and looking for signs and then making proclamations as opposed to listening to what Richt said from the start. "Perry will get his chance to compete". Richt has been consistent. He's also made sure in recent interviews that people don't forget that Weldon is part of the equation too.

Read what he says about what he wants out of his QBs. Those quotes are one of the reasons people think Shirreffs has a shot. Because allegedly he won't mistakes. He's not looking for his QB to be a star. Right or wrong it seems like he believes if a QB runs his system correctly and doesn't make mistakes by attempting to do things outside the system they'll be just fine. Make the right reads and that guy will just fine.

Richt is risk averse and really so are all coaches. Dabo had Deshaun Watson as a freshman and enrolled early as well. Dabo knew he was going to give reps to Watson as a freshman and still named Cole Stoudt the starter. We all know what Dabo thinks of Watson now and still something kept him from starting Watson in week 1. It is how coaches operate with true freshman QBs and sometimes older guys. I know a guy who played at USC and he told me everyone knew RS Freshman Sam Darnold was the better QB and Helton still started Max Browne early because he had seniority and had been around and played a little.

Richt has said Perry will get the chance to compete, yet you're one of the few who believes his prospects of actually starting are minuscule.

There clear signs he wants more dynamism from the position that Rosier/Shireffs don't provide.

--He allegedly didn't push for Kaaya to stay
--He's said he wants a QB who can move around in the pocket and extend plays
--He put Perry in the QB race sight unseen
--He put Perry on a strict workout regimen because he wanted him to report at a certain weight
--He hasn't at all downplayed his chances despite the clear experience disadvantages

That doesn't even factor in Petey's reports that the coaches are going to give Perry every opportunity to start.

A risk-averse coach who wasn't planning to start a true freshman would give him token reps and do his damnedest to redshirt him.

You think Perry is getting token reps? You think he's shirting?

Perry has a very legit chance to start.
Still feeling this

You heard/seen anything new?

There's definitely a vibe around him. I don't see any players talking up Rosier/Shireffs. Ever.

There's been a vibe around him since before he even arrived on campus. I wouldn't have made the original post if I didn't have some good info on it.
You don't think the players have been asked about Rosier and Shireffs? That's ALL people were asking about in the spring.

The best we've heard is Berrios saying Malik has command of the huddle.

No "wow" plays. No buzz. Nobody saying he's "the truth," etc... That's why Richt has allowed a true freshman with no spring to get into the race for the starting job.

I don't think the players have been asked very much about the other three in the competition since Perry got on campus and 7 on 7 started. If at all.

What about Richt makes you think he cares about "wow" plays? What people missed about the "wow" play that St. Louis described was something he said in the audio provided by ITU. He said Perry was running with the younger group and on a called option play(zone read? speed option? RPO?) he missed that the CB was blitzing then he made a move and got out of it.

So what do you think would make a bigger impression on Richt after listening to him speak about QBs for about a year and half? The fact that his QB made a wow play against a guy that isn't allowed to tackle him? Or that he missed a read on a blitzing CB that could've resulted in turnover or negative play if perhaps the CB was a better player or could maybe tackle him?

Think like a rather conservative risk averse coach that probably has had nightmares about starting a true freshman QB his entire career.

This isn't a question about who is the more talented player or who is capable of doing spectacular things. That isn't up for debate.

The guy who makes Richt less anxious is probably gonna win the job at least for week 1. Richt has made it clear that whoever wins the job will have a short leash and nothing is set in stone.

Then why even go through the pretense of allowing a true freshman with no Spring to "compete" for the job?

If Richt is so risk-averse, he would've named Rosier the clear starter (at least going into the fall) because he's the only QB with game experience. He'd be downplaying the possibility of a TF with no spring "having a say" in the QB race.

He clearly wasn't happy with the QB play.

Obviously nothing is definite, but I think Rosier/Shireffs are going to have a hard time taking the top spot.

He has said since Kaaya announced he was leaving that Perry would get a shot. He said before Spring that outside of being blown away by a QB that Perry was going to get his shot. Naming anyone the starter would be going against what he said to start this whole thing. People are attempting to read tea leaves and looking for signs and then making proclamations as opposed to listening to what Richt said from the start. "Perry will get his chance to compete". Richt has been consistent. He's also made sure in recent interviews that people don't forget that Weldon is part of the equation too.

Read what he says about what he wants out of his QBs. Those quotes are one of the reasons people think Shirreffs has a shot. Because allegedly he won't mistakes. He's not looking for his QB to be a star. Right or wrong it seems like he believes if a QB runs his system correctly and doesn't make mistakes by attempting to do things outside the system they'll be just fine. Make the right reads and that guy will just fine.

Richt is risk averse and really so are all coaches. Dabo had Deshaun Watson as a freshman and enrolled early as well. Dabo knew he was going to give reps to Watson as a freshman and still named Cole Stoudt the starter. We all know what Dabo thinks of Watson now and still something kept him from starting Watson in week 1. It is how coaches operate with true freshman QBs and sometimes older guys. I know a guy who played at USC and he told me everyone knew RS Freshman Sam Darnold was the better QB and Helton still started Max Browne early because he had seniority and had been around and played a little.

Richt has said Perry will get the chance to compete, yet you're one of the few who believes his prospects of actually starting are minuscule.

There clear signs he wants more dynamism from the position that Rosier/Shireffs don't provide.

--He allegedly didn't push for Kaaya to stay
--He's said he wants a QB who can move around in the pocket and extend plays
--He put Perry in the QB race sight unseen
--He put Perry on a strict workout regimen because he wanted him to report at a certain weight
--He hasn't at all downplayed his chances despite the clear experience disadvantages

That doesn't even factor in Petey's reports that the coaches are going to give Perry every opportunity to start.

A risk-averse coach who wasn't planning to start a true freshman would give him token reps and do his damnedest to redshirt him.

You think Perry is getting token reps? You think he's shirting?

Perry has a very legit chance to start.

I don't know what Shirreffs is as a runner but Pete says he is a good athlete and can move.

Rosier had two 1000 rushing yard seasons in high school

You're gonna have to explain dynamism in regards to a Richt QB and why those two don't provide it in this offense.

I never said his chances were minuscule only that it would be tough given how infrequently the true freshman actually wins the job in this situation.

--It doesn't appear Richt pushes anyone to stay. It isn't the way he's wired. And he's been criticized by some for not being a bigger jerk about these things.
--He put Weldon in the same situation he put Perry in. Cade was an early enrollee and in the QB race the moment Kaaya said he was leaving.
--Every freshman gets put on a "strict" workout plan. If Mike Harley wants to play this year he's gonna have to meet nutritional goals too.
--Richt is risk averse but that doesn't mean he's going to play a guy who is worse just because he's older unless he thinks like Clay Helton I guess.

Perry has a real chance to start but it will because of what he does starting August 1st in the film room and on the field not because of what people see in the stars or what they're pulling from Richt's words which has been my point regarding this whole thing.
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Perry has a real chance to start but it will because of what he does starting August 1st in the classroom and on the field not because of what people see in the stars or what they're pulling from Richt's words which has been my point regarding this whole thing.

This is exactly how I view it.

Perry could very well be the day 1 starter, but practice hasn't even started yet.

Crowning him now is way premature.

Let's see how he handles real practices, pads, real live scrimmages with tackling, and real film and classroom sessions.

There are still very significant hurdles for him to get over that no amount of good vibes or feels can help. He could very well overcome all these obstacles with flying colors and beat out the other QBs, but he actually has to do it in real life first.

If he does all this to Rick's satisfaction, then he's the starter.

But there's still a long hard road for him between here and THERE. And anyone that thinks he's going to do it easily is delusional. It's going to take a lot of hard work, effort, study, and concentration on his part, as well as the physical part of it.

I'm looking forward to watching how he progressses. Maybe he is THAT guy, but he still has to prove it.
It's just Pete's opinion, who the **** cares is he's wrong?

The man just has an opinion based on his involvement with the program.
I don't know what Shirreffs is as a runner but Pete says he is a good athlete and can move.

Rosier had two 1000 rushing yard seasons in high school

You're gonna have to explain dynamism in regards to a Richt QB and why those two don't provide it in this offense.

I never said his chances were minuscule only that it would be tough given how infrequently the true freshman actually wins the job in this situation.

--It doesn't appear Richt pushes anyone to stay. It isn't the way he's wired. And he's been criticized by some for not being a bigger jerk about these things.
--He put Weldon in the same situation he put Perry in. Cade was an early enrollee and in the QB race the moment Kaaya said he was leaving.
--Every freshman gets put on a "strict" workout plan. If Mike Harley wants to play this year he's gonna have to meet nutritional goals too.
--Richt is risk averse but that doesn't mean he's going to play a guy who is worse just because he's older unless he thinks like Clay Helton I guess.

Perry has a real chance to start but it will because of what he does starting August 1st in the film room and on the field not because of what people see in the stars or what they're pulling from Richt's words which has been my point regarding this whole thing.

Dynamism in terms of extending plays, not necessarily running for a million yards. Richt mentioned this specifically. It's something Perry showed a knack for in high school.

As for Kaaya, there's a difference between being a "jerk" and informing a guy he's going to be a low-round pick. Supposedly Richt was zero ***** about Kaaya leaving.

As for Harley/weight, I'm talking about BEFORE Perry reported in the Summer.

Richt isn't going to hand the job to Perry, but I think he's going to give him every opportunity.
To me when Richt told the world he was waiting for Perry to get on campus and compete for the starting job,that if the kid could walk and chew gum at the same time he was gonna be the starter.

Sure Perry looks great out there now cause he's essentially playing 7 on 7 with no one rushing him.

We will all see just how good this kid is when the pads go on and the real bullets start flying and defenses start trying to fool him.Its all peaches and ponies until someone slaps you up side the head .

Personally I think the guy to watch here is Weldon and I'm hoping that Richt preordaining Perry the starter when he walked on campus doesn't run him off and he's given a fair shake.This kid is gonna be a stud QB somewhere.Hoping he gets the chance to do it here.

If Perry beats him out in competition great.Just hope CMR hasn't made up his mind already.