Very, very early prediction but I'll put it on the line now

Each has their positives and some drawbacks, like anyone. My only point is, this should be an OPEN competition from Day 1, not a "he's the front-runner" before he even steps on campus. If that is true, the coaches have already failed. You don't foster a unified locker room of hard work and earning positions while labeling an unproven HS kid who won't even be here in Spring sweating and practicing with the team. Let it play out......and let the best QB win.

N'kosi is smooth. He stands tall in the pocket, has very nice touch, maneuvers around as needed, can run the zone read (even took a snap under center and ran a nice fake), and zips it when he has to. He's exciting, athletic and can sling it. But.....the competition looks weak. Most of his throws were to very open receivers, but he did hit them in stride. His reel did show a few passes into tight windows, but not a lot bc it wasn't needed. His delivery is a bit elongated/deliberate....high release with a wrist flick. He speeds it up on occasion for the fastball but the slants would concern me with LBs and safeties jumping it. He tends to loft it a bit too often. Kayaa does the same thing at times.

Weldon is more like a gunslinger. That kid throws hard.....reminds me of Favre, putting his whole body into it. His delivery is quicker than Perry's, but lower release point, which could mean some batted passes. He drives the ball, so sometimes his front shoulder gets a bit low. He's not afraid to throw across the middle, which is nice. His passes were in tighter windows than Perry's....i don't know if that was bc of higher level competition or his team not being very good, but accuracy looked good. He is definitely a run threat with his speed, but more of a heavy lean straight ahead guy ala Tebow, not as smooth or agile as Perry. Watching his tape, 3 throws stood out to me....
Weldon's senior highlights on Hudl
- 40 sec mark, drops a dime over 2 defenders and in front of another. Great touch for a kid who seems to prefer the fastball.
- 45 sec mark, drives a deep out from the far hash. That's college ready.
- 1min 39 sec mark, he drills it into an open zone window before the WR cleared.....that's confidence and anticipation.

After i watched the tapes of the 2 above, i went back and re-watched Allison's mid-season Senior. Jack throws a very nice ball, but looked less accurate and more raw. He can really spin it though. The lack of athleticism was also very apparent. I would say of the 3 tapes, i least excited about his. BUT.....he tape reminded me most of past Cane QBs in terms of look and arm talent.
Next year is actually a good time to start perry. I was originally against it but with all the changes in the division its a good idea. Vt is losing a lot, unc is losing several key guys and maybe their qb, thomas is done at gt, and pitt losing several key guys. Duke and uva are the only teams returning qbs in the coastal.

Dont know if a young qb is going in there and beating fsu next year but everybody else can get their *** whooped.
I was hesitant on Perry starting as a freshman. I watched his junior and senior highlights. That QB is special. When I first saw Jacory highlights in high school I thought wow he fit it in tight spaces. As he aged, he lost that ability. But Perry has a cannon for an arm and has great pocket presence in his highlights. I think in the RPO you have to have a QB run option even if you use it very sparely. Brad just isn't that guy. Perry can throw the ball with velocity to the sideline for the screens and hit most moderate passes with little effort. He hit some long passes in his highlights but he also benefited from what looked like a solid receiving corp for HS. I ain't saying I know the whole story but those were some great highlights of his arm strength and throwing motion.
Ariz gets his information about actual practice from people. He isn't there watching 11 on 11 from what I can tell. I wasn't accusing you as an individual. He appears to talk to multiple people. Practice reports can be misleading or shaped by a person's bias. I'm not pointing to you specifically. Just stating we've heard consistently about how good Kaaya looks in practice from multiple people and that play doesn't translate to the field consistently. We've heard about how bad Rosier is and who's passing him from others and it hasn't played out that way either.

I know one observer who told us he was shocked Rosier won the backup job. If he was so shocked by that what is he actually seeing?

The last time there was a QB battle, who was the only "observer" telling you that Kaaya was thoroughly outplaying Heaps?

Rosier is inaccurate. That's why he was in a dogfight with a walk-on for the backup job. I don't think he's a Miami starter but I've been wrong before.

Only time I saw him play vs DUke he looked accurate to me , played a good game on the road vs a ranked duke team with no running game to help him..He made some big time throws...HE could easily cure our 3rd down conversion problem by using his legs. I just cant see Perry coming in the summer and starting game #1

I could see a scenario where Rosier starts the first couple games rotating with a young guy. Just don't see him as a long-term answer based on what I've seen.

You had some positive things to say about Sherriffs his true freshman season. What is the deal with him and why is he not in the competition? Looking at his HS tape he looked very good at hitting receivers and not just typical HS footage of fade routes and fly routes.
Next year is actually a good time to start perry. I was originally against it but with all the changes in the division its a good idea. Vt is losing a lot, unc is losing several key guys and maybe their qb, thomas is done at gt, and pitt losing several key guys. Duke and uva are the only teams returning qbs in the coastal.

Dont know if a young qb is going in there and beating fsu next year but everybody else can get their *** whooped.

It's never a good idea to start a kid if he's not ready. No need to the square peg, round hole experiment unless it's absolutely necessary. Play the best QB.
Richt recruited allison the second he took the Um job.

More like the second He realized Eason wasn't coming to Miami...LOL.
He focused on Allison as a first priority. Not sure why folks are running from that now.

Just because he was already commited. Why didnt richt offer allison at uga?

Because Allison committed 2 weeks after Jacob Eason committed to uga in the same month in 2014. There was no need to
Perry gonna start and he should he's the future I only trust him or weldon either of them would make me happy.

I think Weldon is a little further ahead in terms of having a physique built to last through an entire college season.

Either way whoever we go with I expect 2 Transfers from our Qb' s we have to many anyways.
This is an interesting statement by Pete, because i don't see it either. Not because of anything with Perry's game, but because of all of the disadvantages he will be facing as far as the other qb's exposure to the offense, and a top flight defense on a daily basis.

I like Weldon's tape, and I am hopeful that Allison can step up his game. If Perry can beat them out in a straight up competition, despite the uphill climb...well then great!
Something tells me the starter won't be determined by game 1.

Richt needs to land a stud QB for 2018 because 2 or 3 current QBs will transfer. Weldon, Perry, Allison and Sheriffs can all start somewhere. At least 2 will leave.

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Open competition. Whom ever takes advantage and wins it should be the guy.
Should make for a very entertaining spring.
Word over here on the West coast is that Allison is terrible. Nobody can understand why Miami offered him.
I am worried on our QB's ability to gain weight. (Dorsey, Harris)

people are actually worried about weight for some reason

Perry is a running QB, he will take hits. Dorsey/Harris were pocket guys

He didn't even have 100 yards rushing for the season

His HL tape shows him running around to make throws. Also, Richt wants to run the read option, so he's going to take hits.
Ariz gets his information about actual practice from people. He isn't there watching 11 on 11 from what I can tell. I wasn't accusing you as an individual. He appears to talk to multiple people. Practice reports can be misleading or shaped by a person's bias. I'm not pointing to you specifically. Just stating we've heard consistently about how good Kaaya looks in practice from multiple people and that play doesn't translate to the field consistently. We've heard about how bad Rosier is and who's passing him from others and it hasn't played out that way either.

I know one observer who told us he was shocked Rosier won the backup job. If he was so shocked by that what is he actually seeing?

The last time there was a QB battle, who was the only "observer" telling you that Kaaya was thoroughly outplaying Heaps?

Rosier is inaccurate. That's why he was in a dogfight with a walk-on for the backup job. I don't think he's a Miami starter but I've been wrong before.

Did anyone actually need to watch practice to know our four-star QB recruit was better than Jake Heaps? Heaps was a known bum.