The OC Candidates Thread

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Jeff Scott all day. Was thinking about this the other day. Some guys are just better coordinators than head coaches. Would be a great recruiter and great offense. Probably would be here for a while too.
He was only the Co-OC, so no idea how much of the clemson success was his.
What type of offense does Jason Candle run?
If he didn’t take the job last year, he won’t this year. If we gonna look at currently employed HCs gotta look at the ones that will be fired. Ie: Jeff Scott, or Philip Montgomery. I really hope we look Montgomery’s way
Get me Riley 2.0

I'd love it too but I don't see Mario going after anyone in the Leach tree.

Mullen, otoh, I would love - no brainer and I think we could keep him for 2 seasons. I think if Mullen comes, Ponce probably leaves. We'd need a competent WRC and a guy who could croot.

So, Mullen/WRC > Gattis/Ponce. JMO.
Jeff Scott all day. Was thinking about this the other day. Some guys are just better coordinators than head coaches. Would be a great recruiter and great offense. Probably would be here for a while too.

He was never a coordinator at Clemson.

Was he calling plays at USF?
My only gripe with that Briles is how bad the FSU offense looked. I know their personnel sucked, but it was just horrible and play calling was a lot of it.
Lmao, they got way better the year he took over.
Ryan Grubb Washington OC, was at Fresno State, Eastern Michigan and Siuox Falls before that. Has coached offensive line, run game coordinator and even a stregnth and conditioning coach.
He’s been on staff with Washington HC Kalen DeBore since 2007. He’s gonna move from Seattle to Miami why?
Seems unlikely to hire a successful OC for a lateral move. Especially someone who has been linked to his HC for a good number of years.

Gonna need to be someone who looks at Miami as a move up, like a successful OC from a G5 or lesser P5 program, or someone maybe looking to restart their career, like Mullen or Herman.

Unless you’re alright with promoting a QB coach or a co-OC that didn’t call plays.

Andrew Sowder looks interesting. Doesn’t seem to be tied to a HC, although he was on Kent State HC Sean Lewis’ staff at Bowling Green (2014-2015). He’s bounced around though.

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He’s been on staff with Washington HC Kalen DeBore since 2007. He’s gonna move from Seattle to Miami
DeBore still calls some of the offensive plays so it’s not truly Grubbs offense. But why Miami over Seattle? Money, Sun, a chance to do it on your own.
DeBore still calls some of the offensive plays so it’s not truly Grubbs offense. But why Miami over Seattle? Money, Sun, a chance to do it on your own.
If DeBore is still calling ‘some plays’ does that mean Grubbs is a part-time OC? Or merely a Co-OC with input on the running game, or passing game? Or maybe DeBore calls 3rd and 4th down? Maybe it’s an extra title to boost his salary.

If the above is true:

1. Does Grubb have the play calling experience Mario and many on CIS prefer?
2. Money? If the answer to Number 1 is No, why would Miami try to hire him away from Washington, perhaps overpaying him?
3. Sun?
4. On his own?

If 3 and 4 were issues he wouldn’t have stuck with DeBore at Sioux Falls, Eastern Michigan, Fresno State, and now Washington.

But hey, make the call by all means.
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He’s still collecting $M’s from UF, plus a television gig.

Why would Mullen be an analyst anywhere?
To be fair and take an L, I was reminded by @gogeta4 and @Cribby 's exchange that Mullen pursued the Miami HC job on three separate occasions. He might very well take the Canes OC gig as stepping stone to resuming his career.
He’d also get a chance to stick it to UF a couple times.
Any reason to believe this is something in the air for Zo and Mario?

I wouldn’t mind it because the man can flat out coach the best with what he has and Mario and company can give him some very nice toys to play with
Any reason to believe this is something in the air for Zo and Mario?

I wouldn’t mind it because the man can flat out coach the best with what he has and Mario and company can give him some very nice toys to play with
No, just bloviating from my ******
Any reason to believe this is something in the air for Zo and Mario?

I wouldn’t mind it because the man can flat out coach the best with what he has and Mario and company can give him some very nice toys to play with
I hate to even give props to them, but that UF offense the year Trask was the starter was prolific. Used the **** out of a receiving tight end (hello, Arroyo and more so Skinner) as well as backs rushing /receiving. As others have mentioned, he’s goofy as **** and a terrible recruiter but as OC I’d be very intrigued.
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