The OC Candidates Thread

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1) Tom Herman
1b) Dan mullen

2) Andrew Sowder

3) Robert Anae

I don't think Mario would consider an OC that doesn't believe in 'pounding the rock' (no shade, I just can see it his preference. Tom Herman offer alot that Dan Mullen does, without being that much of a weirdo. He recruits well too. Plus, I believe he would be a better fit with the culture CMC is trying to build.
Pretty sure Mario can recruit for joe Brady and let him just worry about the OC and just do the minimum like hand shakes and a few texts

1.) Garrett Riley
2.) Mullen or Tom Herman
3.) joe Brady
Yep. The OC (or DC) can be a straight up technician. There are enough Bagmen on the staph to include the HMFIC. Goofy Mullen or Brady can just Corch ball.
Mullen can have comms with QB recruits.
Have read that Herman has interest in the South Florida HC position and is one of 3 candidates being considered for it.
Pretty sure Mario can recruit for joe Brady and let him just worry about the OC and just do the minimum like hand shakes and a few texts

1.) Garrett Riley
2.) Mullen or Tom Herman
3.) joe Brady

It’s been documented that Mario and Joe Brady met regarding the OC position

Anyone dismissing him as a candidate is an idiot
I think thats a very real possibility. How does the board feel about this? He was successful as a OC and WR coach.
Resume speaks for itself, would have to imagine we would see at minimum more traction with S. Florida receivers in recruiting.

If he could come in a provide something similar to what Clemson has ran, by all means!
It’s been documented that Mario and Joe Brady met regarding the OC position

Anyone dismissing him as a candidate is an idiot
The question is, does Brady have any interest in returning to college? If the assumptions on this board are true that he prefers the NFL, then he's not a realistic candidate (and no one is an idiot for thinking so).

A lot of stuff gets repeated here often enough that it becomes true. I have no clue about Brady's intentions other than what I've read here ad nauseum. But, based on history alone, it would seem to be accurate. He dipped LSU after 1 year to go to Carolina. He was in Carolina for 2 seasons and then took the Bills' QB job rather than work as a playcaller at the collegiate level. The natural progression from NFL QB coach is NFL oc. I mean, maybe he gets passed up a few more years and decides to prove his worth at the college level, but I dunno, nothing about Brady suggests anything but a long-shot at this point.

Edit: And, oh, I forgot to mention the most compelling point: he already allegedly turned down Mario once. What about this gig has changed to make it more compelling now than it was last year? It is arguably a worse sell now than it was last year, particularly with rumors of TVD heading to the portal.
1) Tom Herman
1b) Dan mullen

2) Andrew Sowder

3) Robert Anae

I don't think Mario would consider an OC that doesn't believe in 'pounding the rock' (no shade, I just can see it his preference. Tom Herman offer alot that Dan Mullen does, without being that much of a weirdo. He recruits well too. Plus, I believe he would be a better fit with the culture CMC is trying to build.
Tom Herman has plenty of issues....been discussed here plenty of times
The question is, does Brady have any interest in returning to college? If the assumptions on this board are true that he prefers the NFL, then he's not a realistic candidate (and no one is an idiot for thinking so).

A lot of stuff gets repeated here often enough that it becomes true. I have no clue about Brady's intentions other than what I've read here ad nauseum. But, based on history alone, it would seem to be accurate. He dipped LSU after 1 year to go to Carolina. He was in Carolina for 2 seasons and then took the Bills' QB job rather than work as a playcaller at the collegiate level. The natural progression from NFL QB coach is NFL oc. I mean, maybe he gets passed up a few more years and decides to prove his worth at the college level, but I dunno, nothing about Brady suggests anything but a long-shot at this point.

Edit: And, oh, I forgot to mention the most compelling point: he already allegedly turned down Mario once. What about this gig has changed to make it more compelling now than it was last year? It is arguably a worse sell now than it was last year, particularly with rumors of TVD heading to the portal.

Has Josh Allen regressed this year?
Frost is NOT a safe candidate by any means. He was fired for a reason ... couldn't stay off the booze, banging coeds at a sorority house on campus, late for practices and meetings, failed to show for an in-home visit with a 5 star and called hung over the next day. Would not last in Miami and would end up in rehab. Much better candidates available.
Yeah, I heard about some of his "issues" in an earlier thread. His firing wasn't ALL ABOUT his Ws and Ls.
Am I wrong to be concerned that a random guy on a Canes message board is able to figure out 2 different offenses that would fit Mario's style well yet he took roughly 2 months to find an OC and still couldn't get it right?
Yes and No. Yes, because we don't know who all Mario talked to, or offered the job to. The length of time that it took him to name an OC tells me that Gattis was nowhere near one of the top names on his list. And No, because he should have been able to overlook his Bama "connection" with Gattis, and found the best man for THIS job. But we all make mistakes, sooo hopefully he can get this crap behind him and put this car back in the correct lane.
Joe Brady doesn’t give me the warm & fuzzies. Burrow was special & that wr unit was as good as there’s ever been. They’d make Gattis look good.
At this point I’d like to hire a proven guy especially with developing qb’s. Anae would be my choice in a perfect world but I imagine that’s unrealistic. He could be Mario’s Norm Chow @k9cane thoughts ? lol
At this point I’d like to hire a proven guy especially with developing qb’s. Anae would be my choice in a perfect world but I imagine that’s unrealistic. He could be Mario’s Norm Chow @k9cane thoughts ? lol
Would love to see Anae. UM might be able to make him an offer and opportunity that he won't have at Syracuse. Would be a huge staff addition.
Unless Mario is some meddler and I don't think he is, how hard can it be to find an OC?

Mario likely has a demand list that he wants offense to be (1) physical and (2) able to run and (3) likely wants to retain Mirabal.

Apart from that, you get to live in Miami, get paid in the top percentage of coordinators and will likely run whatever offense you want to run without the head coaching looking over your shoulder and questioning playcalls.
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