Very, very early prediction but I'll put it on the line now

I'm taking my hat off to Pete on this one. That was a heckuva call to make when he did. It's hard to imagine anyone else but Perry starting this fall.

Not really. It's actually pretty easy to imagine someone else starting.

Only if Richt is 100% wrong about Perry. I don't ever remember a coach so blatantly reminding reporters there's another QB coming in the fall. CMR is about as straight a shooter as they come. He was going to leave the door wide open for Perry regardless of what happened this spring. If Richt thought for a second Perry wasn't ready, he wouldn't be putting a young player in such a pressure situation. It's very obvious the staff believes Perry will start.

Rick is all about applying as much pressure to the QBs as humanly possible to see if they crack or can rise to the occasion. His methods already weeded out one vaginal wart. Rick is tough on QBs because he knows what a pressure packed position it is and he wants as little surprise as possible when he picks a guy and puts him under center in a real game.
i feel like perry is not being given the respect he deserves on this board...

Respect is earned, not given.

He's earned a fair shot at the starting job...that's all.

Great arm talent, great high school career, seems to say the right things and act the part. That's all good, but it goes outThe window once he sets foot on the UM campus. From that point forward it's what is he going to do to take the job and to lead the team, if he ends up being the guy this year.

Personally, I'm not thrilled he did not early enroll. I'd feel a lot better if he did. I'm not sure why he didn't, maybe the high school didn't let him. I just don't know.

Nonetheless, the type of respect you're talking about is earned when he gets to UM, and not before.
Perry is going to be the guy everyone seems to forget we literally have two preseason games the first two weeks of the season i think perry will be more than ready to go against FSU. Brad Kaaya made a ton of plays against them his freshman season and i think perry is a better player than kaaya at this point in there careers.

A true Freshman ready for FSU in week 3? C'mon, dude. When was the last time a true Freshman went to Tally and beat FSU?

There's a first time for everything.

It took overtime for FSU to beat a freshman named Deshaun Watson. That's close enough for me(Yes, I know Watson was an EE, and yes, I know FSU's backup QB was the starter for that game).

So what?

Treon phukin Harris lost to that same FSU team by less points even with Winston playing his true freshman year...

****, the gators and Harris even stomped a mud hole in Richt's *** his true freshman year.
i feel like perry is not being given the respect he deserves on this board i look forward to the day he gets on campus and reports begin to emerge from fall practice that he is by far the most talented QB and outplays sheriffs and rosier. Is Perry going to give us a heisman esque performance vs FSU no but i do think he will play well enough for us to win the real key to that game is our defense. realistically we aint winning that game unless our defense clicks on all cylinders that game forces a lot of sacks to short circut drives and at least two turnovers. FSU is the more talented team due to the fact there roster doesnt have a boatload of JAGS thanks folden and no D horrendous evals the last couple of classes. If the defense comes out and gives a performance of a lifetime and walton is able to run decently well i expect perry to hit richards and some of our playmakers for a few big plays. we will also need to rely on ball control and field position in order to prevent perry from having to do to much.

He's going to be the starting QB at the University of Miami in 2017 and he hasn't even stepped foot on campus yet. I believe that is plenty of respect.
Perry is going to be the guy everyone seems to forget we literally have two preseason games the first two weeks of the season i think perry will be more than ready to go against FSU. Brad Kaaya made a ton of plays against them his freshman season and i think perry is a better player than kaaya at this point in there careers.

A true Freshman ready for FSU in week 3? C'mon, dude. When was the last time a true Freshman went to Tally and beat FSU?

There's a first time for everything.

It took overtime for FSU to beat a freshman named Deshaun Watson. That's close enough for me(Yes, I know Watson was an EE, and yes, I know FSU's backup QB was the starter for that game).

So you're still arguing that point knowing those facts? Not buying it. I hope it's Perry but you're smoking that good **** if you think Perry will be ready to beat that FSU team in Tally.
Perry is going to be the guy everyone seems to forget we literally have two preseason games the first two weeks of the season i think perry will be more than ready to go against FSU. Brad Kaaya made a ton of plays against them his freshman season and i think perry is a better player than kaaya at this point in there careers.

A true Freshman ready for FSU in week 3? C'mon, dude. When was the last time a true Freshman went to Tally and beat FSU?

There's a first time for everything.

Is it impossible? No. I can win the lottery today too. But you're relying on hopes and dreams.
A true Freshman ready for FSU in week 3? C'mon, dude. When was the last time a true Freshman went to Tally and beat FSU?

I'm not saying perry is going to play like TB12 against FSU but I am saying that with our defense and running game leading the way perry will have a chance to play very well against FSU and you can take that to the bank. Perry starting will not cost us the game vs FSU and will be a big step in development into being our star qb

There's a first time for everything.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

I think you're underestimating the situation all together. FSU will be tough for anyone to beat in Tally, let alone a true Freshman. I hope you're right but I seriously doubt it.

I say start Perry, even if that means a loss in Tally, and let him get that experience with that weak schedule.
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Like I said above, he will start earning his respect once he gets on campus. And so far, from everything we've heard and seen here, he's been doing a great job of that.

As I also said what is he going to do going forward to take the job and to lead the team, how will he adapt to new learning situations, how will he respond to other challenges and the challenges of leadership.

No doubt, so far so good. Additional hurdles remain. Performing in pads, in live scrimmages, and additional learning. Like Rick has said the past couple of days, it takes a lot to be "the man" at the U.

I still think Rosier will have something to say about all this, and at the very least I hope he pushes him if Perry does become the man. But my takeaway is that Perry is off to a good start in the preliminary, non-pads, pre-practice stuff, but he still has a LONG way to go.
So if I'm reading this thread correctly, then Preston Dewey will be our starter?

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I think you are right Pete but it scares me to death? Teams are goi g to try to take his head off. The OL is going to be big plus here or the big minus. We had one year with Erickson when there was uncertainty. They ran a quick read offense with passes of four to ten yards. Very effective. Maybe they will start there.
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Like I said above, he will start earning his respect once he gets on campus. And so far, from everything we've heard and seen here, he's been doing a great job of that.

As I also said what is he going to do going forward to take the job and to lead the team, how will he adapt to new learning situations, how will he respond to other challenges and the challenges of leadership.

No doubt, so far so good. Additional hurdles remain. Performing in pads, in live scrimmages, and additional learning. Like Rick has said the past couple of days, it takes a lot to be "the man" at the U.

I still think Rosier will have something to say about all this, and at the very least I hope he pushes him if Perry does become the man. But my takeaway is that Perry is off to a good start in the preliminary, non-pads, pre-practice stuff, but he still has a LONG way to go.

Sounds like a reasonable and grounded view, time will tell how this all plays out.
Still feeling this

You heard/seen anything new?

There's definitely a vibe around him. I don't see any players talking up Rosier/Shireffs. Ever.

Well they'd probably have to be asked about the other two or even Weldon to be able to talk them up if they had anything to say. The reporters know who you want to hear about so when they get access at these community events Perry is who they ask about.

Shaq's dad asked his son about the QBs(all of them) and Shaq told him they've all had their moments and so far Perry has looked like he belonged and has a chance to start but pads will tell the real story.

Richt said something along the lines of Perry is still getting there as far as learning the offense at ACC media day. Practice won't be easing him into it either. 4 guys get about two weeks to win the job and from the way the spring went Perry will have to earn his way to reps with the ones if Richt thinks he hasn't learned the offense well enough by the time camp starts. At least thats how it went with Weldon when he showed he wasn't ready on the mental side.

You don't think the players have been asked about Rosier and Shireffs? That's ALL people were asking about in the spring.

The best we've heard is Berrios saying Malik has command of the huddle.

No "wow" plays. No buzz. Nobody saying he's "the truth," etc... That's why Richt has allowed a true freshman with no spring to get into the race for the starting job.
I think you are right Pete but it scares me to death? Teams are goi g to try to take his head off. The OL is going to be big plus here or the big minus. We had one year with Erickson when there was uncertainty. They ran a quick read offense with passes of four to ten yards. Very effective. Maybe they will start there.


Doesn't every defense on every team try and take all QBs' heads off?
I think you are right Pete but it scares me to death? Teams are goi g to try to take his head off. The OL is going to be big plus here or the big minus. We had one year with Erickson when there was uncertainty. They ran a quick read offense with passes of four to ten yards. Very effective. Maybe they will start there.


Doesn't every defense on every team try and take all QBs' heads off?

Pretty much