The OC Candidates Thread

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I had one conversation with James Coley when I was a high school coach and I instantly knew I understood football better than him—with a fraction of the experience.
James Coley knows ZERO about football. Kaaya's freshman year, we had built a huge halftime lead against Jimbo's FSU team which was probably ranked top 3. 2nd half that lead disappeared, and FSU scored to put them ahead with a minute or so left in game. So we had to march downfield for a game winning TD with a minute left. On 1st and 10, the f'n idiot called two running plays in a row. Gaining a grand total of 1 yard. Wasted half the time we had left on the clock. Either he knows nothing about football or he took a payout and threw the game on purpose.
Can y’all please do some research before you deliver your nuclear takes? Frost was under Chip for one year as a WR coach at Oregon. That’s his only crossover with Chip. He was Helfrich’s OC until he left for UCF in 2016. Heupel did not coach with Frost at UCF. He was the OC for Barry Odom at Missouri. He replaced Frost as HC when he left for Nebraska in 2018. This is not hard info to find
So what you’re saying is that Heupel was Frost’s OC in UCF right??
There was a time I had some pretty good inside info into the program. Not any more. I was talking to my guy about the vacant OC spot at the time and he told me who it was going to be and that was weeks before it was announced. So with that being said I have to think Mario has his guy. Between Mario Alonzo and the million advisors he has I’m sure the decision was made already. The OC spot at that time went to Mark Whipple. Between Mario and Alonzo I don’t think they are sleeping on any decisions. They’re working their plan and i trust it will all work out. We’re not going to win every recruit.
Wow, did not know he had a drinking problem on top of skirt chasing while at Nebraska. If those 2 are true, he’s the least we need right now at the 🙌. I have no issues with Coley IF he comes back as the WR coach. Elite recruiter that can help Mario keep the pedal to the floor on the recruiting trail. Otherwise, unless Mario really changes his stripes we are probably looking for another power spread type at OC.
Yeah ... the booze issues were pretty bad and had staffers complaining to the AD and president. Missed an in home with a 5 star recruit, late for practices and meetings, or no shows. Doubtful Mario would consider him ... if he actually looks at his history of issues. His time as OC with Oregon were epic. They destroyed FSU with Mariotta I believe it was the Rose Bowl? Hope he gets his act together.
Oh God, had a horrible thought...Manny took over as DC...please NO Mario!
Animated GIF
1) Arroyo was 7 - 23 at UNLV
2) Boy are you going to be surprised when you find out who Arroyo will be reporting to when he gets to Miami
7-23 is a bit misleading.

He was 0-6 during the Covid year, which was his first season. Talk about starting behind the 8 ball.

The 2022 team had 5 wins and 4 1-score losses, while missing their qb (& best player) for like half the season.

I was shocked that he got fired. He didn’t deserve to.

He pulled a few 5 star transfers, including at QB and WR.

Im not saying I want him, but the guy isn’t a bum.
Mullen would be great but just hard to picture the fit with Mario. So I’ll make a compromise which would also seem to align timeframe wise:
OC/QB coach- Brian Johnson
WR/Pass game coordinator- James Coley
Mario is a Football junkie and Mullen is a Football nerd as well. Sometimes there's a complementary fit and mutual respect that makes these relationships work.
I would rank the rumored candidates as follows:
1. Mullen
2. Candle
3. Brady
4. Ludwig
5. Johns
6. Coen
7. Frost
8. Arroyo
9. Peetz
10. Martin
11. Coley
I would think the top 1-3 would be pipe dreams ... nice pipe dreams ... but not realistic. #4 and #5 I am really hoping happen. Coley will never be an OC at Miami and Frost probably has way too much baggage to be considered. He might have to go the FAU / SF route to regain respect and confidence.
Mullen would be great but just hard to picture the fit with Mario. So I’ll make a compromise which would also seem to align timeframe wise:
OC/QB coach- Brian Johnson
WR/Pass game coordinator- James Coley
Mario is a Football junkie and Mullen is a Football nerd as well. Sometimes there's a complementary fit and mutual respect that makes these relationships work.
Not to wax too philosophical, but he’s gotta make those changes within himself. He was in frikking NEBRASKA and he’s all Girl’s Gone Wild circa 1996. Doesn’t matter where he is, he will get in trouble if he hasn’t made the necessary changes.
me thinks he needs treatment and a 12 step fellowship
Appreciate the explanation. Is he a Chip Kelly disciple?
He’s a Mark Farley disciple in the sense that he got his first on-field coaching job from him at Norther Iowa.

But his first job as an Offensive assistant was under Chip Kelly as his WR’s coach, so in that respect he’s considered a Chip Kelly disciple. Although, for whatever reason he didn’t run the system he learned under Chip at Nebraska like he did at UCF.
So what’s Ferman’s excuse? And idgaf if he has a disability, I wasn’t talking about him. The people to who listen to him, they’re the ones with real disabilities.
What does Ferman have to do with DB and his doubtful sources?
I would think the top 1-3 would be pipe dreams ... nice pipe dreams ... but not realistic. #4 and #5 I am really hoping happen. Coley will never be an OC at Miami and Frost probably has way too much baggage to be considered. He might have to go the FAU / SF route to regain respect and confidence.
I think you could probably make a legit argument to rearrange 4-6 in any order.
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