The OC Candidates Thread

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If ohio states offense is big ten crap...please give me some big ten crap

really...aren't some of us clamoring for one of Urban's coaching tree prodigies to come here as OC?
If ohio states offense is big ten crap...please give me some big ten crap
* has a good offense. When I think Big Ten offense I think Bo Schembechler hat on a hat condensed running, Iowa corn team with a good oline and no skill guys using a bunch of fullbacks and playing slow and trying to bog down the game and limit total possessions, stuff like that.
Zach Kittley.
Would be an interesting choice. Was a GA working with Mahomes at TTU and OC/QBC for Bailie Zappe at WKU.

He seems unlikely to have ‘his guys’, given he‘s only 31 years old.

A small-town Texan coaching at his alma mater where his father is the track and field coach? Married, with two young sons, one a newborn? From what I read online (FWIW) he makes an estimated $500-700K at TTU. Miami could double that, plus some.

Might depend on his coaching goals. Is TTU a his dream job, and he waits patiently for the HC gig? Or maybe he’s a Big 12 guy and sticks to his Midwes/Texas roots?

Would be a QB recruits dream…
if were talking running moorheads style of O here, pass. if were talking about running OSUs offense here? sign me up. two very different styles. OSU basically scores as often as the higher paced b12 offenses we see or the Iincoln riley offense.

Hence why I said Ohio State offense. The post I was replying too seem to just dismiss them simply because they are in the big ten
Rad: Hello is this ESPN? Great, I am trying to get in touch with Dan Mullen.

Dan: Hello this is Dan, make it quick, I have a show to do in 15 minutes.

Rad: Hey Dan this is Rad down at Miami.

Dan: Whoah golly jeez hey man how ya been!? Talk to me!

Rad: Well Dan, I know you don’t have a lot of time, I know you have to get on set to discuss the latest in the world of college football, I am sure one of the segments on your show will be about Miami having -85 yards of offense in the first half of the Pitt game.

Dan: Tell ya the truth Rad, I am itching to get outta this suit. As far as the Miami game, it looks like them boys ate some of my wife’s *** I mean beef stew.

Rad: Dan, can you fix it? Needless to say Gattis is as good as gone. You can stay in Florida, we pay ya what ya like, Alonzo just went to Mario at half time and told him if he he so much as looks at the next OC, he would make Mario look like a racoon round the eyes.

Dan: Ha ha well God**** somebody finally put that some ***** in his place. **** Rad listen, not only will I accept, during the segment, I am going to make an announcement and report my own hiring at the U. ****, y’all hired Mario before ya officially fired Manny De *** so shouldn’t be a big deal.

Rad: Excellent! Thank you Dan. Tell your wife Nkosi plans to return as a grad assistant. I know they made a couple of movies together.

Dan: It’s all about the U!
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Mario isn’t gonna hire someone out of his comfort zone

If he does he’s not gonna let them have full freedom and control

We’re stuck with Mario for at least 5 years probably more, so lets hope he recruits at a level higher than all of our coaches since butch and we can successfully run what he wants and hope it brings us success.

Thats our only hope.
Mario isn’t gonna hire someone out of his comfort zone

If he does he’s not gonna let them have full freedom and control

We’re stuck with Mario for at least 5 years probably more, so lets hope he recruits at a level higher than all of our coaches since butch and we can successfully run what he wants and hope it brings us success.

Thats our only hope.

Everybody always says this about a new coach. That they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s what Nebraska folks thought about Frost. Mario keep rolling an offense out there like this and his *** will be gone before this incoming class graduates. Rad, Alonzo etc don’t strike me as the kind of folks that will allow themselves to be attached to that kind of incompetence. Good thing is I can’t imagine a scenario where things don’t improve. but make no mistake, things HAVE to improve and by a lot. Not even about wins and losses right now. It is about competence. I am scared of what could happen this weekend.
If ohio states offense is big ten crap...please give me some big ten crap
I agree, but let's be real about the personnel gap. They are putting up those numbers without their preseason #1 WR.

Much better talent and depth across the board on O compared to what we have.

How does Kevin Wilson do with what we have next season? Thats the question.
I don't understand your reply.
I am basically agreeing with you. Ryan Day is basically a student of Urban Meyer who also brought up Dan Mullen. Both learned power spread concepts from Meyer.

So criticizing Ohio State’s offense while wanting Mullen don’t understand the coaching connections and philosophy involved. I just didn’t want to write an expository essay on it.
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